

依据最新的联合国经济和社会事务部统计司的联合国地理方案,为方便统计,把非洲分为北非、 撒哈拉以南非洲 (撒哈拉以南非洲分为中非、东非、南非、西非),共60个国家和地区。






西非包括毛里塔尼亚、塞内加尔、冈比亚、马里、布基纳法索、几内亚、几内亚比绍、佛得角、塞拉利昂、利比里亚、科特迪瓦、加纳、多哥、贝宁、尼日尔、西撒哈拉(地区)[6]  、尼日利亚和圣赫勒拿岛(属英国)。面积约656万平方千米。其中黑人约占总人口的85%,其余多为阿拉伯人。本区北部属撒哈拉沙漠,中部属苏丹草原,南部为上几内亚高原,沿海有狭窄的平原。本区所产金刚石约占世界总产量12%,铝土矿约占非洲总产量90%以上,可可和棕榈仁均占世界总产量50%以上,棕榈油约占38%,花生约占11%,咖啡、天然橡胶在世界上也占有一定地位。

































According to the latest United Nationsgeographical program of the Statistics Division of the United NationsDepartment of Economic and Social Affairs, for the convenience of statistics,Africa is divided into North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa (sub-Saharan Africa isdivided into Central Africa, East Africa, South Africa, West Africa), a totalof 60 countries and regions.

North Africa

North Africa usually includes Egypt, Sudan,South Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Madeira (Portugal), SpanishMorocco (Spain), Ceuta (Spain), Melilla (Spain), and the Canary Islands(Spain). Egypt, Sudan and Libya are sometimes called North East Africa. Theremaining countries and regions are called Northwest Africa. North Africacovers an area of more than 8.2 million square kilometers and has a populationof about 120 million, 70% of which are Arabs. Atlas Mountains in the northwest,part of the Sudanese steppe in the southeast, narrow plains along theMediterranean and Atlantic coasts, and most of the rest of the Sahara desert.Many AGRICULTURAL AND MINERAL PRODUCTS IN THIS REGION OCCUPY AN IMPORTANTPOSITION IN THE WORLD. Crude oil accounts for 5% of the world's totalproduction, phosphate accounts for 22%, cotton accounts for 5%, Arabic gumaccounts for more than 80%, and other products include cork, olive, citrus,grape, date palm and figs.

In East Africa

East Africa usually includes Ethiopia,Eritrea, Somalia, Djibouti, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Seychelles, Rwanda, andBurundi. And sometimes Sudan as part of East Africa. East Africa covers an areaof about 3.7 million square kilometers, with a population of about 130 million,mainly black Bantu languages, distributed in the south; This is followed by theGaila and Amhara Somalis in the north. There are narrow plains along the coastof the Indian Ocean. The Great Rift Valley runs through the middle and west ofthe East African plateau. This region produces about 14% of the world's totalcoffee, over 25% of sisal, and over 80% of the world's supply of cloves. Tea,sugar cane and cotton are also important in Africa.

In west Africa

West Africa includes Mauritania, Senegal,Gambia, Mali, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde, Sierra Leone,Liberia, Cote d 'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin, Niger, Western Sahara (region)[6], Nigeria, and St. Helena (British territory). The area is about 6.56million square kilometers. Blacks make up about 85% of the population; the restare mostly Arabs. The northern part of this area is the Sahara desert, themiddle part of the Sudanese grassland, the southern part of the upper Guineaplateau, there are narrow coastal plains. The diamond production in this regionaccounts for 12% of the world's total production, bauxite accounts for morethan 90% of Africa's total production, cocoa and palm kernel account for morethan 50% of the world's total production, palm oil accounts for about 38%,peanuts account for about 11%, coffee and natural rubber also occupy a certainposition in the world.

