




必应:Clear Wear Daily

谷哥:Clear everyday

度娘:Clear everyday

我:The daily life of my time-transport in Qing Dynasty


必应:The library in addition to standing in front of the desk copy the blessing Jin, side guarding two maids and a sister.

谷哥:In Fujin copied by the desk outside the room except one side will still keep the two big maids and a nun.

度娘:Stand in Fujin copied by the desk outside the room except one side will still keep the two big maids and a nun.

我:Fujin was transcribing the Buddhist Scriptures in front of the writing-desk. Besides her, 2 elder palace-maids and a Momo (older female servants, usually the married ones) were also keeping watching by side in the study.



The daily life of my time-transport in Qing Dynasty

第一章 chapter 1


The palace-maid Yuping (mean: jade bottle) was a little worry, while she asked her master Li Wei: "Gege (the prince’s concubine), do you really eat mutton today?" Just before Li Wei answered, she said each for herself:" In case would the Fourth-prince come? In present weather, it’s good to eat some vegetarian diet, the mutton always makes people get inflamed, especially you ask for the roast-mutton-shashlik. Why not drink some vegetable soup, with a palate of black fungus with soy sauce? These dishes are refresh and appetize, so better.”


It was not good to explain, so Li Wei put down the picture album of embroidery, and directly told her: "I want to eat, you just tell the kitchen of the princes-palace: put more cayenne pepper and cumin, cut the meat into the size of finger belly, half fat and half lean, roast it until the oil drops. It’ll be real tasty if savoury and oily! Don’t put Chinese prickly ash, and give me a pot of mutton soup with some dishes suitable for cooking in soup, like thin and thick vermicelli, fried bean curd, day lily, the rest let them do as they see fit. The wheaten food I only want some sesame pancake."


with a grimace, Yuping brought that menu of night-market-stall style to the kitchen of the princes-palace and order the supper. On the way she went across Shiliu (means: pomegranate), the maid of Fujin (the prince’s lawful principal wife), to order the supper for her master, so they went together.


Though the kitchen was still in the palace for princes (and their family), but it was also outside as long as servants go out of the door of the Fourth-prince’s quadrangle. The two palace-maids were so young and a bit fearful.


Shiliu was some older than Yuping. She was sixteen, reckoned with among the servants of Fujin. But Fujin had so many competent servants, so she was not so outstanding.


They arrived at the kitchen tandem, Yuping took a step back and let Shiliu speak first. Shiliu ordered two cool-dishes, four hot-dishes, two soup-dishes, and four wheaten-foods, then withdraw. But she was not hurry to leave, standing three steps away and waiting for Yuping.


Yuping carefully delivered Li Wei’s menu of night-market-stall style to the kitchen, and the leader-eunuch of the kitchen there listened earnestly. Those two years. Li Wei had used to ordering several dishes, he specially sent a little eunuch to learn to cook those dishes which were becoming more and more tastier.


" Miss, you just wait and see! I’ll still leave it to little Lee who has used to doing it all along. Do Gege want anything else?" The old and biggest eunuch talked to her smilingly.


Yuping was a bit frustrated as she had failed to persuade Li Wei change the menu, then she said: "The rest of the dishes, you do as you see fit. But Gege love the plum juice which you handed in before, just give me a jar of the juice now."


The old eunuch turned over and waved his hand, then a middle-aged eunuch who has a white face but no beard took over a purple little pottery-urn from a small eunuch standing by. But he did not pass it to Yuping. He turned over to a small eunuch who were eleven or twelve years old, then said: "Miss, how dare we make you to do it with your-own hands? let the boy go with you."


Yuping didn’t insist, as she had some fame and prestige among the palace-maids, it’s not good to carry a pottery-urn herself. It was better if someone did it instead. She gently crouched to the old eunuch as a returning-salute, " Grandpa, thanks much for your dear love."


The old eunuch accepted it standing, then smilingly send out the 2 maids a few steps, looking them leave together.


Shiliu and Yuping separated while they went into the the Fourth-prince’s quadrangle. Shiliu went to the formal quadrangle, and Yuping turned to a byroad.


At present a lot of princes lived in the palace for princes, only the eldest prince lived in his own mansion house outside the the Forbidden City. Since the Third-prince to the 8th-prince lived here all, but the 9th-prince and the 10th-prince were so little and still living in the harem together with their mothers, but they would move in the year after.


It was real crowded as there was so many princes in the palace, and these quadrangles had not been built the same, so there were big and small quadrangles, which had good or bad locations and views.


The Fourth-prince had been raised by his foster mother, the Qeen Xiao_yi_ren (filial piety, virtuousness, and benevolence), and his own mother who already had 2 sons and 2 daughters, had been appointed with De(virtuous)-Fei(one of the four important imperial concubines) after the Queen’s death, so nobody dared to look down upon him, therefore his quadrangle was not the biggest but had best location and view.


The quadrangle of The Third-prince who had moved into the palace 2 years before, as his own mother, Majia_Clan ,had lost The Emperor’s favour long long ago, was no better than The Fourth-prince’s. Only the 5th-prince who was born by Yi(suitable)-fei of Guoluoluo-Clan could compare with the the Fourth-prince among the rest of princes. Not to mention the 7th-prince and the 8th-prince.


