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  • Liliana Galnarez-Oropeza YDP103R 3/8/18

    Liliana visited our store very late, she was after beginner digital pian...

  • 轻松愉快无为自成客人上门买钢琴

    宇宙爸爸啊,您显神迹吧,马上给我发货一单生意吧! 给我一组客人,他们进来,逛一逛,特别知道自己要什么样的钢琴,然后就选定一台钢琴,按标价付款了啦...

  • 宋丹 - GB1K Baby Grand

    宋丹第一次来我们公司,简单看了一下货,让儿子Brian简单试了一下几台钢琴,就很爽快的下单买了雅马哈 GB1K Baby Grand了。感恩宇宙...

  • Jenny Chen

    燕燕老师的学生陈Jenny3年前买了一台UIL Yamaha Arius YDP142,她咨询立式钢琴,三角钢琴资讯已经有好几年了。在燕燕老师的...

  • Aaron & Amberly Hall 4/17/18

    Amberly talked to Mark on Sunday, she has been renting a YDP213 for 3 ye...

  • Harold Ruiz - YDP103R 4/16/18

    Harold called me this morning, his wife Elena_Ly had been emailing me re...

  • Felippe Miranda & Fabiano Figueiredo

    Fabiano was my digital lead, he never got back to me. But he and his par...

  • Linda Bavin 4/14/18

    Linda Bavin called in and enquirer about used piano. She is very good in...

  • 陈继远 ED-186 touch up work

    投射:Manny顺利完成陈先生三角钢琴touch up work,钢琴完满送到陈先生家里,感恩宇宙爸爸,感恩感恩感恩!!!