【Need 书爸】最常用英语口语1000句●恋爱和结婚(一)



Tom is a lady-killer. 汤姆是个美男子.

Tom dates around a lot. 和好多女人来往

Tom is a real playboy.

Tom really turns me on. 汤姆真让我神魂颠倒

I'm crazy about Tom.

I have strong feelings for Tom.

I love Tom.

I have the hots for Tom. *俚语。

I didn't know you felt that way.

Chris is really a heartbreaker. 克里斯长得的真帅

Chris breaks a lot of hearts.

Chris dates a lot of women.

Janet is a knockout. 珍妮特真迷人.

You can say that again! 颇有同感

Janet is sexy.

Janet is beautiful.

I think he has a crush on you.他好像看上你了.

Give me a break. 别随便瞎说。

I think he is infatuated with you.被...迷住

I think he likes you.

Jane seems to like me.


I've got the feeling that Jane likes me.

I think Jane likes me.

I have a hunch that Jane likes me. 预感

Diana's been coming on to Jack.戴安娜对杰克有意思.

I can't handle a girl like her. 我不敢打像她那样姑娘的主意.

She's too much for me.

I'm dying to see her. 我非常想见到他!

I'm trying to make a pass at her.我想追求她.

I don't blame you. 我理解你

I'm trying to pick her up.我想把她弄到手

I'm trying to get a date with her. 和..约会

You broke my heart.你也太狠心了.

I didn't mean to...我不是那个意思;


Are you free tonight?今晚有空吗?

Yes. Why? 有空,干嘛?

Do you have plans tonight?

Are you available tonight?

Are you busy tonight?

Do you want to go out with me tonight?今晚你能和我一起约会吗?

Let's go out tonight.

If u're free, why don't we go out tonight?

Would u like to go to the movies with me?愿意和我一起去看电影吗?

I'd love to.我很乐意

Let's have tea or something.

Let's have something to drink.

How about having a cup of tea?


Pls keep me company for a while. 能陪陪我吗?

I'd like to invite you to a show.


Would u like to go to a show with me?

May I ask you out?我能和你约会吗? *ask out约会。

Sorry, I have a boyfriend.

Would you mind if I took you out?

Would you go on a date with me?

Are you trying to pick me up? 你是想和我约会吗?

Are you asking me out?

Are you asking me for a date?

Are you asking me out on a date?

Where do you want to meet?


Any place you want.

What time should we meet?


How about seven?



I want to talk to you.我有话要对你说.

Can we talk?

I'd like to talk with you.

Are you seeing anyone now? 你有朋友吗?

Yeah, kind of. 嗯,怎么说呢;

Do u have a boyfriend/girlfriend now?

Are you dating anyone now?

Do you have a partner?

What do you think of me?


What do you think about me?

I think you're great.

I love you. /I'm in love with you.

You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.你是我见到过的最美的女人.

You're the most beautiful woman I know.

I'm crazy for you.伱使我发疯.

I'm crazy about you.

I'm infatuated with you. 你使我神魂颠倒

Don't play hard to get. 别装腔作势

She wouldn't even talk to me. 甚至

She's playing hard to get.她在吊你的胃口

Don't be a tease. 戏弄

Don't play games.

Don't pretend you don't want me.

I don't want to get serious yet.


I want you to meet my parents.

I'm not ready for a commitment.

I don't want to be tied down.

I just want to have fun.

It was love at first sight.这是一见钟情.

I fell in love with u the first time I saw u.

I loved u the first time I laid eyes on u.

I wish I had never met you. 我真希望从来没遇到过你.

I regret meeting you. 后悔认识了你

I wish you were never a part of my life.

You're my type. 你是我喜欢的那种类型.

Why do you like me?

You're the right girl for me.

You're my kind of woman/man.

You make me happy.你使我感到幸福. --You do, too.

I'm happy to have known you.


I'm happy to have been a part of ur life.

I'm glad I've gotten to know you.

You have beautiful eyes.你的眼睛真美

Your eyes are beautiful.

You're sweet. /You're so kind.你真好

You're sexy. 你真性感. /You're hot.

Let's walk hand in hand. /Let's hold hands.我们拉着手走吧.

May I hold your hand? --Sure you may. 我可以牵你的手吗?

You're beautiful. 你真漂亮.

I want to know all about you.


I want to know everything about you.

Tell me all about yourself.

I want you. 我想要你 *男女都可

I need you. 我需要你.

You're everything to me.


You're mine. /You belong to me.


I'm yours. /I'm all yours. 我属于你。

I can't live without you.没有你我无法活下去.

I don't want to live without you.

Life isn't worth living without you in my life.

You mean everything to me.

You mean the world to me.

Come closer. 再靠近我些.

What's on your mind?你想什么呢?

What are you thinking about?

I think of you night and day.


I think of you constantly.

You have won my heart.

There will never be another you. 你是这个世界上独一无二的人.

I'll never find another girl/boy like you.

You are very unique. 你是如此独特。

I like your dress. 你的连衣裙真漂亮。

Oh, thank you. You like it?

That's a nice dress.

That dress looks good on you.

You look good in that dress.

Nothing is too good for u.为你我在所不惜.

You deserve the best. 值得

Are you seducing me? 你在引诱我吗?

*seduce 特指引诱年轻的女性

Are you coming on to me?

Hold me tight. 抱紧我.

Don't go away. 别离开我.

Stay around. /Stick around.

I can't help falling in love with u. 无法不(我无法不爱你.)

I can't stop myself from loving you.

I've never felt like this before.


You're the one for me. 你是我的惟一

I'll love you forever.我永远爱你.

I'll love you my whole life.

I always speak my mind.


I always say what's on my mind.

I'm always honest. 诚实

Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌

Be gentle(肩头). / Be soft. /Please do it gently. 请温柔些.

Love me more. 再多爱我些.

Look at me! 看着我.

I fell in love with Rose. 我爱上了罗斯.

Does she love you?

I'm deeply in love with Rose.


I love Rose from the bottom of my heart.

I love Rose with all my heart.

Smooch! 唧!*表示男女接吻时发出的声响

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