
去年底,我有幸参与了一场沃顿北京校友会与宾大沃顿中国中心举办的「Another Perspective: Design, Innovation and Aspiration in Entrepreneurship」分享会,分享会邀请了4位卓越而独特的创业者,与沃顿商学院学生和校友分享消费升级时代的创业观点,传递创新、高感性与高体会的创业理念。在演讲中,我分享了我在探索个人品牌塑造中使用的工具方法,其实,我们每个人都有个人品牌,而大多数人并没有意识到:你的个人品牌在被谁定义?



What Do You Want to Be Known for?

Thank you Michelle. Hello everyone, my name is Shawn, I’m a storyteller and the founder of StoryU Consulting. We specialize in personal branding for entrepreneurs, small business owners and professionals.

谢谢Michelle !(宾大沃顿北京校友会主席)各位好,我是苏浩。我是个人品牌服务平台「设己StoryU」的创始人,我们帮助创业者,企业管理者和自由职业者建立自己的个人品牌,并通过个人品牌实现更大的影响力。一般我会喜欢这样介绍自己:我是一个讲故事的人。

Obviously I have to be the last one to do this sharing, imagine if I’m the first one and raise this topic ‘what do you want to be known for? ‘ and then, Moya is the second speaker and her speech is ’they said I would not make it’ (laugh). Actually Moya did a great job on making her positive and encouraging reputation, and being a very pretty, brave and respectable friend of us, let’s give a round of applause to her again.

今天嘉宾们演讲的主题都很有趣,还好我是最后一位,想象一下如果由我开始分享——“你希望世界如何认识你”,紧接着是Moya(Location Hunter秘境CEO),她分享的主题是“我属于看上去不会成功的人”。(笑)事实上,Moya不仅成功的建立了一个积极,自信,和充满能量的新时代女性领袖形象,也是我很尊重的一位朋友。我非常喜欢她的演讲,让我们再次为她鼓掌!

I used to do PR consulting, I did research,brainstorming idea, writing proposal and press release, running campaigns and events, dealing with media, for a lot of brands, from the snack you will see in every 711, to smart phones, to luxury watches, and super sport cars. It sounds like I’ve been doing a lot of things in different fields, but for me, truth is. I’ve been only doing one thing, one thing that I’m very good at: I tell stories for people believe in.


If you buy a pack of California Almonds not a piece of Oreo cookies for afternoon ‘power snack’, it’s because you believe in the story that almonds are with healthier lifestyle, they packed with more protein and are good to your heart. If you choose a Bentley over a Lamborghini, it won’t be the matter about which car is faster, but because you believe in the story that Bentley stands for a spirit of being extraordinary in every aspect of life, a value of community responsibility shared by all the owners. Or just because you have already got one Lamborghini. (laugh)


So go back to the question – what do you want to be known for? Is actually is a question – what brand is you? Let's do a test here, think of three works that are important to you that make up your personal-brand, write it down and keep it to yourself. Ok second question, pick a friend, family member, or peers, and ask them to describe you in three words, is all your friend or colleagues think of your answer as well?


This is a very interesting exercise you can try after the event. And you will see, your choice is very simple, whether you will intentionally shape your personal brand so that it expresses your values, or instead allow your reputation to be randomly defined by external forces, especially for professionals. Because your personal brand is the image you present to the world. If you people like you they will listen to you, but if they trust you, they will do business with you.


And this is why I am here today, like I said in the beginning, products with a good story usually sells faster, my past experiences in PR industry helps me foresee that in the next generation, if you would like to attract more attention and become successful, you will need to tell a good story about yourself, and this is what I can do, I help you to storytelling yourself, to uncover your professional purpose; increase your influence and credibiltity; attract ideal clients and build trust.


So how we gonna do this. Let me present you a great tool developed by myself, a tool which can help you find who you are to show to this world, the tool is called Personalidentity House.


Just as an architect prepares blueprints to guide the constructions of a building, you can design a house to guide the creation of your personal brand. It starts with an essential question: Who are you and why are you here?


It leads us to the first 3 house rooms: purpose– value – target audience. We can see a straight logic here, it translates as: who you are, decides what value you bring to the table, and the specific value tells who you are going to help.


Purpose is the part about exploring your past to get clear idea on what got you here and what is next. You need to be truly self-aware before you jump in. You may have pretty good understanding on your business and why you are starting it. However, this is the important process that provide you with real insight into how other will perceive you. Purpose is the heart of your personal brand, and to talk in human language, purpose is the reason you do your business beyond making money. In this part we have tools to identity the moments that shaped you, understand how you are different, what get you motivated or burned out and find your core & undeniable strengths.


Value is about your areas of expertise, specifically what services, products, or even spiritual products. And then, think about these questions, who actually cares about what solution you have? Think about maybe three or four customer segments that are facing the trouble you are solving for. Remember this part is not about you, it’s about your audience.


And then you are able to draft your personal-brand statement. Let’s see an example. Just 2 weeks ago, I had a client who asked me for a consultation of his personal-brand. The objective is to build a personal-brand to boost his new business, he starts a boutique travel agency which provide premium bespoke travel product tohigh-end customers. And guess what’s this guy’s job before – a technologist in a TV station for 8 years. First I thought I heard him wrong, so I asked about the scope of work in his job, he said, you know like an engineer, deal with technic problems in broadcasting, livestreaming etc. I said ok, then we get a lot of work to do here. What is the key to build his personal-brand, what is the story for him to get his audience attention and keep them interested in wanting to buy travel product from him?


The key is how his past career relevant with what he is doing today. When we discover and discuss his purpose, I strongly felt that this person is well organized, detailed oriented, and is a real travel enthusiast and player, then I get the idea that you would trust this person while he is pulling together your travel plan.


So I outlined a few ideas on the shaping of his personal-brand. Purpose: pursuit of perfection; Value: planning trips with care to details. Audience: individual travelers who doesn't have time to plan butwant a high quality vacation. And here is the personal brand statement I draft for him: Master engineer for traveler with an eye for detail, meticulously plan perfect travels.


This is a good place to start, to further demonstrate and build the impact of your personal brand, you need more rooms. To storytelling yourself, you need to put more of your experience that are relevant to your purpose, like in this case, what you need to highlight in the past career as being a technologist, is your attention to detail. And endorsement, AKA evidence in your experience that build trust between you and your audience. And platform, do some research to identify where your audiences are, and do outreach to these platforms, show up and tell your value.


The last room is called impressions. It’s about your personal image. Understand your style personality andfind clothes that fit your brand. Tell you one truth, we all know first impression matters. But how? Your first impression takes only 6-10 seconds to make and yet it can take up to 6 months or 7 interactions to fix it.


And this is my methodology to help you build your personal brand, and how it helps you create a branding strategy that will increase your visibility, build your thought leadership, and drive your business forward. Thanks for your listening, and I’m always happy to help you tell your story to grow your life with clarity and meaning. Thanks.


我和沃顿北京校友会主席Michelle Liu


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