「Minecraft」UniverseGuard 2 插件部分提示文本汉化


  • 平台:Sponge API 7.1.5
  • 插件版本:2.17


  • 用文本编辑器 (例如 Notepad++),复制相应字段到本插件的配置文件 (universeguard.conf) 中替换相应的字段


开始位置:第 107 行

texts {
    "configuration_converting_old_regions"="发现旧领地! 正在转换..."
    "configuration_loading_exception"="加载配置文件时出现异常. 详情查看日志"
    "configuration_old_regions_converted"="已转换旧领地! 请删除旧领地文件夹, 否则它们将在每次服务器启动时被转换!"
    "configuration_save_exception"="保存默认配置文件时出现异常. 详情查看日志"
    "editing_global"="警告! 您正在编辑全局领地. 编辑它将会影响整个世界的保护!"
    "flag_help"="Flags 帮助"
    "flag_hidden"="无法查看此 Flag"
    "mobs_damage"="Mobs 伤害"
    "mobs_drop"="Mobs 掉落"
    "mobs_interact"="Mobs 交互"
    "mobs_pve"="Mobs PvE"
    "mobs_spawn"="Mobs 生成"
    "pending_region_updated"="Pending region updated!"
    "purchasable_regions_disabled"="无法出售领地! 在配置文件中启用 PURCHASABLE_REGIONS 以开启出售领地功能"
    "region_add_member_exception"="把玩家加入到领地时遇到异常. 详情查看日志"
    "region_flag_help_cactus_damage"="Sets if player will receive damage from cactus in the region"
    "region_flag_help_can_spawn"="Sets if players can use the /rg spawn command while in the region"
    "region_flag_help_can_tp"="Sets if players can use the /rg tp command while in the region"
    "region_flag_help_chests"="Sets if non-members are allowed to open chests in the region"
    "region_flag_help_destroy"="Sets if non-members can break blocks in the region"
    "region_flag_help_drown"="Sets if players can drown in the region"
    "region_flag_help_ender_chests"="Sets if non-members can open enderchests in the region"
    "region_flag_help_ender_dragon_block_damage"="Sets if Ender Dragon can break blocks in the region"
    "region_flag_help_enderman_grief"="Sets if enderman can place/break blocks in the region"
    "region_flag_help_enderpearl"="Sets if non-members are allowed to use enderpearls in the region"
    "region_flag_help_enter"="Sets if players can get inside this region"
    "region_flag_help_exit"="Sets if players can go outside of this region"
    "region_flag_help_exp_drop"="Sets if mobs can drop experience in the region"
    "region_flag_help_explosion_damage"="Allow/disallow explosion damage to entities in the region"
    "region_flag_help_explosion_destroy"="Allow/disallow explosion damage to blocks in the region"
    "region_flag_help_fall_damage"="Sets if players can take fall damage in the region"
    "region_flag_help_fire_damage"="Sets if player will receive damage from fire in the region"
    "region_flag_help_fire_spread"="Sets if fire will spread in the region"
    "region_flag_help_fishing_pole"="Sets if non-members can use fishing poles in the region"
    "region_flag_help_frost_walker"="Allow/disallow the placing of Frosted Ice by Frost Walker boots in the region"
    "region_flag_help_hide_flags"="Sets if region flags will not be displayed using the /rg info or the /rg flaginfo command"
    "region_flag_help_hide_locations"="Sets if region locations will not be displayed using the /rg info command"
    "region_flag_help_hide_members"="Sets if region members will not be displayed using the /rg info command"
    "region_flag_help_hide_region"="Sets if region will be displayed using the /rg here command"
    "region_flag_help_hunger"="Sets if players will loose hunger points while in the region"
    "region_flag_help_ice_melt"="Sets if ice will melt in this region"
    "region_flag_help_interact"="Allow/disallow block interaction in the region"
    "region_flag_help_invincible"="Sets if players are invincible in the region"
    "region_flag_help_item_drop"="Sets if players are allowed to drop items in the region"
    "region_flag_help_item_pickup"="Sets if players are allowed to pickup items in the region"
    "region_flag_help_lava_flow"="Sets if lava can flow in the region"
    "region_flag_help_leaf_decay"="Sets if leaves will decay in the region"
    "region_flag_help_lighter"="Sets if non-members are allowed to use lighter in the region"
    "region_flag_help_mob_damage"="Allow/disallow mob damage to player in the region"
    "region_flag_help_mob_interact"="Allow/disallow mob interaction in the region"
    "region_flag_help_mob_pve"="Allow/disallow players damage to mob in the region"
    "region_flag_help_mob_spawn"="Allow/disallow mob spawn in the region"
    "region_flag_help_other_liquids_flow"="Sets if liquids that are not water or lava can flow in the region"
    "region_flag_help_pistons"="Sets if non-members are allowed to use pistons in the region"
    "region_flag_help_place"="Sets if non-members can place blocks in the region"
    "region_flag_help_potion_splash"="Sets if non-members are allowed to thrown potions in the region"
