
欢迎关注【M实事摘要】,这是一则立足中国放眼全球的AI和无人驾驶汽车(SDC)的实事简报(Newsletter)。每日更新 | 点击关注: 【实事摘要】

1) China's Drive for the Driverless Car

Caixin Global
The global autonomous car market is expected to be worth $7 trillion by 2050, according to a recent report by computer chipmaker Intel Corp. and ...

2) Why Disney Should Take The Lead On Self-Driving Cars

I feel fairly confident that autonomous vehicles are coming eventually, and that the roadblocks critics cite are surmountable. But rather than showing up ...

3) Tesla Has Strong Advantages In Race To Self-Driving Cars

In 2015, Tesla turned on its Autopilot suite of capabilities. At the time, it was the most capable set of semi-autonomous features that were commercially ...

4) Tech Giants Are Paying Huge Salaries for Scarce AI Talent

New York Times
Typical A.I. specialists, including both Ph.D.s fresh out of school and people with less education and just a few years of experience, can be paid from ...

5) Human-level AI: how far are we?

Deep Mind, the London-based AI company owned by Google, have made a major breakthrough in machine learning last week, by announcing that ...

6) There's a fine line between what people want robots to do and not do for them

We also asked them what they wanted AI to do for them, based on where we see researchers and product designers working to apply AI.

7) Summing up: How far along are self-driving cars, really?

Motley Fool
Long story short: Self-driving cars -- in the Level 4 sense -- are indeed coming soon. But they'll be limited for a while yet, and cars that can do anything ...

8) Google's Strategy to Educate the Public About Self-Driving Cars Is Brilliant

Motley Fool
Google's Waymo is partnering with a broad coalition of groups to educate the public on self-driving cars. You probably didn't see this coming.

9) 对自动驾驶出手阔绰的英国政府,又宣布投资5100 万英镑资助测试设施建造

2015年2月,英国政府发布了无人驾驶汽车上路测试的官方许可。 ... 顿凯恩斯和考文垂提供汽车路测,布里斯托侧重车辆法律和保险测试以及民意调查。

10) Are those 80000 pound trucks tailgating each other? Soon it may be perfectly normal — and safe

Washington Post
It's fuel savings for both drivers. Yes, drivers; self-driving trucks are said to be coming, but for now the prospect of 80,000-pound vehicles hurtling down ...

11) 特斯拉上海建厂达成协议



17/10/23 每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】

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  • 今天我在微博上看到这条新闻,真是为新闻中的孩子心疼,还好小孩的妈妈在身边。但老人和孩子妈妈的争吵更是让人大跌眼球。...
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