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  • 五期半决赛&决赛评分标准

    备稿演讲比赛评审标准 (按总分10分计): 内容(5分) 演讲布局 - 演讲的方法使听众能理解其观点,演讲架构有一个中心主题,并分为开场、本文与...

  • 坚持星球 彼此加油

    上周回伦敦的同事临走前有个酒局,我去待一小时就离开了,直到离开他还人在办公室没到酒吧。隔天他问起,说why you didn't attend ...

  • 我1你2

    The Italian who went to Malta 1: One day ima gonna Malta to bigga hotel....

  • Economist 2016.11.30

    1.Breaking the habit – The futureof oil Malodorous: smelling unpleasant ...

  • Economist 2016.11.25

    1.What are sanctuary cities? Assuage: make sth less intense Conspicuous:...

  • 我1你2

    1:我们街坊有这么一个姑娘。 这个姑娘长得还是不难看的。 就是这个嘴啊,略微大了一点儿。 2:大嘴,这没什么。 1:她自己觉得很难看,见不起人。...

  • Economist 2016.11.24

    1.What is the “splinternet” Splinternet refers to the phenomenon on the ...

  • Economist 2016.11.23

    1.Why populism is in retreat across Latin America Spendthrift: person wh...

  • Economist 2016.11.22

    1.West meets East Chinese orchestras and operas have been touring around...