About culture

The so-called "one party soil and water support one party person", there is also "near zhu is red, near ink is black". (tai zi shao fu zhuan)The influence of culture on people is subtle. When a person is in contact with a person who is upright, it is easy for him to become upright. On the contrary, friends are all persuasive, and this person can easily become persuasive. The same is true for people's judgment of things. When a wrong idea is believed to be correct by people around him, the conscious person will start to doubt himself. When more people think this way, this person will accept the wrong idea. Therefore, in the world, without good teachers and good friends, people will follow the trend of the world. If it is a good cultural background, it will have a good influence, and if it is a bad cultural background, it will be affected badly.

My junior high school and senior high school are in tianjin, a city on the east coast of China. Junior high school is a very ordinary school without any fame. Senior high school is one of the top 5 key schools in Tianjin. However, in my opinion, junior high school should be far more famous than high school. When I was in junior high school, my classmates were all young and kind. They helped each other and got along well with each other. Very coincidentally,I fell in love with the girl at the same table. But at that time, that kind of young love is not allowed, is called early love. But even so, the school's teachers did not take coercive measures to stop it, but only to encourage it. At that time, my English level was very low. A relative of my physics teacher was an English teacher. So my physics teacher ask for help from relatives and taught me English every week. With the joint efforts of my teacher and me, I achieved a good result in the the senior school entrance exam.I was admitted to the top five key high schools in Tianjin, which all Tianjin students dream of. However, who could have foreseen that this was the beginning of my nightmare. Because it is a prestigious university, teachers pay more attention to the excellence rate of students. Because it is a prestigious university, the learning pressure is even greater. Because it is a prestigious university, students with outstanding achievements are valued more. Because they are famous schools, students with poor grades are not valued or even discriminated against.For instance,a good student and I also late because of illness, I was sent to the back of the classroom to stand and listen to two classes, and that honor student, the teacher just said to him, not next time.In such a cultural background of education, what we ordinary students can do is only to adapt to the teachers, adapt to this learning environment, be influenced in silence, be changed, and cannot influence the cultural environment at all. Since I found that I could not change the culture, I chose to escape such culture and find a suitable place for myself. Therefore, I chose to go abroad. However, my English teacher from a famous school did something that I may never forget in my life. I don't know that he hates rich people or scoffs at them. In class, he sneers in front of the whole class and says, "if you can't learn well in China, can you learn well abroad?" I am so sad, but I have no right to speak. He is still the respected teacher of the famous school. However, I have not been crushed by life, and I have also grown up. From a wronged person who only knows how to tolerate and never dare to say anything, I have become a person who cannot let himself be wronged in any case. If others do not respect me, I have no reason to respect him. Some people will not thank you for your kindness. The more you tolerate him, the more he will go over the top.


When it comes to culture, one has to mention the influence of cultural environment on one's growth and habits.After graduating from high school, I didn't go abroad to study in university immediately. I needed to relieve pressure and relax. So I went on a one-year study tour. During the trip, I met another city that had a deep influence on me, Dalian and a group of people. At that time, I was watching the sea in Dalian's economic development zone. I met a group of youth who also came to see the sea in there. And soon I joined them, became friends with them, and one of the girl became my girlfriend in the future. They told me that their school was close to the sea, and that it was within ten minutes' walk. (Chinese universities are graded, from good to bad, as 985, 211, key university, university and college.)And they are all college. From an objective point of view, the cultural environment of the school has a great influence on students, but these are all summarized later.Maybe the scenery of Dalian is too beautiful, or maybe the friends are too interesting. I stayed in Dalian for more than three months and rented a house near the sea. At first, it was really relaxing, playing games during the day or watching sightseeing, going to nightclubs and cinemas at night. At that time, I was almost addicted to this lazy pace of life.Until one day my father called me to ask about my life that woke me up.My original intention was just to relax and prepare for a better platform in the future. So the next day, I told my girlfriend that I was going to go abroad to study, and her words stung me.She said,’you can only choose one between me and going abroad.’In fact, before she replied to me, I had the answer in my heart. If she asked me to go out freely for my future, I would not hesitate to stay. But if she asked me to stay selfishly, she would not be worth sacrificing my youth and future. Then I left dalian,within a month my friend telling me that she was with my best brother(a friend I know in Dalian) . I don't know if she really liked me. The only thing I can be sure of is that I don't like her anymore. Culture has a really deep influence on human behavior. From the beginning, I should have noticed that our culture is different from education, and we have no common beliefs and goals.



