2019年愿望困难指数极高:吃饭就是吃饭,读书就是读书,工作就是工作!-创业一起high 192






吃饭就是吃饭,走路就是走路(可以听书), 看书就是看书,写作就是写作,听别人讲话就全身心听,感同深受,瑜伽就是瑜伽,呼吸就是呼吸,内观就不要运作头脑,珍惜面前一切,不纠结古往今来!真实只有现在。


所以元旦三天一直试图专注DBA的literature review,我对自己论文主题非常感兴趣,关于商业环境下人类wellbeing,中文翻译暂且为“康乐”,实在没找到更贴切词!



At one extreme, individual well-being can be expressed in physical and biological terms; at the other extreme, it can be viewed as a state of happiness... Between the two extreme notions of individual well-being lies a multitude of other criteria, such as income and wealth, social position, the Maslowian hierarchy of accomplishments, personal power, spiritual or ideological achievement, and many others.

Suranyi-Unger (1981)提到个人康乐分物理和生理两个层面:收入,财富,社会地位,社会保障,自我价值实现,权利,精神理想实现,快乐境界。



Generally, there are two broad categories of objective definitions of well-being: resource-related and consumption-related. Researchers such as Garfinkel and Haveman (1977) and Weisbrod and Hansen (1977) have focused on resources. On the other hand, researchers such as Fergusson et al. (1981), Lipshitz (1987), Magrabi (1987), Magrabi et al. (1991), Marlowe and Godwin (1988), Monroe (1937), Onn (1989), Squire (1991), and Thomas (1990) have focused on consumption. 





� Well-being start from satisfaction with, and happiness in, life as a whole, which, of course, could be inferred from satisfaction with various specific domains of life, such as health, housing, and family life (Michalos, 1983)

Michalos, 1983提到康乐怡对生活满意度为标准,包活你对健康,住房,家庭等具体生活重要方面满意;我认为人的满意度都是短暂的,一个点,都不是一个面,是高峰不是高原体验;你为啥满意是因为那一刻你没有更多的需求你很满意,但下一刻马上新的愿望升起你又开始不那么满意,有没有,马上想到我要减肥2公斤,我要去bora bora,我要给学校其他家长show off我的孩子美好生长环境,我要全世界知道我的幸福指数.................爱吗,马上有人泼你冷水,没人在乎你有多满意,重要的是我们很不满意!


�Common consumption-related definitions of well-being include health (Magrabi et al., 1991; Squire, 1991), nutrient intake (Thomas, 1990), health practices (Onn, 1989), durables (Lipshitz, 1987), fertility rate (Onn, 1989), public goods and services (Onn, 1989), educational achievement (Lipshitz, 1987; Onn, 1989; Squire, 1991), and economizing behavior (Fergusson et al., 1981). 

消费层次界定康乐喜欢Thomas 1990开始把营养摄入放进去,其实这个很能体现一个社会整体康乐指数,我们都知道美国人对于额外补充营养素痴迷(这点上我很美国,执迷和痴迷),非洲人民都是double burden肥胖和营养不良;中国介于中间,一部分精英健康人士很留意广大群众一部分吃光一部分不知道瓜啥样!所以涉及到个体,营养摄入无法正确体现康乐指数,作为一个宏观社会康乐指标我还是认同的。


� Magrabi (1987) stated that well-being describes a desired state of affairs, the state of being well, happy, and prosperous. 



� Some studies used satisfaction as an indicator of well-being. Among them are studies by Headey et al. (1985), Michalos (1983), and Wilkening and McGranahan (1978). Michalos (1983) analyzed how satisfaction within a dozen domains of life contributes to global satisfaction and happiness with life as a whole. The twelve domains studied were health, finances, family, job, friends, housing, area of residence, recreation, religion, self-esteem, transportation, and government services in terms of happiness with life as a whole, the most influential variables for males were financial security, health, and self-esteem, whereas satisfaction with self-esteem, housing, and financial security were the most influential variables for females.



Ellis (1984) provided a model that considered the nature of well-being by examining its "causal basis". "Causal basis" refers to conditions the act as a barrier between people and the goals important to them. The basic idea is that the causal level determines the well-being of a group of people. The basic level (level zero) is the State of Welfare, which represents a state of the group at a particular point in time. The first level is the Level of Living. This level concerns the deployment, of the available flow of resources and amenities to maintain and improve the State of Welfare.The second level of well-being specifies the quantity of Resources Available to the group. This level concerns the "stock" rather than the "flow" of available resources. The resource availability is determined by the group's access to the Power structure in the society. Access to power is the third level of well-being. It leads to allocation of new resources to the group's benefit. Each of the three higher levels controls the level below it and determines the state of well-being. The final level is the Level of Pressure, which is a negative level that lies below the State of Welfare. The level of pressure manifests the results either of a good state of, or a lack of well-being.




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