苹果审核新要求Offering account deletion in your app


Upcoming Requirement Reminder

Note: This is a support message regarding upcoming requirements that may be relevant for your app.

Starting June 30, 2022, apps submitted to the App Store that support account creation must also include an option to initiate account deletion.

We noticed this app may support account creation. If it already offers account deletion or you’re working to implement it, we appreciate your efforts to follow the App Store Review Guidelines. Apps submitted after June 30 that do not comply with the account deletion requirements in guideline 5.1.1(v) will not pass review.

To learn more about the account deletion requirements, visit Offering account deletion in your app. If your app offers Sign in with Apple, use the Sign in with Apple REST API to revoke user tokens.






要了解有关帐户删除要求的更多信息,请访问应用程序中的提供帐户删除。如果您的应用程序提供Apple登录,请使用Apple REST API登录以吊销用户令牌。

大概意思就是6月30号之后所有带有账号注册功能的app必须还提供账号删除功能,否则提交之后就会无法通过审核。而且带有苹果登录功能的app,还要使用Apple REST API登录以吊销用户令牌。

官网详细介绍了关于Offering account deletion in your app的内容,我直接粘贴过来了。


Offering account deletion in your app

Starting June 30, 2022, apps submitted to the App Store that support account creation must also let users initiate deletion of their account within the app. Deleting an account removes the account from the developer’s records, along with any data associated with the account that the developer isn’t legally required to maintain. Providing this capability gives people more control of the personal data they’ve shared. If you’re updating an app or submitting a new app with account creation, please read the guidance below to prevent delays in review.



自2022年6月30日起,提交给App Store且支持帐户创建的应用程序还必须允许用户在应用程序中启动帐户删除。删除帐户将从开发人员的记录中删除该帐户,以及与该帐户相关的任何数据,这些数据是开发人员在法律上不需要维护的。提供此功能可以让人们更好地控制他们共享的个人数据。如果您正在更新应用程序或提交具有帐户创建的新应用程序,请阅读下面的指南,以防止审查延迟。


Account deletion guidance

Account deletion is a significant decision for the user, and the process for initiating and confirming deletion should be straightforward and transparent:

  • Make the account deletion option easy to find in your app. Typically, it’s included in the app’s account settings.

  • Offer to delete the entire account record, along with associated personal data. You may include additional options, but only offering to temporarily deactivate or disable an account is insufficient.

  • If people need to visit a website to finish deleting their account, include a link directly to the page on your website where they can complete the process.

  • Keep users informed. If the deletion request will take additional time to complete, let them know. If your app supports in-app purchases, help people understand how billing and cancellations will be handled. For additional guidance, read the Human Interface Guidelines.

Note: Follow applicable legal requirements for storing and retaining user account information and for handling account deletion. This includes complying with local laws where your apps are available. If you have questions regarding your legal obligations, check with your legal counsel.




  • 在应用程序中轻松找到帐户删除选项。通常,它包含在应用程序的帐户设置中。

  • 提供删除整个帐户记录以及相关的个人数据。您可以包括其他选项,但仅提供临时停用或禁用帐户是不够的。

  • 如果用户需要访问某个网站以完成删除其帐户,请在您的网站上添加一个直接指向该页面的链接,以便完成删除过程。

  • 随时通知用户。如果删除请求需要额外的时间才能完成,请告知他们。如果您的应用程序支持应用内购买,请帮助人们了解如何处理计费和取消。有关其他指南,请阅读人机界面指南。



Frequently asked questions

Can I direct users to a customer service flow to complete account deletion?

It depends. Apps in highly regulated industries, as described in App Store Review Guideline 5.1.1(ix), may use additional customer service flows to confirm and facilitate the account deletion process. Apps not operating in highly regulated industries should not require people to make a phone call, send an email, or go through other support flows.

Can I require reauthentication or add confirmation steps to ensure that the account isn’t deleted by accident or by someone other than the account holder?

Yes. It is appropriate to ensure that the deletion is intentional and desired by the user. You may add steps to verify the identity of the person making the request, and to confirm that they want to delete the account (such as by entering a code from an email or phone number already associated with the account). However, apps that make it unnecessarily difficult for a user to delete their account will not pass review.

My app uses Sign in with Apple to provide account creation and authentication to users. What changes are necessary to support users who delete their accounts?

Apps that support Sign in with Apple should use the Sign in with Apple REST API to revoke user tokens. To learn more, review the documentation and design recommendations.

If my app links out to the default web browser for account creation, does it still need to offer account deletion within the app?

Yes. Additionally, note that linking out to the default web browser to sign in or register an account provides a poor user experience and is not appropriate, per App Store Review Guideline 4.

