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  • 我没遇到过比我还内向的人,现在销冠好几个:smile:

  • 120


  • 译 I am Afraid

    You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say that you ...

  • 译Sonnet18

    Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough ...

  • 译 the way to rainy mountain 精句

    All things in the plain are isolate; there is no confusion of objects in the eye, but o...

  • 译 Leisure

    Leisure What is this life if,full of care, We have no time to stand and stare? No time ...

  • 译 A Psalm of Life 前两节

    A Psalm of Life Tell me not in mournful numbers, Life is but an empty dream! for the so...

  • 120
    译 When You Are Old

    When you are old and grey and full of sleep, And nodding by the fire,take down this boo...

  • 祭外祖母

    望眼看去天悲凄,侧耳听见雨哀泣。 母之萱堂夜已去,子孙后代皆痛楚。 魂去瑶池莫挂念,慈爱永驻在人间。 驾鹤西去盼顺风,远在天国望安好。 2016.08.20

  • 创兴创业 共建明天

    创兴中华谁与共? 新星涌现把梦建。 创造未来前程明, 业峻鸿绩向明天。

  • 雾霾黑云浑天, 山川炊烟人家, 残雪铁轨轰鸣, 辰无朱炎, 吸霾人在乡间。 清晨锻练回家时,抬头望天云浑浊,环顾四周雾缭绕,尖笛刺耳火车来,轰鸣声声震耳聋。噪音大,雾霾深,望...

  • 120

    生活的艺术, 在于 懂得:何时追求,何时放弃。 生命的旅程, 临了 终悟:握拳而来,摊手而去。 我们每个人, 都应 知晓:紧握生活,因其之美。 生活何其珍贵, 然而 常愧:回...

  • 120

    春日 清风抚柳满园春, 甘霖润田万物生...