
- How to you foil?


I have a whole post breaking down the method I use!


- What materials do you use?

- 你用什么材料?

I use the Amazon basics laminator, minc foil, cardstock, and a Lexmark laser printer. The exact products I use are linked in my Amazon wishlist:https://www.amazon.com/shop/cooper_calligraphy

我使用亚马逊倍思的热层压机,minc 箔纸,卡片,和利盟激光打印机。 我使用的具体产品在我的亚马逊愿望列表中有链接: https://www.Amazon.com/shop/cooper_calligraphy

- My results are not the same, why?


There are a multitude of reasons why you may not be getting the same results I am, I have a blog post titled "Issues When Foiling and How to Combat Them" where I go over the most common problems and what I do to avoid them!


- Do you have to foil immediately after printing?

- 打印后可以立即使用锡箔纸吗?

In my experience, no. You can wait a few hours before foiling!


- Do you have to wait before peeling the foil?

- 你要等一会儿再剥锡箔吗?

Most of the time, I peel immediately after the foil is applied. However, with certain designs that have a lot of small details I find it's best to wait about 5 minutes before peeling.

大多数情况下,我会在贴上箔纸后立即剥锡箔。 然而,对于某些有很多细节的设计,我发现最好在剥锡箔前等上5分钟。

- Can you print over a foiled design?


Yes! I've done a few designs where I send the foiled design through the printer again. This can be used to add black accents or another foil color! Once the foil has melted to the toner, adding another color foil over top will not stick!

是的! 我做了一些设计后,我把锡箔画再次通过打印机。 这可以用来添加黑色调或其他铝箔颜色! 一旦铝箔熔化到调色剂上,再在上面添加另一种颜色的铝箔就粘不上了!

- What do you do with the negatives? Can you use them to foil again?

- 底片怎么处理? 还能再次用来做锡箔吗?

Yes, you can use the negatives to create an inverted foil print. However, this requires printing an entire page of black, which uses a lot of toner. Toner is the most expensive material in this process, so I avoid doing this personally.

是的,您可以使用底片创建一个反转箔印刷。 然而,这需要打印一整页的黑色,它使用了大量的碳粉。 调色剂是这个过程中最贵的材料,所以我个人会避免这样做。

Other Questions:


- Do you sell your foil prints?


I do! My prints are available on my Etsy page:https://www.etsy.com/shop/CooperCalligraphyArt

是的! 我的作品可以在我的 易贝 页面上找到: https://www.Etsy.com/shop/coopercalligraphyart

- Do you take custom orders?


At the moment, I don't take fully custom orders. I do however offer custom state/ country silhouettes and custom calligraphy quotes. I will also make a foil print of your own design, just make sure to contact me first so I can let you know if it will work with the foil!

目前,我不接受完全定制的订单。 然而,我提供定制州 / 国家剪影和定制书法报价。 我也会做一个自己设计的箔印刷,只是一定要预先联系我,这样我可以让你知道,它是否可以用于锡箔印刷!

- What app do you use to draw?

- 你用什么应用程序画画?

I use the Procreate app. It costs a one time payment of $15 and is only available on the iPad. There is a pocket version that is about $5 for the iPhone. It is not available on Windows devices.

我使用 Procreate 应用。 一次性支付15美元,只能在 iPad 上购买。 有一个口袋版本,大约5美元的 iPhone。 它不能在 Windows 设备上使用。

- What iPad and stylus do you use?

- 你用什么 iPad 和手写笔?

I have the 2017 iPad Pro, with the apple pencil! I purchased both of these from the apple store.

我有2017年的 iPad Pro,还有苹果铅笔! 这两个我都是在苹果店买的。

- How do you make your stickers?


I order my stickers from a company called Sticker App! They offer custom die cut stickers in a variety of materials. The stickers are also weatherproof and dishwasher safe!

我从一家叫做 Sticker App 的公司订购了我的贴纸! 他们提供各种材料的定制模切贴纸。 贴纸也是防水的,可以放在洗碗机里洗!


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