    "region_flag_help_pvp"="Sets if players can pvp in the region"
    "region_flag_help_send_chat"="Sets if players can send chat messages while in the region"
    "region_flag_help_shulker_boxes"="Sets if non-members are allowed to open shulker boxes in the region"
    "region_flag_help_sleep"="Sets if non-members are allowed to sleep in the region"
    "region_flag_help_trample"="Sets if trampling on fields will break them in this region"
    "region_flag_help_trapped_chests"="Sets if non-members are allowed to open trapped chests in the region"
    "region_flag_help_vehicle_destroy"="Allow/disallow destroying vehicles in the region"
    "region_flag_help_vehicle_place"="Allow/disallow placing vehicles in the region"
    "region_flag_help_vines_growth"="Sets if vines can grow in this region"
    "region_flag_help_wall_damage"="Sets if players can take suffocate in walls in the region"
    "region_flag_help_water_flow"="Sets if water can flow in the region"
    "region_flag_not_valid"="领地 Flag 不存在!"
    "region_flag_updated"="领地 Flag 已更改!"
    "region_help_add"="Add a player to the current editing region or the specified one with the specified role"
    "region_help_buy"="Buy a Region"
    "region_help_command"="Allow or disallow a command (and all it's sub-commands) in the current editing region"
    "region_help_delete"="Delete the specified region"
    "region_help_edit"="Allows to edit the specified region"
    "region_help_effect_add"="Add a potion effect to a Region"
    "region_help_effect_remove"="Remove a potion effect from a Region"
    "region_help_exclude_block"="Exclude a block from being handled by the place or destroy flags"
    "region_help_expand"="Expand the selected area for creating a region in the selected direction until the world limit or by the number of specified blocks"
    "region_help_farewell"="Set the farewell message of a Region"
    "region_help_flag"="Set the flag value of the current editing region"
    "region_help_gamemode"="Set the gamemode of the current editing region"
    "region_help_global_for"="Create a global region for a dimension"
    "region_help_greeting"="Set the greeting message of a Region"
    "region_help_help"="Shows this help or the flags help"
    "region_help_here"="Tells wich region you are currently in"
    "region_help_include_block"="Include a block from being handled by the place or destroy flags"
    "region_help_info"="Display the details of the specified region"
    "region_help_itemuse"="Sets if you can or can't use an item inside a Region"
    "region_help_list"="Show the list of all regions"
    "region_help_name"="Set the name of the current editing region"
    "region_help_priority"="Set the priority of the current editing region"
    "region_help_reload"="Reload cached regions"
    "region_help_remove"="Remove a player from the current editing region or the specified one"
    "region_help_remove_value"="Remove the value from a Region"
    "region_help_removefarewell"="Remove the farewell message of a Region"
    "region_help_removegreeting"="Remove the greeting message of a Region"
    "region_help_rg"="Get the region selector item"
    "region_help_save"="Save the current editing region"
    "region_help_sell"="Sells a Region"
    "region_help_set_spawn"="Set the spawn location of the current editing region"
    "region_help_set_teleport"="Set the teleport location of the current editing region"
    "region_help_set_value"="Set the value of a Region"
    "region_help_spawn"="Teleports the player to the specified region spawn location"
    "region_help_teleport"="Teleports the player to the specified region teleport location"
    "region_help_template"="Sets or remove a pending Region from being a Template"
    "region_load_exception"="加载领地时发生异常. 详情查看日志"
    "region_mob_not_found"="Mob 不存在!"
    "region_not_copied"="领地未被复制! 详情查看日志"
    "region_not_removed"="移除领地是发生异常. 详情查看日志"
    "region_not_saved"="领地未被保存! 详情查看日志"
    "region_reader_close_exception"="停止读取领地文件时发生异常. 详情查看日志"
    "region_remove_member_exception"="从领地移除玩家时遇到异常. 详情查看日志"
    "region_save_exception"="保存领地时遇到异常. 详情查看日志"
    "region_save_index_exception"="保存领地索引时发生异常. 详情查看日志"
    "region_writer_close_exception"="停止写入领地文件时发生异常. 详情查看日志"
    "region_writer_index_close_exception"="停止写入领地索引文件时发生异常. 详情查看日志"
    "text_wrong_effect_level"="错误的效果等级. 必须要大于或等于0!"
    "text_wrong_max_region_size"="错误的领地最大大小数值. 将会使用: "
    "text_wrong_max_regions"="错误的领地最大数量数值. 将会使用: "
    "text_wrong_purchase_cost"="错误的购买价格. 必须要大于0!"
    "text_wrong_selector_item"="错误的领地区域选择工具ID. 将会使用: "
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