

Railways in the north

Manchester united

A good, cheap infrastructure project that should transform a region

Mar 16th 2013 | MANCHESTER |From the print edition

FOR £33 billion ($49 billion) and a 20-year wait, Britain is to get a high-speed rail line connecting London to the north of England. For £32 billion-odd less than that sum, it gets the Northern Hub【1】. Far less controversial or glamorous—the funding process was a bit like a church-roof appeal at first, says Chris Fletcher of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce—the project is a terrific example of the kind of infrastructure that Britain badly needs to build.


It consists of a series of schemes aimed at improving railway travel around Manchester, the north of England’s most successful city. One of them, the building of a short curved section of track known as the “Ordsall chord” (see map), might appear humdrum. But in providing the missing link in a loop between Piccadilly and Victoria, the main stations, it completes a direct line through the city that connects the airport in the south with suburbs to the north. New platforms will be built at Piccadilly and at the airport. Capacity will also be added elsewhere to cut journey times to cities such as Liverpool, Sheffield and Newcastle. Network Rail, the owner and operator of Britain’s railway infrastructure, reckons the Northern Hub’s £600m improvements will deliver a boost to the economy four times that sum.
这项工程由一系列旨在提升曼彻斯特周边铁路运力的规划组成,而曼市是英格兰北部最繁荣的城市。其中的一项名为“Ordsall chord”(见地图)的规划,一条蜿蜒的短线路建设,可能看起来有些乏味。但它能够补上两个主站——皮卡迪利街站与维多利亚大街——之间缺失的一环,从而使得南部的机场与北部的郊区间的线路得以贯通。机场与皮卡迪利大街站都将建设新的站台。工程还将着力于降低利物浦、谢菲尔德、纽卡斯尔等城市间的旅行时间。英国铁路基建的所有方与运营方认为,北方交通枢纽项目所花费的6亿英镑投资将带来四倍于投资额的经济增长。

Whereas HS2, Britain’s planned high-speed rail line, will connect the north of England to the south, the Northern Hub cements lateral links between northern cities. Many of them need attention. Research by the London School of Economics found that around 40% less commuting journeys are made between Leeds and Manchester, the north’s burgeoning commercial centres, than their proximity and status would imply. Integrate them more closely, as the Northern Hub will, by adding two more trains an hour (making six in total) and reducing journey times, and the labour pool ought to grow, making it easier to do business.

Two new electrification projects being undertaken in concert with the hub complement it. These run in the north-west from Manchester to Liverpool and to Blackpool, and across the Pennines from Manchester to Leeds. Electric trains allow for greener, cheaper travel than their diesel cousins, and have more seats. Because they can accelerate and stop more quickly, they also speed up journeys.

All these projects should be finished by 2019, long before HS2. It is vital for the upgraded regional network to dovetail with the high-speed rail line, as the latter’s benefits are only fully realised if passengers can be efficiently delivered to its stations from local areas.

The Northern Hub may be a case study in how infrastructure spending can boost an economy. A 2006 study of Britain’s transport system by Sir Rod Eddington, a former head of British Airways, advised the government to prioritise congested urban areas, key inter-urban corridors and international gateways. The Northern Hub tackles all three.

It also demonstrates the importance of regional unity. The project can be traced back to 2004, when the north’s three regional development agencies (all since abolished) began a collaboration aimed at improving the area’s economy. This “Northern Way” ended up focusing on transport. Network Rail responded to its promptings with proposals to remove some of the bottlenecks around Manchester. It is often difficult for the north to get its voice heard, says Ed Cox of IPPR North, a think-tank. The consensus behind the Northern Hub made it hard to ignore.
这同时也证明了地区联合之重要。北方交通枢纽项目的建设可以追溯到2004年,三个北方地区发展机构(都已撤除)开始就发展本地区经济展开合作。这项”北方行动“最终达成了发展地区交通的共识。铁路网络公司对消除曼市周边线路瓶颈的提议做出了积极回应。”来自北方的声音常被忽视“,智库”Ed Cox of IPPR North“如是说。但关于北方枢纽项目的舆论共识使得它很难再被忽视。

The Northern Way’s success in pushing for better transport has led to calls for a permanent transfer of decision-making to a regional outfit. With the two northern rail franchises, Northern and TransPennine, due to be relet in the next couple of years, one option, already pitched to the Department for Transport, would be for their operations to be combined and devolved to a new body.

That is a question for the future. For now, there is broad satisfaction that a transport project designed expressly to invigorate the north’s economy is about to pull out of the station.

From the print edition: Europe

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