240 发简信
  • Day029

    It is raining.I am still in bed .I am waiting for my lunch

  • Day028

    Today my mother sent me a song of she sang.I thought I should download a...

  • Day027

    I'm sorry I couldn't attend yesterday' English class.I will attend Engli...

  • Day026

    I am sorry I couldn't attend yesterday's English class.I will attend Eng...

  • Day003

    跑步机 速度 5 10分钟 划船机 2:40 3组 每组2分半 卷腹 3组 每组7个,空中骑车第一组40,第二三组30 大腿肌肉 3组每组10

  • Day026

    Today I will go to the education bureau for policy adervice.With the sta...

  • Day002

    跑步机热身 速度5 时间10分钟; 滑船机 3组 速度2.40,时间2分半 卷腹 3组, 每组7个,空中骑车第一组40,第二组25,第三组20

  • Day025

    I went to gym to work out yesterday.I want to keep myself fit and inspir...

  • Day001

    跑步机 速度4.0 时间5分钟 划船机 三组 每组2分钟 卷腹 3组 每组5个