240 发简信
  • c++ 右值引用

    个人理解 右值引用就是在语义上为避免不必要的参数传递过程中执行构造、析构提供支持,优化性能。 说明 在C++中,右值引用是一种对右值(rvalu...

  • c++ constexpr

    个人理解 constexpr 的目的是把可以提前到编译阶段求值的表达式在编译阶段完成计算,优化程序运行效率。 关键字说明 在C++中,const...

  • c++ volatile vs multable

    个人理解 mutable:修改语法规则,目的是便于阅读理解代码语义,不会修改编译过程。volatile:会修改编译过程,影响优化操作。个人对于v...

  • WriteBufferManager

    内容是新的,但是没有整理,偷懒了啊 WriteBufferManager 问题 1、如何使用WriteBufferManager 2、Write...

  • mtr mysql-test-run.pl — Run MySQL Test Suite

    The mysql-test-run.pl Perl script is the main application used to run th...

  • mtr mysqltest — Program to Run Test Cases

    The mysqltest program runs a test case against a MySQL server and option...

  • mtr Naming Conventions for Database Objects

    It is possible to run test cases against a production server.在生产服务器上运行测试...

  • mtr Test Case Content-Formatting Guidelines

    When you write a test case, please keep in mind the following general gu...

  • mtr File Naming and Organization Guidelines

    Test case file names may use alphanumeric characters (A-Z, a-z, 0-9), un...