




例1 剑6 test 4 passage 3

31、A recent survey found that in Britain secondary schools

32、Children who are bullied

33、The writer thinks that declaration “there is no bullying at this school”

34、What were the findings of research carried out in Norway?



例1 剑8 test 2 passage 3 The meaning and power of smell

33、According to the introduction, we become aware of the importance of smell when

文中对应句:without being consciously aware of their importance to us. It is only when the faculty of smell is impaired for some reason......

题干中aware of the importance与文中aware of the importance一致,为原词,表示意识到嗅觉的重要性。

34、The experiment described in paragraph B

文中对应句:In one well-known test, women and men were able to distinguish by smell alone clothing......


35What is the writer doing in paragraph C?


36、What does the writer suggest about the study of smell in the atmosphere in paragraph E?

文中对应句:Researchers have still to decide whether smell is one sense or two--one responding to odours proper and the other registering odourless chemicals in the air.

题干中smell in the atmosphere对应到E段中odour, in the air为同义词转换,表示大气中的气味。


例 2 剑7 test 4 passage 3 Effects of noise

27、The writer suggests that people may have difficulty sleeping in the mountains because

文中对应句:And yet most of us have had the experience of having to adjust to sleeping in the mountains or the countryside because it was initially ‘too quiet'

题干中sleeping in the mountains与文章第一段中的sleeping in the mountains一致,为原词,表示在山林中入睡。

28In noise experiments, Glass and Singer found that

文中对应句:For example, Glass and Singer (1972) exposed people to short bursts of very loud noise and then measured their ability to work out problems and their physiological reactions to the noise.

题干中Glass and Singer与文章第一段中的Glass and Singer一致,为大写原词。

29、Researchers discovered that high noise levels are not likely to interfere with the

文中对应句:For example, high noise levels interfered with the performance of subjects who were required to monitor three dials at a time, a task not unlike that of an aeroplane pilot or an air-traffic controller (Broadbent, 1957).

题干中high noise levels, interfere与文章第二段中的high noise levels interfered一致,为原词,表示高声噪音干涉。





例1 剑8 test 2 passage 3 The meaning and power of smell

33、According to the introduction, we become aware of the importance of smell when

A. we discover a new smell.

B. we experience a powerful smell.

C. our ability to smell is damaged.

D. we are surrounded by odours.


文中对应句:For the most part, however, we breathe in the aromas which surround us without being consciously aware of their importance to us. It is only when the faculty of smell is impaired for some reason that we begin to realise the essential role the sense of smell plays in our sense of well-being.


例2 剑7 teat 4 passage 3 Effects of noise

27、The writer suggests that people may have difficulty sleeping in the mountains because

A. humans do not prefer peace and quiet to noise.

B. they may be exposed to short bursts of very strange sounds.

C. humans prefer to hear a certain amount of noise while they sleep.

D. they may have adapted to a higher noise level in the city.


文中对应句:And yet most of us have had the experience of having to adjust to sleeping in the mountains or the countryside because it was initially ‘too quiet', an experience that suggests that humans are capable of adapting to a wide range of noise levels.


例3 剑9 test 4 passage 3 The development of museums

33、The writer says that museums, heritage sites and theme parks

A. often work in close partnership.

B. try to preserve separate identities.

C. have similar exhibits.

D. are less easy to distinguish than before.


文中对应句:In a related development, the sharp distinction between museum and heritage sites on the one hand, and theme parks on the other, is gradually evaporating. They already borrow ideas and concepts from one another.

题干考查heritage sites与theme parks之间的关系,文中指出在最近的发展中,博物馆,遗址与主题公园之间的明显区别正在逐渐消失,它们互相借鉴分享观点与理念。D选项为它们之间不如之前好区分,选项与文中答案出处为句子释义关系。






例1 剑6 test 4 passage 3

32、Children who are bullied

A. are twice as likely to commit suicide as the average person.

B. find it more difficult to relate to adults.

C. are less likely to be violent in later life.

D. may have difficulty forming relationships in later life.


文中对应处:Victimised pupils are more likely to experience difficulties with interpersonal relationships as adults, while children who persistently bully are more likely to grow up to be physically violent, and convicted of anti-social offences.

文中指出受到欺凌的孩童成年后会经历人际关系方面的困难,所以答案为D。混淆项C选项与文中children who persistently bully are more likely to grow up to be physically violent词汇几乎相同,但是题干考查的是受到校园暴力的学生会怎样,文中句意为持续欺凌他人的孩子会更暴力,因此跟题干毫无关系,不需要绕弯去考虑C选项。

例2 剑7 test 1 passage 1

27、The book Educating Psyche is mainly concerned with

A. the power of suggestion in learning

B. a particular technique for leaning based on emotions.

C. the effects of emotion on the imagination and the unconscious.

D. ways of learning which are not traditional.


文中对应点:Educating Psyche by Bernie Neville is a book which looks at radical new approaches to learning, describing the effects of emotion, imagination and the unconscious on learning. One the theory discussed in the book is that proposed by George Lozanov, which focuses on the power of suggestion.

文中为教育心理学主要探讨完全崭新的学习方法,描述情感,想象以及下意识对于学习的影响,因此答案为D. 与传统不同的教学方法。混淆项A选项与文中focuses on the power of suggestion完全相同,但是题干考查的是书涉及的内容,但是focuses on the power of suggestion在文中的主语为One the theory discussed in the book书中讨论的一个理论,因此A选项与题干毫无关系,属于答非所问。


例1 剑6 test 4 passage 3

32、Children who are bullied

A. are twice as likely to commit suicide as the average person.

B. find it more difficult to relate to adults.

C. are less likely to be violent in later life.

D. may have difficulty forming relationships in later life.


文中对应处:Victimised pupils are more likely to experience difficulties with interpersonal relationships as adults, while children who persistently bully are more likely to grow up to be physically violent, and convicted of anti-social offences.

文中指出受到欺凌的孩童成年后会经历人际关系方面的困难,所以答案为D。混淆项B选项为受欺凌的孩子很难与成年人相处,与Victimised pupils are more likely to experience difficulties with interpersonal relationships as adults词汇相似度很高,但是文中句意为受欺凌的孩子成年后人际关系处理有困难,B选项与文中句子无法正确对应。

例2 剑7 teat 4 passage 3 Effects of noise

28、In noise experiments, Glass and Singer found that

A. problem-solving is much easier under quiet conditions.

B. physiological arousal prevents the ability to work.

C. bursts of noise do not seriously disrupt problem-solving in the long term.

D. the physiological arousal of control subjects declined quickly.


文中对应处:For example, Glass and Singer (1972) exposed people to short bursts of very loud noise and then measured their ability to work out problems and their physiological reactions to the noise. The noise was quite disruptive at first, but after about four minutes the subjects were doing just as well on their tasks as control subjects who were not exposed to noise. Their physiological arousal also declined quickly to the same levels as those of the control subjects.

文中指出试验测试人们听到噪音后解决问题的能力以及噪音引起的生理反应。结果表明噪音最初具有扰乱性,但是4分钟之后听到噪音的实验人表现得与参照组的人一样好。听到噪音的实验人的生理反应很快下降到参照组人们的水平。混淆项D选项与Their physiological arousal also declined quickly to the same levels as those of the control subjects词汇完全重合,但是D选项偷换了概念,文中意为噪音对于实验人的影响只是最初的,四分钟之后表现得跟参照组(即未听到噪音的人)一样,听到噪音的实验人的生理反应很快下降到跟参照组的相同。但是D选项为参照组的生理反应下降很快。

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