240 发简信
  • S01E18

    stalk 杆,茎,corn stalk glamorous 有魅力的,迷人的 flora and fauna 动植物群 gift certif...

  • S01E17 Kwikki Chick

    guppy 孔雀鱼,古比鱼 high-pitched 音调高的,尖叫的 droppings 小动物的粪便pigeon droppingsmous...

  • S01E15

    make a breakthrough 取得突破 rip the bandage off, rip off the bandage 直接了当 b...

  • S01E15 Charlie Goes Viral

    lift your shirt up, lift up your shirt 把衬衫拉起来,撩起来 belly button 肚脐 act it...

  • 2019-04-20 每日一词 hindsight

    hindsight the ability to understand a situation only after it has happen...

  • 2019-04-16 每日一词 resilience

    resilience the ability to become strong, happy, or successful again afte...

  • 2019-04-15 每日一词 laggard

    laggard a person who makes slow progress and falls behind others 例句: Thi...

  • 2019-04-12 每日一词 operation

    operation a business, company, or organization 例句: Y Combinator, a Silic...

  • 2019-04-11 每日一词 U-turn

    U-turn a complete change of ideas, plans etc 例句: In the past two years, ...