L4-U3-P3 英语流利说 4-3-3 懂你英语 Level4 Unit3 Part3

L4-U3-P3-1 Listening : Honey Bee Pollination

Honey Bee Pollination

Honeybees play an interesting and important role in nature.

In addition to making honey, honeybees help many plants reproduce.

They do this by pollinating the plant, which means to transfer pollen.

Pollination occurs when pollen is moved within a plant's flower or carried to another flower.

This is how the plants reproduce.

For reproduction to succeed, the pollen must be transferred from the male part of a flower to the female part.

(1) Honeybees play an interesting and important role in nature.
(2) In addition to making honey, honeybees help many plants reproduce.
(3) They do this by pollinating the plant, which means to transfer pollen.
(4) Pollination occurs when pollen is moved within a plant's flower or carried to another flower.

Honeybees play an interesting and important role in nature.

Many plants depend on pollination for reproduction.

These include many fruits and vegetables.

Besides honeybees, there are many other pollinators, including birds, insects, and other kinds of bees.

Without enough pollinators, many of our favorite fruits and vegetables would become more expensive and hard to find.

These include almonds and cherries.

What do many plants depend on for reproduction? -Many plants depend on pollination for reproduction.

Besides honeybees, what are some other pollinators? -birds and insects

Honeybees are important pollinators and play an important role in agriculture.

Beekeepers are people who keep honeybees.

In addition to collecting honey, some beekeepers provide pollination services to farmers.

They do this by raising and managing colonies of bees.

Farmers need the colonies to pollinate their crops.

Beekeepers can provide and manage bee colonies for farmers.

What service do some beekeepers provide to farmers? - In addition to collecting honey, some beekeepers provide pollination services to farmers.

Farmers need the colonies to pollinate their crops.

Honeybees play an interesting and important role in nature.

Beekeepers are people who keep honeybees.

Many plants depend on pollination for reproduction.

Honeybees are important pollinators and play an important role in agriculture.

Without enough pollinators, many of our favorite fruits and vegetables would become more expensive and hard to find.

L4-U3-P3-2 Listening : Colony Collapse

Colony Collapse 

Honey bees are social insects that live in colonies.

A bee colony consists of a queen bee, male drones and thousands of female worker bees.

Each colony also contains eggs and immature bees in various stages of development.

The number of bees within a colony depends on seasonal changes.

A colony's population increases during the warm seasons and decreases during colder seasons.

What does the population of a colony depend on? - seasonal changes

Honey bees are social insects that live in colonies.

In recent years, many bee colonies have collapsed or disappeared.

A bee colony collapse occurs when a majority of the bees in a colony disappear and leave behind the queen.

Some beekeepers have reported losing 30 to 90 percent of their colonies.

This loss of bee colonies can cause significant problems for farmers who depend on them to pollinate their crops.

In some parts of the world, a shortage of bees has increased the cost of renting bees by up to 20%.

A bee colony collapse occurs when a majority of the bees in a colony disappear.

Some beekeepers have reported losing 30 to 90 percent of their colonies.

There are several possible causes for bee colony collapse.

One possible cause is the use of new pesticides.

Other possible causes include infections from viruses, genetic factors, and malnutrition.

Changing weather patterns may also play a role as summers get hotter and winters get colder.

These changes in weather may weaken the bees, making it more difficult for them to fight infections.

(1) There are several possible causes for bee colony collapse.
(2) One possible cause is the use of new pesticides.
(3) Changing weather patterns may also play a role as summers get hotter and winters get colder.
(4) These changes in weather may weaken the bees, making it more difficult for them to fight infections.

Changing weather patterns may also play role as summers get hotter and winters get colder.

Whatever the cause of colony collapse, it's important to understand that many parts of our world are interdependent.

Changes that affect one species may have serious effects on other species.

A change to our environment can start a chain of events that is difficult to predict.

In any complex system such as the Earth's environment, small changes can have unforeseen consequences.

The danger of unforeseen consequences is something we all need to understand better.

An unforeseen consequence occurs when an action produces a result that isn't expected.

Changes that affect one species may have serious effects on other species.

The Earth's environment is an extremely complex system.

One possible cause is the use of new pesticides.

Some beekeepers have reported losing 30 to 90 percent of their colonies.

A colony's population increases during the warm seasons and decreases during colder seasons.

Whatever the cause of colony collapse, it's important to understand that many parts of our world are interdependent.

L4-U3-P3-3 Vocabulary : Bussiness and Economics

Bussiness and Economics

Goods and services supply what people need or want.

Goods are things such as food and clothing.

Services include things such as health care and police protection.

A country needs natural and human resources.

Natural resources include fresh water supplies, farmland and energy sources, such as oil and wind.

Human resources include a skilled workforce that can produce goods and services.

Once we have a supply of goods or services, they need to be distributed throughout a country.

Highways and railways are both ways to transport things from one part of a country to another.

Electricity is distributed through a system of transmission lines.

We live in an age of advertising.

Advertising lets people know about goods and services.

It educates people about the product being advertised.

