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  • 120
    德瑞自驾行~the eleventh days

    The president's trip. the eleventh days.~结束篇。 一次扎实的自驾之旅 近了,近了,当机上播报员报出30分钟...

  • 120
    德瑞自驾游~the tenth days

    The president's trip. the tenth days,Obama in Heidelberg and Frankfurt . 秀美的海德堡是内卡河畔...

  • 120
    德瑞自驾游~the ninth days

    The president's trip. the ninth days,Obama in stuttgart of Germany. 迎着清晨的朝阳,车队离开了斯特...

  • 120
    德瑞自驾游~the eightieth days

    The president's trip. the eightieth days,Obama in Alsace,Colmar and Strsbourg of Franch...

  • 120
    德瑞自驾游~the sixth days

    The president's trip. the sixth days,Obama in Grindal wade~格林德尔瓦德. Dear little part...

  • 120
    德瑞自驾游~the fourth day

    The president's trip. the fourth day,Obama in 列支敦登and 苏黎世 . Liechtentein 像是一个一吹就会飞起...

  • 120
    德瑞自驾游~the third day

    The president's trip. the third day,Obama in fussen town. 自驾之旅今儿正式开始了。by the way,munich...

  • 120
    德瑞自驾游~the second day

    The prisedent's trip. the second day. visit BMW headquarters,德甲联赛拜仁队3:1胜汉诺威,beer squar...

  • 120
    德瑞自驾游~the first day

    The president's trip. the first day. Obama in the air thirting hours. boring's day. i s...

  • 120
    德国瑞士自驾游~the seventh days

    The president's trip. the seventh days,Obama in bern and titisee. I come here. Bern...

  • 120
    德国瑞士自驾游~the fifth days

    The president's trip. the fifth days,Obama in lucerne. A special day. 当时钟指向8点钟的时候,我...