240 发简信
  • Resize,w 360,h 240
  • 我的超级英雄

    ——见识和经历都是非实体的东西,那些我觉得我有并且永远不会改变的东西,开始变了。 整个五月,我和女儿轮流生病,约有一半的天数在往诊所跑。当然,请...

  • Marriage certification

    I have thought over the certifications I have got. No really proud. I as...

  • 2018-05-17阅读笔记

    以你喜欢的方式过一生 林特特 原名杨颖 中国人民大学,学校老师,后转职编辑 往后看几年,是不是你想要的样子。 年龄越大,更改的成本越高。提到兰粟...

  • 2018-05-15

    Dream job. Make the present job the dream one. Near my home. Can learn m...

  • How do you make yourself more focused?

    1. It is better a thing you are interested in. If not, at least make a g...

  • Mother’s day

    The mother’s day Is coming. And today the topic is about what our parent...

  • Boundary

    Hello, this is Jane. About virtues to get along with families. I have he...

  • Jenny

    Jenny is a woman work with her husband on international trade. Her husba...