Trade allows for the exchange of goods and services between different countries.

Exports are goods and services that are sold to another country.

Imports are goods and services that are bought from another country.

For example, many countries import oil from countries such as Saudi Arabia.

What do you buy when you go shopping? -Goods are things such as food and clothing.

Well-educated people are example of what? - Human resources include a skilled workforce that can produce goods and services.

What tries to increase the demand for a product or a brand? - Advertisers try to increase the demand for a product or service.

What do we need to distribute goods and services? -  Without a system of distribution, goods and services can not be supplied throughout a country.

What allows you to buy goods from another country? -Trade allows for the exchange of goods and services between different countries.

Services include things such as health care and police protection.

Advertisers try to increase the demand for a product or service.

Imports are goods and services that are bought from another country.

Goods are things such as food and clothing.

Education and training are ways to develope a skilled workforce.

Advertisers try to increase the demand for a product or service.

Human resources include a skilled workforce that can produce goods and services.

Highways and railways are both ways to transport things from one part of a country to another.

L4-U3-P3-4 Vocabulary : Career Building

Career Building

Employees are the people who work for a company.

Some employees do basic work, such as operating a machine or driving a truck.

The people who hire and direct the work of other employees are managers.

Interviews are one way to find out about a person who applies for a job.

In an interview, a job applicant can ask questions about a company, and the company can find out about a person's skills and experience.

An entrepreneur is someone who starts a new company.

Entrepreneurs often have new ideas and ways of doing things that can give their company an advantage.

Salary and benefits are used to attract new employees into a company.

If the salary and benefits are good enough, employees may take the job and stay with the company.

Benefits include vacation time, health insurance and bonuses for employees who do a good job.

When applying for a job, it's important to have the skills and experience needed for the job.

Developing and increasing skills and experience is a good way to prepare for a good job.

Each job a person has is an opportunity to learn new things and develop new skills.

What kind of people start new companys? - An entrepreneur is someone who starts a new company.

How do employers find out about a person who wants to work for them? -Interviews are one way to find out about a person who applies for a job.

Who are the people who work for a company? - Employees are the people who work for a company.

What do people need to get a good job? -When applying for a job, it's important to have the skills and experience needed for the job.

What are used to attract new employees into a company? Salary and benefits are used to attract new employees into a company.

The people who hire and direct the work of other employees are managers.

Interviews are one way to find out about a person who applies for a job.

Salary and benefits are used to attract new employees into a company.

Employees are the people who work for a company.

Salary and benefits are used to attract new employees into a company.

The people who hire and direct the work of other employees are managers.

When applying for a job, it's important to have the skills and experience needed for the job.

A raise in salary is an example of benefits.

Advertisers try to increase the demand for a product or service.

L4-U3-P3-5 Dialogue : Landlord Trouble

Landlord Trouble

M: You don't look good. Is something bothering you?

W: Yes, it's my landlord.

M: Oh, it there something wrong with your flat?

W: No, there is nothing wrong with the flat. But I'm going to have to move out.

She doesn't look good because she has to move out of her flat.

M: Why do you have to move out?

W: For the last two months, a friend has been staying with me. She is staying until she can find a job.

M: That's nice of you.

W: Yes, but I'm not supposed to have anyone staying there.

M: Was that in the rental agreement?

W: Yes, it was. It's okay if a friend stays for a few days, but not for more than that.

Her friend has been staying there for the last two months.

M: So you broke the agreement, even though it was for a good reason.

W: Anyway, one of my neighbors told the landlord about my friend. So now I'm in trouble. The landlord is angry and says she can't trust me.

M: That's ridiculous.

W: I told her about my friend and how I'm trying to help her, but she doesn't care.

The landlord is angry and says she can't trust me.

There's nothing wrong with her flat.

One of her neighbors told the landlord about her friend.

Her friend was going to stay until she could find a job.

The rental agreement says she's not supposed to have anyone staying there.

It's okay if a friend stays for a few days, but not for more than that.

M: Wow, she doesn't sound very nice.

W: That's right, she isn't nice. She's just interested in money. In fact, she is going to keep my security deposit.

M: How can she do that? Nothing is damaged, right?

W: Right, everything in the flat is fine. She's keeping the deposit because I broke the rental agreement.

Why can the landlord keep the deposit? -Because she broke the rental agreement.

M: What about your rent?

W: Yes, that's another problem. I've already paid 3 months' rent, so I hope I get it back.

M: What can you do if she doesn't return it?

W: I don't know. I'll talk to my agent. He's nice, and maybe he can help. Maybe I should refuse to leave the flat until I get it back.

M: Be sure to take pictures of the flat.

W: What for?

M: Just to show the condition of the flat. Then she can't say your friend damage it in anyway.

W: Good idea. She's a small-minded, evil woman. I should never have rented it from her in the first place.

Maybe I should refuse to leave the flat until I get it back.

She's just interested in money.

She's paid 3 months' rent in advance.

The landlord is going to keep the deposit.

She's keeping the deposit because I broke the rental agreement.

I've already paid 3 months' rent, so I hope I get it back.

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