240 发简信
  • brpc 命名服务

    命名服务 在brpc中,NamingService[https://github.com/brpc/brpc/blob/master/src/b...

  • tensorflow TF_CHECK_OK

    TF_CHECK_OK用于校验返回值。 TF_DO_CHECK_OK完成TF_CHECK_OK的校验过程;如果while (auto _resu...

  • Resize,w 360,h 240
    tf-serving Loader

    本次分析主要找到对应于图中loader部分的代码,代码的具体实现和内部使用后续分析。 Loader A standardized abstrac...

  • LSM-Tree(59)

    5. Cost-Performance Comparisons with Other Access Methods(5) Most existi...

  • LSM-Tree(36)

    3.4 LSM-trees: Component Sizes(3) Given an LSM-tree of K components with...

  • How To Write Shared Libraries(64)

    3.5 Handling Compatible Changes (GNU) (4) Since this code introduced a n...

  • How To Write Shared Libraries(26)

    2.2.3 Define Per-Symbol Visibility Instead of changing the default visib...

  • How To Write Shared Libraries(22)

    2.1 Data Definitions Variables can be defined in C and C++ in several di...

  • How To Write Shared Libraries(19)

    1.7 Measuring ld.so Performance To perform the optimizations it is usefu...