My app automatically creates an account for the user. Do I need to include an option to initiate account deletion?

Yes. Users should have the option to delete automatically generated accounts (sometimes called “guest” accounts) and the data associated with those accounts. Ensure any automatic account creation in your app complies with local laws where your app is available.

I manually delete user accounts and this takes time. Does account deletion need to be immediate and automatic?

No. If your process for account deletion is manual or otherwise takes time to complete, this is acceptable. Inform the user how long it will take to delete the account and provide a confirmation when the deletion has been completed. Ensure the time taken to delete accounts complies with local laws where your app is available.

Does the content provided by a user need to be deleted in apps that display and share user-generated content?

Yes. People expect that all data associated with their account will be deleted when the account is deleted. This includes user-generated content that’s shared with others, such as photos, video, text posts, and reviews. If local laws or regulations require that you maintain some data, let your users know.

I currently allow account deletion in compliance with CCPA, GDPR, or other local laws in some of the locations where my app is available. Is this sufficient?

No. All users should be allowed to delete their accounts, regardless of where they’re located. The existing account deletion flows you’ve created to comply with local legal requirements may be made available to all users, as long as they meet the requirements of App Store Review Guideline 5.1.1(v).

How do I handle users with auto-renewable subscriptions? I don’t want to accidentally charge someone after they’ve deleted their account.

If the user has auto-renewable subscriptions, notify them that their billing will continue through Apple and request that they cancel their subscription before continuing. If you’re using App Store Server Notifications for auto-renewable subscriptions, you can verify the status of the user’s subscription in real time, or use the Subscription Status API to identify subscription status.

Use showManageSubscription in iOS 15 and iPadOS 15, or later, or provide the following link to let users manage their subscriptions: https://apps.apple.com/account/subscriptions. For tvOS, provide onscreen instructions to change or cancel a subscription, as described in the Apple TV User Guide.

In addition, you can use beginRefundRequest in iOS 15 and iPadOS 15, or later, or provide the following Apple Support link to allow customers to submit refund requests: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204084.

You can also provide an option to schedule account deletion at a later time to align with the subscription’s expiration date, as long as there is also an option to delete the account immediately.




视情况而定。如App Store Review Guide 5.1.1(ix)所述,高度监管行业的应用程序可能会使用其他客户服务流来确认和促进账户删除流程。不在高度监管行业运行的应用程序不应要求人们拨打电话、发送电子邮件或通过其他支持流程。




支持通过Apple登录的应用程序应使用通过Apple REST API登录来吊销用户令牌。要了解更多信息,请查看文档和设计建议。


对此外,请注意,根据App Store Review Guide 4,链接到默认web浏览器以登录或注册帐户会带来糟糕的用户体验,这是不合适的。








否。应允许所有用户删除其帐户,无论其位于何处。您为符合当地法律要求而创建的现有帐户删除流可供所有用户使用,只要他们符合App Store Review Guide 5.1.1(v)的要求。


如果用户有自动续费订阅,通知他们将通过Apple继续计费,并要求他们在继续之前取消订阅。如果您正在使用App Store服务器通知进行自动续订订阅,则可以实时验证用户订阅的状态,或使用订阅状态API标识订阅状态。

从 2022 年 6 月 30 日开始,App Store 内支持账号创建的应用,必须提供删除账号的功能。



2)如果用户是通过 Apple ID 登录,需要在删除账号时使用 Sign in with Apple REST API 来撤销用户令牌;










Guideline 5.1.1(v) - Data Collection and Storage

We noticed that your app supports account creation but does not include an option to initiate account deletion.

Apps that support account creation must also offer account deletion to give App Store users more control of the data they've shared while using your app.

Next Steps

To resolve this issue, revise your app to include an option to initiate account deletion.

If you are unable to offer account deletion due to legal requirements, reply to this message in App Store Connect and provide additional information. You must follow all legal requirements where your app is available for storing and retaining user account information and handling account deletion. If you have questions regarding your legal obligations, check with your legal counsel.

Keep these requirements in mind when updating your app to support account deletion:

  • Only offering to temporarily deactivate or disable an account is insufficient.
  • If users need to visit a website to finish deleting their account, include a link directly to the page on your website where they can complete the process.
  • You may include confirmation steps to prevent users from accidentally deleting their account. However, only apps in highly-regulated industries may require users to use customer service resources, such as making a phone call or sending an email, to complete account deletion.







如果由于法律要求,您无法提供帐户删除,请在App Store Connect中回复此消息并提供其他信息。如果你的应用程序可用于存储和保留用户帐户信息以及处理帐户删除,你必须遵守所有法律要求。如果您对您的法律义务有疑问,请咨询您的法律顾问。










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