The central African

Central Africa usually includes Chad,Central African Republic, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, CongoBrazzaville, Democratic Republic of Congo, SAO Tome and Principe, and sometimesZambia, Zimbabwe and Malawi as part of Central Africa. It covers an area ofmore than 5.36 million square kilometers and has a population of about 56million, among which Bantu blacks account for about 80% and are distributed inthe south. The rest are black Sudanese, in the north. The northern part of theregion is the Sahara desert, the middle part of the Sudanese grassland, thesouth part of the Congo basin, the southwest part of the Lower Guinea plateau.The Congo Basin covers an area of about 3.37 million square kilometers. Thelowest part of the central part is only 200 meters above sea level, and thesurrounding plateauts and mountains are generally as high as 1,000 meters abovesea level. The production of diamond accounts for about 30% of the world'stotal production, manganese ore accounts for 12%, copper, cobalt, uranium, tin,radium, niobium, tantalum and other minerals are important in the world. Palmoil, palm kernel, natural rubber, cocoa are also important.

South Africa

South Africa usually includes Botswana,Namibia, Angola, the Republic of South Africa, Eswatini, Lesotho, Madagascar,Malawi, Comoros, Mauritius, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mayotte Island, LaRepublique, the British Indian Ocean Territory, the French Southern Hemisphereand the Antarctic Territory. It covers an area of more than 6.61 million squarekilometers and has a population of about 100 million, of which 85% are blackBantu, 9% Malagasy Malay Polynesian, and more than 5% are white European: TheSouth African plateau is the main part of the terrain in this region, with thelow-lying Kalahadi Basin in the central part of the plateau and the plateau andmountains around it. The gold production in this region accounts for about71.83% of the world's total output, and the diamond and chromium ores accountfor about 28.17%. The output of diamond, uranium ore, copper, vanadium,lithium, beryllium, cobalt and asbestos also plays an important role in theworld.

Geographic realm

Africa is located in the southwest of theEastern Hemisphere, north and south across the equator, part of the northwestjuts into the Western Hemisphere. East of the Indian Ocean, west of theAtlantic Ocean, north across the Mediterranean Sea and the Strait of Gibraltarand Europe, northeast corner with the narrow Red Sea and Suez Canal adjacent toAsia. The continent extends to Cape Haffon (51°24 'E, 10°27' N) in the east,Cape Agulhas (20°02 'E, 34°51' s) in the south, Cape Verde (17°33 'W, 14°45' N)in the west, and Cape Guillen (Cape Benseca) in the north (9°50 'E, 37°21' N).About 30.2 million square kilometers (including nearby islands). Accounting for20.2% of the world's total land area, it is the second largest continent in theworld after Asia. (below ↓)

Mineral resources

Africa has proven mineral resources of manykinds, large reserves. Rich in oil and natural gas; Iron, manganese, chromium,cobalt, nickel, vanadium, copper, lead, zinc, tin, phosphate and other largereserves; Gold and diamond have a long reputation; The discovery of uraniumveins has attracted worldwide attention. Reserves of many minerals are amongthe highest in the world of the Japan.


In 2014, Africa's reserves accounted fornearly 12% of the world's total, of which the oil from the Sahara regionaccounted for 12%. Among the more than 20 oil-producing countries, Nigeria,Algeria, Libya, Angola and Egypt accounted for more than 80% of Africa's totaloil production. [8]

Some of the countries that contain oil areAlgeria, Nigeria, Libya, Angola, Egypt, Benin, Equatorial Guinea, Congo(Brazzaville), Gabon, Cameroon, Cote d 'Ivoire, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, etc.

Platinum, chromium, manganese, palladium

In 2014, Africa had 89% of the world'splatinum and palladium reserves; Manganese ore and chromium ore reservesaccount for 83% and 91% of the world respectively.

Platinum and palladium are concentrated inSouth Africa; Chromium mines are concentrated in South Africa and Zimbabwe;Manganese mines are concentrated in South Africa and Gabon.


In 2014, Africa's reserves accounted for60% of the world's total, and Congo (DRC) ranked first in diamond production.

Concentrated in Congo, Botswana and SouthAfrica.

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