TEDx的演讲者都是如何备战的,一个成功女人背后多少男人!-创业自high 55

Alarm, 今天这篇文章以英文为主,不喜欢的就不要浪费时间批评我了。


昨天晚上9点,在外滩3号7楼异常吵闹的酒吧里,酒过7杯,好友XW邀请她的朋友,是TEDx speaker coach Larry,我下周六TEDx演讲,Larry问我的准备,说平均TED speaker要准备200小时,我说自己还没开始,也没仔细想好如何做,只是有个key message;他忧心忡忡的看着我,但没有放弃,给了我几个建议:to share not to tell; triggers, key notes not full story just to imagine!


今天早晨,开始sharpen the pen!

How to viva la vida to 120 years old?

VIVA la vida is a latin world; means to live the life to its fullness everyday! With today science we know we supposed to live to 120 years old, but very few did, not Chinese even.

I want to dedicate this to my husband, but I have none, tks god I am happily divorced.

I want to dedicate this to my children, but I have none, since I am very little I decided not to bring another life to this world.

How u can be living your life to its fullness, why u even want to live so long, 120 years old?My god, u would be all alone, all your friends all gone!


I come from a very troubled family that money alcohol, gambling and physical abusive happening, that I do not trust man, do not want to have my own family or kids; but tks for my parents to give me my life, that I can do something more to this world! which is to make more  people to follow the golden triangle rules of viva la vida: nutrition, fitness and mindful, we all can live our life to its fullness for 120 years.


There are a few triggers: I was very slim, only 25kg to school but I love to run, due to run away from family troubles in childhood but quite often I passed out then stood up after hours exercise; when I went to Roch vitamins in Switzerland, I got test that I lack of micronutrients to a very dangerous level; if not my brain holding up I would have many healthy issues; after replenishing it I realize a life of real healthy how wonderful: I did marathon 3.33 hours, went to many mountains including Kilimanjaro, did many other challenges;

with the experience and knowledge I know if we can change the nutrition status of 1000 days woman and kids, we can:

-decide their future health and happiness, not having all these chronic diseases

-go to Harvard Qinghua or get a decent job

-improve country GDP 3%


Fitness: my grandparents, sick on bed for 15 years from Parkinson and Alzheimer, they live in a very bad quality of life; come to my mom when she had heart and three high issues we have worked out good nutrition and fitness program, she is doing exercise 2-3 hours with good nutrition intake, so she is living healthy up to now even with the drama of 16 years ago she need heart surgery; myself I have been doing yoga and running for all my life, to support my workload and pressure, we have encouraged many people around us to do sports and regular exercise to improve their health, life quality and happiness; if we are not fit in body we can not fit in mind! Fitness is about both but start from physical exercise.


Mindnessfull: I came to my middle life crisis, trigger is a talk with my boss in New York when I asked for more challenges he said: from where u come from u should be so happy where u are; I was corporate executive to live in New York apartment and having all the expatriate advantages; but I realized this is not what I want, I want to make a better world, even without husband and kids, I want to have a meaning to live my life to its fullness everyday; I decided to stat up VIVA business, broadcast nutrition, fitness and mindfulness!

For me mindfullness is not about yoga and meditation and charity work; it is about be aware who u are and what life is good for u; not have to get married, to have kids, but we need a meaning of our life; to make a world a better place!


In summary, viva la vida is about nutrition, fitness and mindfulness, three pillars, we all can live our life to 120 years old, which is scientific approved, if we can follow these three pillars we will all see each other when u guys are 100 years old, which I would be 120 still with this energy this passion and being alone, hopefully not lonely.

对未来我充满好奇,因为要活那么多年,必须随时跟进实事。瑞士领事馆关于fintech的讲座,我早早就到了,站在吧台前,总是能有有趣的对话。大多数是欧洲和美国人,激进的认为“block chain is changing the world, no government and big firm can control and manipulate the transaction ”,我想这有些naive,最终信息肯定也是在有权势的人,公司和政府手里,但男人们有些小天真和幻想还是很可爱的。

fintech talk外国人更多

Swissnex 有了New CEO Felix,之前在Boston负责,我们聊到如何瑞士商学院和harvard MIT合作,因为在美国我们很不知名,必须和美商学院连动。


Swiss film maker在讲他的interview,和很多欧洲大公司和技术大咖谈到未来趋势,有些意思。

很多谈到Smart contract,以后都是互联网信息作信誉背书。

谈到bitcoin是2008 Japanese founder, 7 years to materialize,当时Bitcoin 1 dollar,之后是5美金,然后10美金,今天8000美金。


new 瑞士商会CEO

演讲者对于未来5 years预测

-Shareholders of your employees becoming , shaking traditional business

-Cutting off middle man

-Whole new generation of company , hard to see

-Reinvent capital market, stock exchange for 200 years, rules changing

-Computer science change: Safe Internet different web








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