240 发简信
  • Sharing

    Before I was a kind of girl who dislikes writing, when I find 简书,everyth...

    0.1 440 18 5 2
  • Find a job connected to your major

    I always consider what I want to do in the future. Doing what I don't li...

  • 时间胶囊-写给三年后的自己

    因为看了一篇写给三年后自己的文章,我也觉得有意思,恰好最近身体和心都闲下来了一些,是时候畅想一下未来。 如果顺利的话,三年以后我应该也是读研二了...

  • 一条孤独的路

    这是一条孤独的路 汗水化成火把照亮前行的路 我知道这条路很坎坷 有嘲笑,不屑,还有不解 但是不要忘记 你还有梦想,陪伴支持与你作伴 This i...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Facing sth you don't like, what will you do

    I think most of you facing this problem, why,it is a common thing in dai...

  • Find a solution to your problem

    I feel anxious every month for no reason.until talking with my oral teac...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    上次写的是四六级,这次要写的是商务英语(BEC),因为一直喜欢英语,虽然不是英语专业的,但是还是考了很多英语证! 转回正题,我来谈谈自己的备考经...

  • I love this realistic world

    Why I write this article is because I read a book written by Mimeng ! Sh...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Your attitude determines your altitude

    Today I just got my favorite motto’s english form! Cheers! So how do you...
