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  • Chapter1 Don't Try笔记

    Part1 Read and Think ️1. What does Charles Bukowski’s success try to pro...

  • Christmas Eve

    离开上帝太久再次回来 内心很是感动 浪子回家了 FATHER IN HEAVENS 2018生命仰赖祢。 谢谢你是全能主。

  • flag

    立个flag。 好好写7habits的读书笔记。

  • Day5

    Words and Expressions 1.They won't let me lay a finger on him, even if h...

  • Day 4

    Words and Expressions 1.Mom didn't find out about Dad's decoy until afte...

  • Day12 Page126-135

    Words and Expressions 1.At about 6:00, all the relatives cleared out. cl...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Day11 Page114-125

    Words and Expressions 1.In fact, the only thing that tipped me off that ...

  • Day10 Page103-113

    Words and Exprsesions 1.But today, the kid's mom came in and said she wa...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    Day9 Page94-102

    Words and Expressions 1.But right before the test got started. Patty Far...
