240 发简信
  • 苏轼14

    Why was Su shi arrested and how did he get over it? This chapter is abou...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    Variety within unity Greek culture does not belong to a centralized coun...

  • PEAK 14

    Paganini was nearing the end of an exquisite piece, with the audience—hu...

  • PEAK3

    Harnessing Adaptability 这一章就是在全方位的展示大脑的适应能力(degree 和 variety)。 把 MRI作为验证...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240

    on the rocks N-COUNT A high is a feeling or mood of great excitement or ...

  • 盲点

    [ˌgær.ən'ti:]verbtransitive MAKE CERTAIN确保 ■If something guarantees some...

  • 读林语堂1

    母猪渡河:man is a resoning, but not a reasonable being. 人类者能理论,而行为未必合理之动物。 著...

  • DAY17

    1.R is all fired up about the Talent Show. be fired up 使(某人)激动;令(某人)发怒 例...