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  • A Study in Scarlet  Chapter1解析

    【熟词生义】 1. [ doctor ] 在文中是指“博士”的意思,常见意思是“医生”。 原句:I took my degree of Doct...

  • A Study in Scarlet  Chapter 5

    I confess that I was considerably shocked by this fresh proof of my comp...

  • A Study in Scarlet  Chapter2解析

    【熟词生义 】 1. [ spring ] 在文中作动词,表示“跳起,跳跃”,短语:spring to his feet的意思是“一跃而起”。s...

  • A Study in Scarlet  Chapter 3解析

    • 熟词生义 • 1. [ gone ] gone在文中是作形容词,表示“离去的”,不要理解成be gone被动语态。 原句:He had br...

  • A Study in Scarlet  Chapter 2

    There was only one student in the room, who was bending over(俯身,弯腰) a ta...

  • A Study in Scarlet  Chapter 6

    Chapter 6 A short passage led to the kitchen and offices. There were two...

  • A Study in Scarlet  Chapter 1

    In the year 1878, I took my degree of Doctor of Medicine in the Universi...

  • A Study in Scarlet  Chapter 5解析

    一词多义/熟词多义 1. [ air ] 在文中表示一种“神态,气场”,常见的意思是“空气,气体”。 原句:He was a man wi...

  • A Study in Scarlet  Chapter 7解析

    一词多义/熟词多义 1. [ credit] 在文中出现了两个credit,意思分别是“功劳”,“赞扬”。 常见意思是“信用,学分”。 1...