Android SystemServer BpBinder监控源码分析




     * The number of binder proxies we need to have before we start warning and
     * dumping debug info.
    private static final int BINDER_PROXY_HIGH_WATERMARK = 6000;
     * Low watermark that needs to be met before we consider dumping info again,
     * after already hitting the high watermark.
    private static final int BINDER_PROXY_LOW_WATERMARK = 5500;
                    (uid) -> {
              , "Uid " + uid + " sent too many Binders to uid "
                                + Process.myUid());
                        if (uid == Process.SYSTEM_UID) {
                            Slog.i(TAG, "Skipping kill (uid is SYSTEM)");
                        } else {
                            killUid(UserHandle.getAppId(uid), UserHandle.getUserId(uid),
                                    "Too many Binders sent to SYSTEM");
                            // We need to run a GC here, because killing the processes involved
                            // actually isn't guaranteed to free up the proxies; in fact, if the
                            // GC doesn't run for a long time, we may even exceed the global
                            // proxy limit for a process (20000), resulting in system_server itself
                            // being killed.
                            // Note that the GC here might not actually clean up all the proxies,
                            // because the binder reference decrements will come in asynchronously;
                            // but if new processes belonging to the UID keep adding proxies, we
                            // will get another callback here, and run the GC again - this time
                            // cleaning up the old proxies.
                    }, mHandler);
t.traceEnd(); // setBinderProxies



     * Set the Binder Proxy watermarks. Default high watermark = 2500. Default low watermark = 2000
     * @param high  The limit at which the BinderProxyListener callback will be called.
     * @param low   The threshold a binder count must drop below before the callback
     *              can be called again. (This is to avoid many repeated calls to the
     *              callback in a brief period of time)
    public static final native void nSetBinderProxyCountWatermarks(int high, int low);


static const JNINativeMethod gBinderInternalMethods[] = {
    { "nSetBinderProxyCountWatermarks", "(II)V", (void*)android_os_BinderInternal_setBinderProxyCountWatermarks}
static void android_os_BinderInternal_setBinderProxyCountWatermarks(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz,
                                                                    jint high, jint low)
    BpBinder::setBinderProxyCountWatermarks(high, low);
void BpBinder::setBinderProxyCountWatermarks(int high, int low) {
    AutoMutex _l(sTrackingLock);
    sBinderProxyCountHighWatermark = high;
    sBinderProxyCountLowWatermark = low;


// Arbitrarily high value that probably distinguishes a bad behaving app
uint32_t BpBinder::sBinderProxyCountHighWatermark = 2500;
// Another arbitrary value a binder count needs to drop below before another callback will be called
uint32_t BpBinder::sBinderProxyCountLowWatermark = 2000;

sBinderProxyCountLowWatermark意味着binder proxy的数量下降到低于该值时,才能再次触发回调。


     * Enable/disable Binder Proxy Instance Counting by Uid. While enabled, the set callback will
     * be called if this process holds too many Binder Proxies on behalf of a Uid.
     * @param enabled true to enable counting, false to disable
    public static final native void nSetBinderProxyCountEnabled(boolean enabled);

用于启用/禁用按UID计数的Binder Proxy实例。当启用时,如果该进程代表某个UID持有太多的Binder Proxy实例,将会调用设置的回调函数

static const JNINativeMethod gBinderInternalMethods[] = {
    { "nSetBinderProxyCountEnabled", "(Z)V", (void*)android_os_BinderInternal_setBinderProxyCountEnabled },
static void android_os_BinderInternal_setBinderProxyCountEnabled(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz,
                                                                 jboolean enable)
    BpBinder::setCountByUidEnabled((bool) enable);
void BpBinder::setCountByUidEnabled(bool enable) {; }
std::atomic_bool BpBinder::sCountByUidEnabled(false);



     * Set a callback to be triggered when a uid's Binder Proxy limit is reached for this process.
     * @param listener OnLimitReached of listener will be called in the thread provided by handler
     * @param handler must not be null, callback will be posted through the handler;
    public static void setBinderProxyCountCallback(BinderProxyLimitListener listener,
            @NonNull Handler handler) {
                "Must provide NonNull Handler to setBinderProxyCountCallback when setting "
                        + "BinderProxyLimitListener");
        sBinderProxyLimitListenerDelegate.setListener(listener, handler);

设置监听回调的listener以及处理所在的handler。当binder proxy达到阈值的时候,会回调该listener。

    static final BinderProxyLimitListenerDelegate sBinderProxyLimitListenerDelegate =
            new BinderProxyLimitListenerDelegate();
    static private class BinderProxyLimitListenerDelegate {
        private BinderProxyLimitListener mBinderProxyLimitListener;
        private Handler mHandler;

        void setListener(BinderProxyLimitListener listener, Handler handler) {
            synchronized (this) {
                mBinderProxyLimitListener = listener;
                mHandler = handler;

        void notifyClient(final int uid) {
            synchronized (this) {
                if (mBinderProxyLimitListener != null) {
           Runnable() {
                        public void run() {


