240 发简信
  • 好棒啊!!!第一张图我搜了好久,但是在我的文件夹里没有对应的,到你这里终于找到啦!!蟹蟹~ 哈哈它太丑萌了


    最近被win10锁屏自带的壁纸吸引到,一开始是丑萌丑萌的美洲獾(被萌到去查了一下是什么动物hhh),可惜没有保存下来 第一次看被丑得一激灵,本来很困的,突然精神,后来越看越萌...

  • 120

    最近被win10锁屏自带的壁纸吸引到,一开始是丑萌丑萌的美洲獾(被萌到去查了一下是什么动物hhh),可惜没有保存下来 第一次看被丑得一激灵,本来很困的,突然精神,后来越看越萌...

  • 听说小分队 五问

    Q1,为什么想要建立这样一个小分队? A:听说赵五环同志很迷茫,虽paper数目超过手足数目,但六级还没过,初中英语课代表的夙愿尚未完成,若以现在的水平去考托福简直就是给ET...

  • 听说小分队五问

    Q1,为什么想要建立这样一个小分队? A:听说赵五环同志很迷茫,虽paper数目超过手足数目,但六级还没过,初中英语课代表的夙愿尚未完成,若以现在的水平去考托福简直就是给ET...

  • 2016.12.12

    call in sick 请病假 take the day/week/month off come down with the flu I was hoping to tak...

  • 2016.9.19

    cull 挑选,剔除v. The writer culled a few passages from his novel and redited them at his bo...

  • 2016.5.26

    19A+B hang over sb. / sth. 笼罩 A sense of hopelessness hung over the twon. Uncertainty h...

  • 2016.5.23

    13A+B Food Remedies食疗 remedy n.(a cure for sth.) v. solve problem pain/headache remedy...

  • 2016.5.22

    11A+B leash 栓动物的皮带/链条 v.拴住 Annie always puts her dog on a leash when she walks it. The ...

  • 2016.5.21

    8a+b thrill n.激动,v.使兴奋 The animated movie is a thrilling adventure story. foremost 一流的,...

  • 2016.5.7

    6A+B make time for others raise funds 募集资金 appreciate 感激;欣赏 I really appreciate your ho...

  • 2016.5.6

    4A+B spotlight聚光灯 Tina loves to be in the spotlight,She craves attention. Good leader s...

  • 2016.5.5

    1A+B Beforehand 提前 We're going to Jack's Cafe Saturday, so we need to make reservations...

  • 2016.5.4

    27A+B penetrate穿过v. penetrating 有穿透力的;尖锐的adj. The penetrating noise of drilling kept me...

  • 2016.5.1

    24B clown小丑 cruise ship游轮 impress Brenda's speech at the awards ceremony impressed ever...

  • 2016.4.30

    21b side effect副作用 Rocky‘s low self-esteem[没自信] was caused by his childhood trauma童年创伤b...

  • 2016.4.29

    19b original 原始的 origin 始源n. sell a bill of goods 欺骗顾客购买价格不合理的物品 The con man[诈骗犯] sold...

  • 2016.4.28

    17 B combination 组合,结合 in combination with This painkiller can be used in combination w...

  • 2016.4.27

    14b prospect 即将发生的事 The prospect of having non-stop meetings for three whole days reall...