A Relaxed but Busy Retirement

By Xing Xu

I got a big surprise that just after the Chinese New Year ushered in, I received an email from Jean-Pascal Laffaille, my former big boss(high level of management team in the Corperation), from France. I noticed that the email was sent at around 8:30pm Shanghai time. I was really happy that Jean-Pascal remembered the occasion and sent me the email just at the most auspicious moment of our Chinese calendar, Chu Xi, or the Eve of the New Year.

Jean-Pascal's email told that he has been extremely busy in recent months as now he has five grandchildren. Although he does not need to babysit these little ones as most Chinese grandparents would do, he still thought he should be stand-by in case he is called for help at home. he also said that he and Susan, his partner, traveled several places in Europe last year and took a few the so called "in-depth tour".

They spent 2 weeks in the South of Spain, covering Sevilla, Cordoba and Grenada in April last year, and the 3 weeks in the North-West of Scotland in particular on the islands in June. Croatia saw them for 10 days in September and probably for the rest of the year the couple stayed in their own house in Southern France, with or without their children and grandchildren. What an active and enjoyable life they have! And this description depicts my impression on westerner's often very relaxed and care-free retirement life, while the majority of them enjoy travelling around the world.

Jean-Pascal had been to many places and cities in China when he was director of global areas - (except North America and Africa) of the company that I used to work for. China, as one of the emerging economies in the world, was a key business destination that he visited many times, not only in Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou, but also in many second or third tier cities. Jean-Pascal showed big interest in China, its people (staff members were a good source for him to understand local people), culture and traditions. He loves Chinese food, even the typical Shanghai home-style dishes. The last time we met was about two years ago, when Jean-Pascal and Susan spent one night in Shanghai for transit before heading to Paris. I recommended very simple home-style   Shanghainese food for dinner in a restaurant very close to the hotel where they stayed. I was quite surprised that they enjoyed very much the food. I admire those who can indulge in high luxury and at the same time, appreciate simple plain basics, just like Jean-Pascal.

Jean-Pascal is a very clever man. he is excellent in mental arithmetic which seems rare among most Western people. I remember once we had a business trip together to visit a potential acquiree in Dongguan, Guangdong province. Our two-hour-meeting was tough and Jean-Pascal took notes in two full pages in his A4-sized notebook. As the first round of interviews before our financial team in the headquarters world involve due diligence, he wanted to make sure some numbers provided by the acquiree were correct. While we were at a cafe at the airport, he asked me and my general manager to double check the numbers presented in the P & L statement (Profit & Loss Statement). Jean-Pascal took his coffee cup while looking at his notebook, I knew he was calculating mentally. Then he sipped his coffee and said, "I found there is roughly a discrepancey of 10% between what they claimed and my calculation. See, they said the revenue is 80 million and after deducting the cost, it is 65million; if the cost of manufacturing was included as so they said, the gross margin should be 15 million. Since the total GS & A (sales & market expense plus administration) was around 11 million according to them, then tax before the bottom line (net income before tax) should have been 4 million but not 4.5 million as they claimed. Or maybe they give the wrong average selling price, then the total revenue would be wrong." He then gave the detailed calculation on the unit weight of their key products and multiplied the annual total cubic tons which reached the global weight of their annual total production. It was so amazing that even with the help of a calculator, my calculation was not as quick as his mental arithmetic. I guess this was one of the reasons why Jean-Pascal was our big boss.

Jean-Pascal was a serious person. I remember once I drove him to Hangzhou from Cixi, Zhejiang province, to visit a client, but I was not familiar with the streets in downtown Hangzhou although I switched on the GPS. Jean-Pascal sat on the passenger's seat, beside me, looked at the GPS very carefully and in the meantime, he tried to grasp the meaning of the traffic boards along the streets. (But I didn't think he could make sense of them, at least not in full.) I was worried a lot as I did not want to give a bad impression to my big boss as a lousy driver. He noticed my concern, then comforted me, "Don't worry Whitney, I'll guide you as per the machine's instruction. You just drive ahead." Then I turned right, turned left, drove through the viaduct bridge according to his instructions. It seemed all went quite smoothly. Then we got down the bridge and turned right again. Until finally, when I drove to the sidewalk in front of the gate of a hospital, then I realized that it was wrong and stopped. He looked at me seriously and I looked at him. Then he said, "It's not my fault, it's the machine's fault." I couldn't help laughing out loudly. He just smiled innocently looking a little bewilded and embarrassed.

Jean-Pascal and I remain in contact after he retired in 2011. Last year his Christmas card did not reach me on time but flying around the world for about 3 months that I received it only towards the end of March, although it was posted on December 19 according to the postmark. I told Jean-Pascal aobut it and said, "Since you love to travel, so does your card. It sneaked off and maybe went around the Africa then came back to Shanghai finally, to the intended destination." So this year's card is still on the way to me, I guess.

Once again, Jean-Pascal asked me if I have made the plan to visit France. He seriously said to me that I should let him know my plan as early as possible otherwise he probably would not be in France.

Yes, I do look forward to that day when I will see Jean-Pascal in France, where, I trust he should take me to tour the most interesting places.



除夕夜,我惊喜地收到我以前的大老板Jean-Pascal Laffaille先生发自法国的邮件,看到他发出的时间是除夕晚上8:30左右上海时间,他真是有心啊!在这么一个吉祥如意的中国春节之夜。









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