


一,Part 2答案的扩展五步法:

为什么考生们最恐惧口语Part 2部分呢?因为说不够1-2分钟呗,请仔细看下方的例题。

Describe a place with a lot of water

You should say:

1,Where this place was

2,What you did at this place

3,Who you went there with

4,And explain why you liked this place.

多数考生最常见的误区是,大家觉得说Part 2的时候一定要按照这四个小问题说。而事实是--不需要!官方评分指南中没有提及要按照这四个提示的问题说,跟一些熟悉的大陆在职考官和很多高分学员沟通后,也充分证明了这点!

因此,我建议在每次回答Part 2的时候,可以按照一个固定的逻辑结构扩展,请按照以下结构学习:

步骤1介绍 + 步骤2过去 + 步骤3描述 + 步骤4感受 + 步骤5未来

步骤1,介绍出cue card上的题目,可用‘I’d like to talk about’,‘because’等信号词。

例句:I’d like to talk about a place with a lot of water called Chang Qingdao, i choose this topic because it has left me with a deep impression. So this is a story really worth sharing.

deep impression:深刻的印象,worth sharing:值得分享

步骤2,谈论一下这个题目过去的一些情况,可用表示时间的‘ in the past’‘used to do sth’等信号词。

例句:Anyway in the past i used to hear a lot about that place, because it was very famous among Chinese people, so i always thought if i had the chance, i must visit there myself.

Anyway:总之,used to:过去做什么事, if i had, i must:虚拟语气

步骤3,这一部分进行事物的主体描述,切记一定要多给出相关的小例子扩展,在Part 2中,topic vocabulary(话题词汇-跟题目相关的名词例子)才是考官最看重的评分标准!

例句:Let me tell you about that place in more detail.At first, i decided to drive there with my friends, because we thought it would be more convenient for us to enjoy the gorgeous views along the way. Then, we arrived there on time and were deeply fascinated by the beautiful beach, like the sea was deep ocean blue and the sand on the beach was as soft as fine silk. Next, we immediately carried out a variety of activities, for example we set up a fire on the bank and had a barbecue there.

more convenient:更方便,gorgeous views:美景,deeply fascinated by:深深地被迷住,deep ocean blue:深蓝色的,barbecue:烧烤

步骤4,这部分可说一下自己的个人感受,对题目好或坏的印象都可以。可用‘I strongly believe that’等信号词。

例句:I strongly believe that that place is perhaps the last paradise remained on earth, because it gives the best and unforgettable experiences.

last paradise:最后的天堂,unforgettable experiences:难忘的经历

步骤5,关于未来展望的这部分,可说可不说。如果没说到两分钟,并且考官也没打断你,可以把未来这部分加上,凑够时间。可用‘With regards to the future, i will do sth’等信号词。

例句:With regards to the future, i will drive there again if i have the chance, because a place like that is really worth visiting more often.

With regards to:关于什么, worth visiting:值得去

现在你还觉得part 2的一至两分钟独白很难说满吗?请把part 2就当成五个part 1的小问题分别扩展嘛,接下来咱们感受一下另一个话题吧,当然你可以先自己尝试着说出来:

An activity that keeps you fit (让你保持健康的运动)

You should say:

1,What activity it is;

2,How you got to know it;

3,Whether it is difficult to do

4,And explain why you would like to try it


I’d like to talk about an activity called yoga, i choose this topic because it is very beneficial for people’s health. So it is a story really worth sharing.


In the past, i used to hear a lot about this activity from internet or magazines, becauseyoga had been popular among people in china for years.


So let me tell you about it in more detail. First of all, yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice which originated in India. It is proven to be effective in keeping fit and having a nice shape, because people have to stretch out bodies a lot when you are practicing yoga. Also, some researchers have also claimed that it also plays its role in dealing with diseases such as heart disease, cancer and asthma.


I strongly believe that it is a very economical way to work out, because you can simply choose to do this sport at home and play some light music at the same time.


With regards to the future, i will encourage more people around me to try this activity,because it is a very good way for people to avoid sedentary lifestyle. So we will have another option to kill time instead of siting in front of computers.

