240 发简信

    翻译 His decision is economicly wise, but can be hardly justifyied morally...

  • 三月作业之三

    耳塞棉花 我最近上班时间都会用。我觉得比把精油滴在口罩上感觉要舒服的多。 鼻腔涂抹油膏 油膏比起精油来更好携带,涂抹时鼻腔也更方便。也是我最近喜...

  • 2018-09-18

    1)翻译下面的句子: 重要的不是发生了什么事,而是你如何应对。 How you react counts more than what just...


    翻译 We can't gauge success by wealth and popularity. 仿写 The result of wor...

  • Emerge

    翻译 The old problems remain,while new problems start to emerge. 仿写 Along ...

  • LOOM

    As AI advances, concerns loom. (今天的翻译自己又没翻出来,感觉自己离英语思维还有很大的距离。) As the a...

  • outlive

    翻译 The traditional method has outlived its usefulness. 仿写 After fully ap...

  • D7 suffice

    1)对于高阶英语学习者来说,每天学一个词是不够的。 For advanced English learners, a word a day do...

  • VARY

    翻译 Life priorities vary in different life stages. 仿写 The objects of comp...