240 发简信
  • 🌿打卡

    见 三十岁前认识世界,三十岁后开始认识自己。 感 三十岁前要遵循社会的法则去认识它,了解它,那些所谓的兴趣我们可以去做,前提是这个年纪有什么可以...

  • 🌈打卡

    见 人的情感面就像一头大象,而理智面就像一个骑象人。骑象人骑在大象背上,手里握着缰绳,好像是他在指挥大象,但事实上,他的力量微不足道。一旦和...

  • principles 014

    ①I learned a great fear of being wrong that shifted my mind-set from thi...

  • principles 011

    We ran the business in a scrappy, seat-of-the-pants way. 我们共同奋斗着一个事业,就像同...

  • principles 010

    If I make any money from those trips, that’s just icing on the cake. 如果我...

  • principles 009

    The U.S. economy slowed, commodity prices soared,and in 1973 the stock m...

  • principles 008

    Then, on Sunday, August 15, 1971, President Nixon went on television to ...

  • 心晴笔记|一首未完的歌

    01 时钟调回2018年那个暑假,天气很热,自习室的冷风。有幸遇到一群志同道合的研友,于是就开启了我们道阻且短的英雄之旅。 未来会是什么样子?我...

  • principles 007

    When I look back on that, I see that I got out of serving on a technical...
