学习分享Ogden的基本英语系统-也称为核心英语 - The SYSTEM of BASIC ENGLISH


Basic English 在英语体系上是核心英语,精选850个核心单词r。

几年的学习实验证明学习Basic English是很有效的,例子见:https://www.jianshu.com/p/3dc5ad0b2e1a



Basic English is a careful and systematic selection of 850 English words which will cover those needs of everyday life for which a vocabulary of 20,000 words is frequently employed. These word are not the words most commonly used,as determined by word-counts; but all of them are common, and more than 600 of them are constantly used by any English or American child of six.





There are 200 names of picturable objects,and

400 other names of things; making

600 nouns in all.

There are 150 adjectives.

The remaining 100 words put these names and adjectives into operation, so that the whole system may work as normal English.


Basic English has two chief purposes :

1 . To serve as an international auxiliary language ; that is to say, a second language for use throughout the world in general communication, commerce, and science.

2 . To provide a rational introduction to normal English ; both as a first step, complete in itself, for those whose natural language is not English, and as a grammatical introduction, encouraging clarity of thought and expression, for English-speaking peoples at any stage of proficiency.

3 . WHY 850 WORDS? 为什么这850个单词

The average rate of learning words in a foreign language is about thirty words an hour. The average learner is willing to give an hour a day for a month to learning the fundamentals of a new language. Hence it is possible for anyone whose natural language is not too remote from English to read anything written in Basic in less than 30 hours. The ideal limits are thus roughly fixed below 1,000 words, and more precisely between 800 and 900.


We next discover the number of words necessary to cover the field; that is to say, the essential minimum in which everything of general interest can be talked about. Of the 500,000 words in the largest English dictionaries about 20,000 may be described as common words; and of these between 7,000 and 8,000 are in everyday use. Analysis, over a period of more than ten years, showed that between 800 and 900 are necessary to do the work. So the problem has a practical solution.

我们下一步就是找出能够覆盖这些领域的词的数量; 也就是说,那些本质的最少的单词,能够谈论任何感兴趣的话题的那些词。英语最大字典的50万单词中有2万个可称为普通词汇。普通词汇里的7000到8000的词是天天都用的。十年多的研究表明,大约800到900的词汇可以来做这些工作。因此,这俄问题有其实用价值。

4 . WHY ENGLISH WORDS? 为什么英语单词

    1 . Because English is now the natural or governmental language of over 5000,000,000 people. It is already the second language of the Far East;

2 . No other existing language can be simplified to anything like the same extent. The chief difficulties of normal English are eliminated in Basic. One result of this analysis and simplification of normal English is that Basic is very similar in character to Chinese -- which gives it a special claim as a medium of communication with and in the East.


The primary principle of Basic, which made the reduced vocabulary possible, is the elimination of the verb; so that the main difficulty of language-learning is also reduced to a minimum. There are only five grammaticalrules,which enable the learner to get the most out of the vocabulary; one of these is concerned with derivatives in-er, -ing,and-edfrom 400 of the nouns, an important extension for the purpose of an effective style. The exceptions to these rules are few and unimportant; the entire conjugation of the verb-forms and pronouns occupies a single page; and the construction of sentences follows a few simple models related to the natural sequence of events.

基本英语的主要原则是将动词去除,它使得缩减单词量成为可能;因此学语言的主要障碍降低到最低限度。只有5个语法规则,这几个规则能使学习者能从这些词汇中获取最大知识;其中一个是关于 -er, -ing,-ed于400个名词结合组成的派生词的,一个有效风格的重要延伸。这些语法规则的例外不多也微不足道;整个动词变化形式加上代词只占一张纸;句子的构成因循几个自然事件顺序的简单模式。

6 . HOW CAN YOU GET RID OF VERBS? 如何能不必要学习这么多动词

Basic English asks you to make a distinction here. It, depends on what you want to call a 'verb.' The usual account of verbs covers two quite different sorts of word.


以动词'enter'为例。 它清楚地代表'go in.'的意思。也就是说,它可以分析分解为一个行为或动作的名称以及方向或位置的名字。因此,爬树是'go up', 下来是'go down.'。 基本英语去除所有的这些包含方向名字的动词,只保留这些行为的基本名称外加几个其他的动词形式,这既完成了任务,又不有损习惯用法。就这样,为了一切的实用目的,动词被去除了。

Take the verb 'enter' for example. It clearly means the same as 'go in.' That is to say, it can be analyzed into the name of an act or movement and the name of a direction or position. So, to climb a tree is to 'go up' a tree, and to descend it is to 'go down.' Basic English gets rid of all those verbs which contain the names of directions, and retains only the fundamental names of acts together with a few other verb-forms, which enable it to complete the job without doing violence to common usage. Thus, for all practical purposes, the verb is eliminated.

Although, therefore, you may if you like insist that sixteen verbs are left (out of more than 4,000), it seems more reasonable to suggest a new name, such as 'operator,' for the sixteen fundamental words which cover the essential acts or operations. The names of directions with which these sixteen are combined (to provide equivalents for, say, 3,984 common verbs) are generally known as 'prepositions.' But language-learning is made more simple both for English-speaking people and for international purposes, if these old Latin traditions are frankly abandoned. Basic suggests, therefore, that the accurately descriptive name of 'directives' be given to all prepositions. So that one can learn the names of the sixteen basic operations and the twenty basic directions -- and thus avoid some of the chief mysteries of grammar. At the same time, the style of Basic is natural; and the essentials of the language are preserved without prejudice to further progress in normal English.

有人建议给这剩下的16个动词(从4000个里选出的)起个新名字,例如“operator”(行动者,操作手), 因为这16个基本动词覆盖了重要的行为或行动。

同这16个词一同用的表达方向的名字(词)(提供等同于其他3,984个普通动词的词)一般被称为‘介词’ 'prepositions.'。但这就使得英语语言的学习掌握变简单了(抛弃了哪些老的拉丁传统的单词)。

基本英语建议给与这些介词准确描述的名称 – 指导者,指引者,导引者'directives'



Basic confines itself to 16 verbs only, and the auxiliaries may and will.


    Consider these Basic verbs for a moment. Twelve of the sixteen in their key senses, the senses that are taught first, describe visible actions. The are:

               Come(来)      Go(去)           Give(给)         Get(得到)

               Put (放)         Take(拿)        Keep(留)        Let(让)

               Make (做)     Say(说)          See(看见)      Send(送)


        seem, be, do, have,


        may, will


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