Soon after that, I went abroad to study, which is now Canada. In the past, I traveled all over China and experienced the different cultures of different regions and ethnic groups.They are different in surface, but in fact, they are all much of a muchness.Under the huge population base of China and under the great pressure of examination-oriented education, our young people no longer pay attention to what they like and what they like, but only focus on academic performance.Comparing with others is entwined in everyone's heart. Every time when it comes to holidays, relatives get together to talk about the topic, which inevitably includes the learning achievements and career of each child...When I first arrived in Canada, I also felt confused. At that time, the language was not well understood, the school was teaching English, and the exam was also in English, which kept my scores low. I once wanted to give up my studies and go back to China to find a job. However, it was the encouragement and companionship of my friends that kept me going and gradually improved my English. Although my English is not high enough, I can understand what the teacher said in class and understand the questions on the exam paper. The Confucius said, "if you live with a good person, as in the house of zhilan, and don't smell its fragrance for a long time, it will become a harmony. And not good human habitation, such as into the abalone's premises, for a long time do not smell its odor, also with it. Red is the hiding place of Dan, and black is the hiding place of paint." In a fragrant environment, you will smell yourself, and in a smelly environment you will smell yourself. The environment around you will influence you to become a part of it. The environment around you will influence your success or failure.The simplest example is ,when an eagle grows up in a chicken nest, it will lose its ability to fly. Wild wolves lose their wildness when they grow up in sheep.The story about vancouver and me has just begun. I hope I can make friends and learn about the cultures of different countries in vancouver, an international speaking city.Not long ago, a cartoon exhibition was held in the lobby of the SFU library.Animation culture in different countries collides with each other here. There are lots of booths on the stage: selling posters,  hands and clothes...



Confucius https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%AD%94%E5%AD%90/1584?fr=aladdin

tai zi shao fu zhuan http://www.baike.com/wiki/%E5%82%85%E7%8E%84

p1 https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E5%A4%A9%E6%B4%A5%E5%B8%82/@35.8422691,111.9585463,6z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x35edfc621e2c0e87:0x847194b730884031!8m2!3d39.3433574!4d117.3616476

p2 https://image.baidu.com/search/detail?ct=503316480&z=0&ipn=d&word=%E5%A4%A7%E8%BF%9E%E5%BC%80%E5%8F%91%E5%8C%BA%E7%9A%84%E6%B5%B7&step_word=&hs=0&pn=28&spn=0&di=37854580830&pi=0&rn=1&tn=baiduimagedetail&is=0%2C0&istype=2&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&in=&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&cs=3510596566%2C4174569311&os=2956020339%2C2969683613&simid=41805274%2C716045860&adpicid=0&lpn=0&ln=1560&fr=&fmq=1533113682329_R&fm=result&ic=0&s=undefined&se=&sme=&tab=0&width=&height=&face=undefined&ist=&jit=&cg=&bdtype=0&oriquery=&objurl=http%3A%2F%2Fimg8.jiwu.com%2Falbumpic%2F25%2F0227%2F227421_m.jpg&fromurl=ippr_z2C%24qAzdH3FAzdH3F1s_z%26e3B3to7_z%26e3Bv54AzdH3Fp7AzdH3Fcb9alcd_z%26e3Bip4s&gsm=0&rpstart=0&rpnum=0&islist=&querylist=

p3 (https://www.google.com/maps/place/%E4%B8%AD%E5%9B%BD%E8%BE%BD%E5%AE%81%E7%9C%81%E5%A4%A7%E8%BF%9E%E5%B8%82/@37.4618853,117.7683826,6.25z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x35865a143af6583f:0x76738aeb6c65c936!8m2!3d38.914003!4d121.614682

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