240 发简信
  • 摘录——《人生没有真正完美的样子》 - 草稿

    一、万物皆有裂痕,那是光照进来的地方 1.生活是种律动,须有光有影,有左有右,有晴有雨;滋味就含在这变而不猛的曲折里。微微暗些,然后再明起来,则...

  • 2020的六一儿童节

    2020.6.1 结束了大学最后一场考试——毕业考 此前,都只是确定的考试而已 此后,将会是不确定的考验了 家里人带着两岁多的弟弟去老家的旅游景...

  • (DAY109)S08E11名家哲学的意义

    The phylosopher of School of Names made distinction between the object w...

  • (DAY108)S08E10指物

    There is another chapter titled "Discourse on Chih and Wu." Due to no di...

  • (DAY107)S08E09离坚白

    In another chaper entitled "Discourse on Hardness and Whiteness", Kung-s...

  • (DAY106)S08E08白马非马

    The main proposition of Kung-sun Lung is the assertion that "a white hor...

  • (DAY105)S08E07事物的相对性

    In regard to the relativity of all things in actual world, Hui Shih talk...

  • (DAY104)S08E06合同异之辩

    Regarding Hui Shih's definition of the absolute "Great one" and "Small o...

  • (DAY103)S08E05至大与至小

    In Chuang-tzu, we can deduce Hui Shih's ideas from a series of ten point...