As a result, the Fujin of the Fourth-prince had a formal quadrangle with 18 rooms which made 2 lines. There was a wide road from the doorway, on both sides of which was all kinds of delicate flowers. In corners, eight water-jars covered with lotus, raising a variety of rare fish below.


Shiliu came in from the right side of the corridor, and lightened footsteps before the main room. A little eunuch and a little palace-maid was keeping watching in front of the door, and immediately shortened half-length as salute while they saw her, but without saying any blessing-words as usual. The palace-maids and eunuchs were not allowed to speak when serving masters, unless the master ordered them to speak. .

石榴摆摆手, 轻手轻脚的掀帘子进去。

Shiliu waved her hand, lifting the curtain cautiously without any noise.


2 palace-maids stood in the main room too, and shortened half-length seeing her as half-Fu( the etiquette for bless ). Shiliu waved her hand as same and went to study on the left side, where Fujin transcribed the Buddhist Scriptures before she went outside. She gave an eye to the Western swing clock in the main room before she went in, it was just at noon 11. The struck-the-hour of clock, had been pinched by the eunuch earlier. It was good for knowing time, but also too big, and the sound of its struck-the-hour is too big.


Fujin was transcribing the Buddhist Scriptures in front of the writing-desk. Besides her, 2 elder palace-maids and a Momo (older female servants, usually the married ones) were also keeping watching by side in the study.


Shiliu wanted to told Fujin that Gege Lee-Clan order some dishes, so she stood by one side of the desk.


Fujin Wulanala-Clan, whose face was still some girlish, was only fourteen years old, although she was not shooter than Shiliu and the other two palace-maids in the room when she stood there. She wore a deep purplish-red long cheongsam with blue selvedges inlaid, and her figure curve was completely flat. She wore a pair of pot-bottom-shoes which was one and a half inch high, and instead of putting the good excuse on her head, she only bunched the hair as a handle behind her head. Her hair in forehead and fsoy was combed sleekly, without any messiness.


She was so serious that no one dared to look down upon her, though she was so young. She saw Shiliu right now when Shiliu came in. Seeing her standing there, she didn’t put down the brush pen until she finished that chapter, then turned over to sit on the couch, took up the tea, and drink some to moisten her throat. All after those she just looked at Shiliu waiting for the words she brought back.


Shiliu went forward with a complete crouch, neatly stood up, then went forward two steps to reported the menu of Yuping had ordered in a low voice, and went back without any word on that, then a complete crouch again, turned back to stand side by side with another two palace-maids.


Fujin looked like hearing nothing after Shiliu’s report, and put down the tea-bowl, went back to continue to transcribe the Buddhist Scriptures. She let out a big sigh till finishing another one chapter.


Then the four palace-maids in the room began to move. Shiliu and another elder palace-maid Putao (grape) went outside and demanded little servant-girls to get hot water in for Fujin to clean her face and hands. Inside the room Fujin gingerly sat down on her couch with Fu-Momo’s support, and the remained palace-maid Hulu (gourd) kneeled in front of the couch, took off her pot-bottom-shoes, then gently knead her feet.


Fujin closed her eyes for a rest a while, Fu-Momo had been looking at her with kindness. Till Fujin opened her eyes, she came forward and asked: " Now Fujin want to arise, or still rest for a while?"


"I want to get up, let them hand in the meal. I'll transcribe another chapter." Fujin washed her face with hot towels, made herself cheer up, and demanded Hulu to put on the shoes for her.


Fu-Momo advised her lovingly:"Fujin, you’d better take a nap first after supper." It was very tied for waist, back and legs, while people kept on standing up to transcribe. After transcribing two volumes of the Buddhist Scriptures a day , the legs were swollen at night.


"Momo," Fujin shook head disagreeing with her, "This is my filial piety, how can I complain that it’s so tired? what's more, if I'm tired of it now, how about the more pious ones?"


The more pious ones were kneeling to transcribe.


Fujin wasn’t unable to kneel to transcribe. What she was afraid of, was others criticized her for showing herself by filial piety. In the Forbidden City, the way she transcribed but also no-wrong. There was somebody who never transcribe, after all, it was better to transcribe than not.


Fu-Momo folded her hands: "Amitabha! Buddha don't blame!" And she not dared to dissuade Fujin, she was afraid of that the more she dissuaded, Fujin would really kneel down to transcribe, and her leg would be never hers after kneeling down all day.


Soon the dishes were delivered in by the kitchen continuously. The cups, dishes, bowls fully filled three tables. The Fourth-prince did not come back at noon, Fujin did not use big table when eating meals alone. She sat on the couch, where her favorite dishes were put on a small ondol-table in front of her. Another two small tables under the couch was full filled with other dishes, but she never ate a bit with her chopsticks.


Picked up some dishes to eat Randomly, ate a bowl of rice, drank a bowl of soup, Fujin demanded to remove the dishes. Fu-momo went forward and dissuaded her: "Fujin, you worked hard all the morning, why not eat more?"


1、 时态、语法都是似曾相识,几乎忘记怎么用了,拼写全靠软件,啊啊啊!

2、 专有名词尽量保持原音翻译,如嬷嬷、德妃、孝懿仁皇后等,括号里加了意译,妃子**氏直接用的音译,氏用clan缀在后面,但还是觉得不是最佳译法,求大神赐教;

3、 死了好多脑细胞,翻译绝对比抄经累,半夜翻译美食简直使自虐啊(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

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