一个标准的6.5-7分的口语答案,并且逻辑固定好操作。其实,答案无论是按照题目提示的四个小问题,或是按照咱们这5个步骤扩展,关键是要把Part 2说成一个完整的故事。在回答每一个小问题的时候要进行充分的细节和例子扩展,上面的固定逻辑信号词要多用。不要把Part 2只说成4-5句话,50几个单词的长度,这样你不可能到5分。

二,Part 1答案的9种扩展技能:



Do you like travelling?

简短的回答: Yes, I am fond of travelling.

更长的回答: Yes, I am fond of travelling, because I can explore different cultures and meet different people everyday.



How long have you lived there?

简短的回答:I've lived there for 10 years.

更长的回答:I've lived there for 10 years, but i am going to move to a new place next month.



Do you live in a big city or small city?

简短的回答:I live in a big city.

更长的答案:I live in a big city with my parents and elder sister. All of my friends and classmates also live there.



Do you play musical instruments?

简短的回答:Yes, I play musical instruments.

更长的答案:Yes, I used to play musical instruments, but now I play sports more with classmates after school.


Part 1的很多问题,我们可以直接说出个人的真实感受来扩展,这也会让答案更有趣味更加分。

Do you love reading?

简短的回答:Yes, I enjoy reading.

更长的答案:Yes, I enjoy reading, you know, I always read the sports news, when I am using the toilet.


你可以说未来会怎么样,并使用未来的结构之一,如:"be going to do sth","will do sth".

Do you work or do you study?

简短的回答:I’m a high school student right now.

更长的答案:I’m a high school student right now, but I’m entering the university next month and I will choose accounting as my major.


你可以使用让步关系‘although’,‘even though’去告诉考官,你考虑了问题的两方面。

Do you think children should learn a foreign language?

简短的回答:Yes, I feel that children should learn.

更长的答案:Yes, I feel that children should learn, although it takes time and energy, a second language will open their mind and bring many opportunities.



Do you have any sisters or brothers?

简短的回答:Yes, I have a little sister.

更长的答案:Yes, I have a little sister, I remember I always have to keep telling her that you aren't the prettiest girl in the world.


你可以多使用频率的表达方式。如:‘usually’, ‘sometimes’, ‘always’等去扩展答案。

What do you like to do during your free time?

简短的回答:I usually like to read a book at the bookstore.

更长的答案:I usually like to read a book at the bookstore, but sometimes I like to hang out with my friends at the mall.


高分的口语考生在考试中,会自然,流畅的跟考官聊天交流。他们不会去想这道题我应该“举例扩展”还是“频率扩展”,他们会在Part 1中迅速的给出回答。你一定一定一定要知道,在Part 1部分,Fluency(流利度)才是考官最重要的评分点,语法,词汇等等在这一部分都不那么重要!

因为Part 1都是跟你个人相关的小问题,简简单单的流利回答就好,不要瞎表现(一直用复杂语法结构,大词难词)让考官觉得你精神不稳定!


当然可以了,在Part 1部分,每道题建议大家回答最好不要超过三句话,不过多说点当然也无所谓了。这些扩展技能都是完全灵活的,在每道题的回答中,融合两个或三个会是很棒的6.5-7分的回答。不要死记硬背这些扩展,无论是英语或中文,他们都是口语表达中必备的逻辑思维,考试中有意识的用出来就加分了!

三,Part 3的4种扩展技能+7类题型:

时间有限,完整的Part 1,2,3攻略指南,请学习下面的文件包!我给大家先截几张图感受下吧。




1, 中式口语语法139个常见错误:

1.Wrong: “listen music”

Right: “listen to music”

2.Wrong: “she give me a doll”

Right: ”she gave me a doll”

3.Wrong: “I’m from Zhejiang Wenzhou”

Right: “I’m from Wenzhou (city), in Zhejiang Province”.

4.Wrong: “The place located in…”

Right: “The place is located in…”

5.Wrong: “it become more expensive”

Right” It has become more expensive” or “it is becoming more expensive”



2, 雅思口语篇词汇精讲+音频:







3,IELTS Speaking-P1/2/3 guide:

4,口语答案素材sample answer


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