     * Callback used by native code to trigger a callback in java code. The callback will be
     * triggered when too many binder proxies from a uid hits the allowed limit.
     * @param uid The uid of the bad behaving app sending too many binders
    public static void binderProxyLimitCallbackFromNative(int uid) {


static int int_register_android_os_BinderInternal(JNIEnv* env)
    jclass clazz = FindClassOrDie(env, kBinderInternalPathName);

    gBinderInternalOffsets.mProxyLimitCallback = GetStaticMethodIDOrDie(env, clazz, "binderProxyLimitCallbackFromNative", "(I)V");

    return RegisterMethodsOrDie(
        env, kBinderInternalPathName,
        gBinderInternalMethods, NELEM(gBinderInternalMethods));


static void android_os_BinderInternal_proxyLimitcallback(int uid)
    JNIEnv *env = AndroidRuntime::getJNIEnv();

    if (env->ExceptionCheck()) {
        ScopedLocalRef<jthrowable> excep(env, env->ExceptionOccurred());
        binder_report_exception(env, excep.get(),
                                "*** Uncaught exception in binderProxyLimitCallbackFromNative");


static int int_register_android_os_BinderInternal(JNIEnv* env)
    jclass clazz = FindClassOrDie(env, kBinderInternalPathName);

    return RegisterMethodsOrDie(
        env, kBinderInternalPathName,
        gBinderInternalMethods, NELEM(gBinderInternalMethods));


binder_proxy_limit_callback BpBinder::sLimitCallback;

void BpBinder::setLimitCallback(binder_proxy_limit_callback cb) {
    AutoMutex _l(sTrackingLock);
    sLimitCallback = cb;


sp<BpBinder> BpBinder::create(int32_t handle) {
    int32_t trackedUid = -1;
    if (sCountByUidEnabled) {
        trackedUid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingUid();
        AutoMutex _l(sTrackingLock);
        uint32_t trackedValue = sTrackingMap[trackedUid];
        if (CC_UNLIKELY(trackedValue & LIMIT_REACHED_MASK)) {
            if (sBinderProxyThrottleCreate) {
                return nullptr;
            trackedValue = trackedValue & COUNTING_VALUE_MASK;
            uint32_t lastLimitCallbackAt = sLastLimitCallbackMap[trackedUid];

            if (trackedValue > lastLimitCallbackAt &&
                (trackedValue - lastLimitCallbackAt > sBinderProxyCountHighWatermark)) {
                ALOGE("Still too many binder proxy objects sent to uid %d from uid %d (%d proxies "
                      getuid(), trackedUid, trackedValue);
                if (sLimitCallback) sLimitCallback(trackedUid);
                sLastLimitCallbackMap[trackedUid] = trackedValue;
        } else {
            if ((trackedValue & COUNTING_VALUE_MASK) >= sBinderProxyCountHighWatermark) {
                ALOGE("Too many binder proxy objects sent to uid %d from uid %d (%d proxies held)",
                      getuid(), trackedUid, trackedValue);
                sTrackingMap[trackedUid] |= LIMIT_REACHED_MASK;
                if (sLimitCallback) sLimitCallback(trackedUid);
                sLastLimitCallbackMap[trackedUid] = trackedValue & COUNTING_VALUE_MASK;
                if (sBinderProxyThrottleCreate) {
                    ALOGI("Throttling binder proxy creates from uid %d in uid %d until binder proxy"
                          " count drops below %d",
                          trackedUid, getuid(), sBinderProxyCountLowWatermark);
                    return nullptr;
    return sp<BpBinder>::make(BinderHandle{handle}, trackedUid);
  1. 每一个uid都对应一个值,如果uid相同,则值++,所以这里记录了以uid为key,以数量为value的数据。
  2. 当value值的数量超过sBinderProxyCountHighWatermark的时候,会执行sLimitCallback回调函数。
  3. 返回BpBinder对象。
trackedUid = IPCThreadState::self()->getCallingUid();请求者的Uid
getuid() 当前进程的Uid



再次回到AMS systemReady的setBinderProxyCountCallback,当回调执行的时候:

                    (uid) -> {
              , "Uid " + uid + " sent too many Binders to uid "
                                + Process.myUid());
                        if (uid == Process.SYSTEM_UID) {
                            Slog.i(TAG, "Skipping kill (uid is SYSTEM)");
                        } else {
                            killUid(UserHandle.getAppId(uid), UserHandle.getUserId(uid),
                                    "Too many Binders sent to SYSTEM");
                            // We need to run a GC here, because killing the processes involved
                            // actually isn't guaranteed to free up the proxies; in fact, if the
                            // GC doesn't run for a long time, we may even exceed the global
                            // proxy limit for a process (20000), resulting in system_server itself
                            // being killed.
                            // Note that the GC here might not actually clean up all the proxies,
                            // because the binder reference decrements will come in asynchronously;
                            // but if new processes belonging to the UID keep adding proxies, we
                            // will get another callback here, and run the GC again - this time
                            // cleaning up the old proxies.
                    }, mHandler);
  1. 把每个进程的BinderProxy的数量写入日志
  2. 如果应用BinderProxy的数量超过6000,会杀掉该应用。


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