240 发简信
  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Your attitude determines your altitude

    Today I just got my favorite motto’s english form! Cheers! So how do you...

  • 2017-06-19

    人一旦被生活所迫 哪顾及得了矜持,只有斤斤计较的心态 占小便宜成了节俭的方式 这一切不是别人运气好,别人有钱 回溯过去,终究是因为自己的懒惰造成...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Facing sth you don't like, what will you do

    I think most of you facing this problem, why,it is a common thing in dai...

  • Never say no to the thing you don't start

    People are always strange, they always don't believe themselves ,before ...

  • 因为“沉”所以“浮”

    不得不说中国文字博大精深,有舍得舍得,有舍才有得。沉浮沉浮不是先沉才能浮吗? 想到沉浮这个词是因为前段时间比较低落,低气压的状态让我想了很多。沉...

  • For kids

    Many parents have a poor marriage, but they don't give up! Because they ...

  • 口语是如何炼成的

    其实写这个感想之前,是看到简书有的人写怎样练英语口语。其实我觉得大道理其实都一样,主要看的是我们是否能够坚持! 我自认为英语口语还是可以,当然这...

  • Sharing

    Before I was a kind of girl who dislikes writing, when I find 简书,everyth...

    0.1 440 18 5 2
  • 读大学的你变化了吗?

