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  • 1元1本电子书

    中文 1. 从0到1 2. 优雅的力量:让你脱颖而出的4种特质修炼 3. 你的灯亮着吗? 4. 卡耐基说话之道 5. 反脆弱 6. 学会提问 7...

  • 1元1本电子书

    中文 1. 你的身体,是一切美好的开始 (卡梅隆 迪亚兹) 2. 做更自信的自己 (保罗·詹那) 3. 早晨型人更容易成功 (中岛孝志) 4. ...

  • 1元电子书

    中文 1. 修炼芭蕾气质(侯宏澜) 2.奇特的一生 (格拉宁) 3.完美关系的秘密 (杨冰阳) 4. 爱的十万个为什么 (杨冰阳) 5. 当下的...

  • Ivanka Trump Knows What It Means to Be a Modern Millennial

    Late in the day on a Monday, with the low winter sun slicing through all...

  • Legal Writing - Day 5

    Market Power and Competition There is an inverse relationship between le...

  • Legal Writing - Day 4

    Competition Law and Economics According to Phillip Williams, we should r...

  • Legal Writing - Day 3

    Law Making Power The Legislative Council has the full power and authorit...

  • Legal Writing - Day 2

    Impact of Change of Sovereignty to HK Legal System Albert Chan suggested...

  • Legal Writing-Day 1

    Source of HK Law Before and After 1 July 1997 Prior to changeover, HK la...