240 发简信
  • English 『Translation』

    Integrity and harmony are traditional Chinese virtues. "Harmony" is demo...

  • English phrases

    English Phrases: 1. is credited with (doing)……被誉为 2. lay the fundamenta...

  • English 『Translation』

    English 〖Phrases〗: 1. 人生态度(life attitude): 指人们通过生活实践形成的对人生问题的一种稳定的心理倾向和精...

  • English 【Translation】

    English Phrases: Definition of morality: Morality is a synthesis of beha...

  • English 『Translation』

    English Phrases: During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, my country's e...

  • 《Chinese》To <English>

    Article Paragraph: Promote innovation, "benefit 、profit、 enrich、 and imp...

  • English [Translation]

    English phrases: Since its economic reform and opening-up to the world, ...

  • English 『Translation』

    English Phrases: Civilization is a significant symbol of a modern countr...

  • English [Translation]

    English Phrases: As solid as a rock in the turbulent waves , and plan ah...

「有趣的 灵魂 万里挑一」