240 发简信
  • Freedom of speech

    ...freedom of speech is only relevant when people you don't like say things you don't l...

  • Flowers

    无法抗拒这首歌 可能是因为道出了心声 Nobody could love me better than I can.

  • 120

    无论它如何扑哧着翅膀, 虽然前方近在眼前, 它到底飞不过去 眼前阻挡着的玻璃。 可能最后这只蝴蝶的下场,只能止步于窗前。 多么渺小的生命…

  • Don't do that again

    Attach yourself to someone who shows you the least bit of attention because you're lone...

  • 120
  • 120
  • 120
  • 120
  • 120

    20230226 下午5时50分左右,与下图这个白衣小胖互撞,诚诚左眼眼角红。没哭。 观察…

  • Be Strong

    I wasn't able to persuade my colleague, or my so called subordinate. It was my problem ...

  • 关于租房里的大件物品

    去年 她在租房里添置了一台运动器械 今年 我也终于忍不住买了一台 作为运动达人,实在忍受不了长期没法运动 虽然我也同样住在租房里 隔年,她冷不丁在微信里po出了购房合同 而我...

  • Some thoughts about the workshop on screen addiction

    One of the parents participated in the workshop shared that: 1. He plays online games w...