



git clone git://github.com/tomaz/appledoc.git
cd appledoc
sudo sh install-appledoc.sh

可修改html、docset模板,可按模板生成,加参数-t default

sudo sh install-appledoc.sh -t default
  • 问题1:无法从上git clone下来,可以直接到网站下载到本地http://github.com/tomaz/appledoc
  • 问题2:没有sudo权限,无法直接安装,打开install-appledoc.sh,修改下BINARY_DIR,比如改到下载的项目目录下,自己建了install文件夹


/Users/用户名/Downloads/appledoc-master/install/appledoc --help



  • 先cd到你的项目目录下(若使用cocopods,需要定位到二级项目名下)
    • ./doc即输出文件路径
    • ./即生成文档遍历的文件夹路径
  • 在终端输入以下语句
    appledoc -o ./doc --project-name 填工程名 --project-company 填公司名 ./
  • 此步骤执行完成后会在项目文件夹下生成一个docset-installed.txt,打开docset-installed.txt可看到生成文档路径,cmd+shift+G 定位到该文件路径上层文件夹DocSets下,找到com.liuna.test.test.docset,右键显示包内容找到index.html即可。



  • cd到项目文件夹下(若使用cocopods,需要定位到二级项目名下)
  • 终端输入
    appledoc --no-create-docset --output ./doc  --project-name 输入项目名 --project-company 输入公司名 ./
  • 执行后在项目名文件夹下生成一个doc的文件夹,找到index.html即生成的项目文档




/// 单行注释

/** 单行注释 */

/** 注释
 * 多行注释

/** 注释

/*! 单行注释 */

/*! 注释
 over multiple lines.


  • 修改html模板,文件object-template.html
  • 第137行,Section Method区域,
  • 第一对<br>中间是我新增的,效果是每个方法前面显示简介,不然只看到一堆方法名而已
  • 其他模板可类似操作
Section Method
<div class="section-method">
    <a name="{{htmlReferenceName}}" title="{{methodSelector}}"></a>
    <h3 class="method-title">{{>TaskMethod}}</h3>

appledoc --help内容如下

Usage: appledoc [OPTIONS] <paths to source dirs or files>

  -o, --output <path>                     Output path
  -t, --templates <path>                  Template files path
      --docset-install-path <path>        DocSet installation path
  -s, --include <path>                    Include static doc(s) at path
  -i, --ignore <path>                     Ignore given path
  -x, --exclude-output <path>             Exclude given path from output
      --index-desc <path>                 File including main index description

  -p, --project-name <string>             Project name
  -v, --project-version <string>          Project version
  -c, --project-company <string>          Project company
      --company-id <string>               Company UTI (i.e. reverse DNS name)

  -h, --create-html                       [b] Create HTML
  -m, --create-markdown                   [b] Create markdown
  -d, --create-docset                     [b] Create documentation set
  -n, --install-docset                    [b] Install documentation set to Xcode
  -u, --publish-docset                    [b] Prepare DocSet for publishing
      --html-anchors <string>             [*] The html anchor format to use in DocSet HTML.
      --clean-output                      [b] Remove contents of output path before starting !!CAUTION!!

      --keep-intermediate-files           [b] Keep intermediate files in output path
      --keep-undocumented-objects         [b] Keep undocumented objects
      --keep-undocumented-members         [b] Keep undocumented members
      --search-undocumented-doc           [b] Search undocumented members documentation
      --repeat-first-par                  [b] Repeat first paragraph in member documentation
      --preprocess-headerdoc              [b] Preprocess header doc comments - 10.7 only!
      --print-information-block-titles    [b] Print title of information blocks. "Note:", "Warning:", etc.
      --use-single-star                   [b] Use single star for bold marker
      --merge-categories                  [b] Merge categories to classes
      --merge-category-comment            [b] Merge category comment to class
      --keep-merged-sections              [b] Keep merged categories sections
      --prefix-merged-sections            [b] Prefix merged sections with category name
      --explicit-crossref                 [b] Shortcut for explicit default cross ref template
      --use-code-order                    [b] Order sections by the order specified in the input files
      --crossref-format <string>          Cross reference template regex
      --exit-threshold <number>           Exit code threshold below which 0 is returned
      --docs-section-title <string>       Title of the documentation section (defaults to "Programming Guides"

      --warn-missing-output-path          [b] Warn if output path is not given
      --warn-missing-company-id           [b] Warn if company ID is not given
      --warn-undocumented-object          [b] Warn on undocumented object
      --warn-undocumented-member          [b] Warn on undocumented member
      --warn-empty-description            [b] Warn on empty description block
      --warn-unknown-directive            [b] Warn on unknown directive or format
      --warn-invalid-crossref             [b] Warn on invalid cross reference
      --warn-missing-arg                  [b] Warn on missing method argument documentation
      --warn-unsupported-typedef-enum     [b] Warn on unsupported typedef enum

      --docset-bundle-id <string>         [*] DocSet bundle identifier
      --docset-bundle-name <string>       [*] DocSet bundle name
      --docset-desc <string>              [*] DocSet description
      --docset-copyright <string>         [*] DocSet copyright message
      --docset-feed-name <string>         [*] DocSet feed name
      --docset-feed-url <string>          [*] DocSet feed URL
      --docset-feed-formats <values>      DocSet feed formats. Separated by a comma [atom,xml]
      --docset-package-url <string>       [*] DocSet package (.xar) URL
      --docset-fallback-url <string>      [*] DocSet fallback URL
      --docset-publisher-id <string>      [*] DocSet publisher identifier
      --docset-publisher-name <string>    [*] DocSet publisher name
      --docset-min-xcode-version <string> [*] DocSet min. Xcode version
      --docset-platform-family <string>   [*] DocSet platform familiy
      --docset-cert-issuer <string>       [*] DocSet certificate issuer
      --docset-cert-signer <string>       [*] DocSet certificate signer
      --docset-bundle-filename <string>   [*] DocSet bundle filename
      --docset-atom-filename <string>     [*] DocSet atom feed filename
      --docset-xml-filename <string>      [*] DocSet xml feed filename
      --docset-package-filename <string>  [*] DocSet package (.xar,.tgz) filename. Leave off the extension. This will be added depending on the generated package.

      --logformat <number>                Log format [0-3]
      --verbose <value>                   Log verbosity level [0-6,xcode]
      --version                           Display version and exit
      --help                              Display this help and exit

[b] boolean parameter, uses no value, use --no- prefix to negate.

[*] indicates parameters accepting placeholder strings:
- %PROJECT replaced with --project-name
- %PROJECTID replaced with normalized --project-name
- %VERSION replaced with --project-version
- %VERSIONID replaced with normalized --project-version
- %COMPANY replaced with --project-company
- %COMPANYID replaced with --company-id
- %YEAR replaced with current year (format yyyy)
- %UPDATEDATE replaced with current date (format yyyy-MM-dd)
- %DOCSETBUNDLEFILENAME replaced with --docset-bundle-filename
- %DOCSETATOMFILENAME replaced with --docset-atom-filename
- %DOCSETPACKAGEFILENAME replaced with --docset-package-filename

Find more help and tips online:
- http://appledoc.gentlebytes.com/
- http://tomaz.github.com/appledoc/

appledoc uses the following open source components, fully or partially:

- DDCli by Dave Dribin
- CocoaLumberjack by Robbie Hanson
- ParseKit by Todd Ditchendorf
- RegexKitLite by John Engelhart
- GRMustache by Gwendal Roué
- Discount by David Parsons
- Timing functions from Apple examples

We'd like to thank all authors for their contribution!
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