240 发简信
  • 20th January

    每日一句: 健康状况: 1.QQ计步?步 2.哈密瓜 3.梨子 阅读写作: 1.阅读原则英文原版 2.完成英语写作 成就感: 1.带领4个女生徒...

  • 36

    36 February 12 Having enjoyed the TV series,the Navigator,starring Ya...

  • 14

    21th January One word to describe what I had experience today was tired....

  • 25th January

    每日一句: 健康状况: 1.QQ计步?步 阅读写作: 1.阅读VOA英语 2.完成英语写作 成就感: 1.口部操 2.参加21组歌唱,一次就好,...

  • 9th January

    健康状况: QQ计步?步 食用相思红豆粥,桂圆(一次少吃点),黄豆黑豆; 生姜泡脚X2; 茴香泡茶; 阅读写作: 1.阅读原则英文原版 2.英文...

  • 1

    Having learnt a course aiming to teach us how to have a better knowle...

  • 7

    14th January After taking a train for nearly 20 hours,we reached ou...

  • 24

    31th January At the noon,I went to my senior high school named the numbe...

  • 18

    25th January How time flies,we got to the end of our tour in Hainan prov...