240 发简信
  • 09 Jun 2017

    Non-stationary paper revision. replace the original trace condition with...

  • 22 May 2016 - learning schedule

    The second term is over and my major task recently is preparing for the ...

  • 10 May 2016 - Before Presentation

    Actually these days are very cozy since the objective is very clear - pr...

  • 26 Apr 2016 - Semester Ends

    Successfully survived. The presentation lack of experiment with Zhitang ...

  • 16 Apr 2016 - Tasks Memo

    Overwhelming April!!!!! 1. presentation Apr. 20th 2. meeting Apr. 22th 3...

  • 7 Apr, 2016 - Term Paper

    Term paper is gonna kill me! Eight months has passed and I have to say t...

  • 21 Mar 2016 - Lan is not Single

    Depressed recently. The two assignments are all hard to finish. I could ...

  • 15 Mar 2016 - Tasks Memo

    The assignment of Linear Models and Matrix are both released this week. ...

  • 13 Mar 2016 - Experiment Suggestions

    It’s been a long time that I have some spare time to squander. However, ...