
The children of the country do not have wings





I have a special sympathy and admiration to those fighters who move from the country to the city.


They are the first generation of immigrants in the city.


They are not same as the children, grandchildren or other generations of migrants whose paths have been already paved before.


They must be like the first men who come to a virgin land. The fire that burns the wild grass must be lit by them, the first cut of the knife through the obstacles must be done by them and the first history mark in the soil must be dug by them.


For the children from the country the way to fit into this crowded city is as hard as climbing to heaven.


They must pay much more than the children and grandchildren of former immigrants to achieve even a little success.


It seems that Fuzi has gone the same way.


He was born in the countryside. He left his parents when he was a child and traveled from one place to another as a teenager. Everything depended on his own efforts. "Stand up proudly or fall down" (quote comes from the book "Men"), "I will never give up". After more than a decade he opened a new chapter of his life. He even opened a college and became its principal. How much efforts and sadness was there during that period. If anyone would mention that, it would have probably ended with plenty of tears.

一个管理过世界第一经济大国的人说过,不幸是最好的大学,  比终其一生一帆风顺,会有更高的文凭。

A man who managed the world’s largest economy once said that misfortune is the best teacher. A man, who has experienced misfortune will certainly have a higher degree than a man, who has only experienced wonderful things throughout his life.


Fuzi can be said to be a double degree talent. He received a degree from Social University and later on he systematically learned higher education courses.

一个乡村少年,赤手空拳,二三十年间,  自己把自己操练成一个像模像样的学院的院长,这也该归功于今天这个充满希望和机会的时代。有这样的时代,才会有这样的院长,才会有这样的学院。在这样的学院里受教育,也应该说是一种幸运。

And so a village boy has spent 20 to 30 years training himself to become the dean of a college.  It’s also thanks to the fact that today we have an era of hope and opportunity. Only in such era, there will be such a dean and such a college. It’s a great luck and blessing to be educated in such a college.


Literature and Science are two most beautiful flowers of human spiritual civilization. The top of the mountain attracts generations of tenacious climbers with a brilliant charm. It is a very difficult, almost hopeless but a tempting climbing. I have seen countless of losers all over the road.


Fuzi finally succeed and came all the way up to reach the top of the mountain.


Qigong is one of his hiking shoes.


Martial Art is another hiking shoes forhim.


He shouted the Muse name and with the Muse flagin his heart, he effortlessly pressed forwards.


“Waiting for your return” is a diarywritten in poems on his way to the mountains.

Between the beautiful lines of the poemsyou can enter his heart. You will hear the shortness of his breath as heclimbs, his cry for love and for life in exhaustion. And you will hear himshouting like a lonely waterfall and his sigh of “rolling thunder” body of lifebetween ideal and reality.


The children of the countryside do not havewings.


As Fuzi said , if you have no wings , just moveinch by inch without hesitation.


Yes, Fuzi doesn’t have wings.


But he was reading the sea mews and reallyunderstood the declaration of a sea warrior.


This is the preface to Fuzi's prose poems collection, “Waiting for Your Return”.


A brief introduction of the Author


A brief introduction of the Author: Yan Jiawen, born in 1946 in Guzhang county, Autonomous Prefecture of Western Hunan. A contemporary writer and a member of the Chinese Writers’ Association. His works titled "Melon Grown on the Eaves" and "The Song of Grief" have won No.1 Prize independently in the First and Second National Minorities’ Creation Competition. His "Rural China Written in Free Style" (served as the editor and co-creator) has won the Chinese Propaganda Department’s Five First Project Awards and China's ninth Book Award in 1994. He published poetry anthology “Piccolo in Western Hunan”, essays “Mystery of Shen Congwen” and “Buckwheat Flower, the Bitter Cloud”, TV series "Wildfire" (5 episodes, he did the actual writing), a novel "She and Her Mystery with Donkey--- True Situation of the Wulong Mountain Bandits ", " Melon Grown on the Eaves " and "The Song of Grief". 

Hi there! I’m Michael. Big fan of China, its culture and cuisine. Made a choice in 2017 to pack my things and come here from Europe. I love traveling, jogging and listening to music. 

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