240 发简信
  • 6.Edema

    Professor: Did you prepare your lessons before your class? Ok. What's ed...

  • Time heals all

    I know you~the heartbroken 我懂你,伤心的人 I've been there recently 我也曾伤心过 and ...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    突然发现我好没有素质,突然间变得好讨厌自己,我怎么可以这样呢? 所以呢!我想改变自己 对于一个年近三十的人,你的言行举止,你的思想,你的一切的一...

  • 花火

    你好……元宵节 大家都在烟花爆竹的和你打招呼,而我只能用文字来向你问好,也希望在新的一年里我们一家人都能平安健康幸福 我是一个喜欢“漂亮”文字的...

  • When I wake up

    When I wake up each morning And see you next to me I know that my day wi...

  • 13.Tumor

    Doctor: Sit down, please! How are you feeling? 请坐,你感觉怎么样? Patient: I thi...

  • 9.Disease

    Student: Why are many people predisposed to various diseases? 为什么许多人患有各种...

  • 8.Infection

    Student: What is infection? 什么是感染? Professor: Infection is the state p...

  • 7 Burn 烧伤

    Student: Could you define the term "burn"? 你能告诉我们烧伤的定义吗? Professor:...

己所不欲 勿施于人