240 发简信
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    有人说要做真实的自己,但是到了我这里我却觉得奇怪,可能是以前麻木惯了,我压根没想过真实这个词语是怎样的。 我不知道真实的自己是什么样子的?那一天...

    2.3 425 2 10
  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Catch the moment of my life

    Every boring time in life is unique. Sometimes maybe we are feeling lone...

    0.6 894 4 10
  • Whenyouknowyourself

    Well,I quit my job today.I got away with it. Not afraid of anyone's eyes...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    团建小感悟: 1. 人以群分。人们总是喜欢和自己喜欢的人待在一起,无论是吃饭住宿玩耍。所以有时候也觉得其实在公司里面有小团体也很正常,谁想孤立无...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Because of you

    I make the mistake that I did many times. My heart is so much anxious an...

  • We can be better,We should be better. Be yourself

    Sometimes things aren't work out the way you thought they would. But luc...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Make some sentences

    知识点: 结构:疑问词+时表词+主语+句剩+动词 步骤:1.时态 2.结构 Do you miss me? Did you miss me? A...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    书,安安静静的,从未有翻页声 手机,安安静静的,没有来电铃 微信,安安静静的,没有通知音 电脑,安安静静的,永远不会断电 话语,安安静静的,开启...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    The simple beauty of the weekend

    1.Sleep until wake up naturally. 2.Prayer. 3.The day opened with a hymn....