
1、Hire Top Down After the first 10 people 


2、Invest in Design (Team or Agency ) from Day One


3、Be tied to your vision or problem statement but not to your approach


4、Define customer personas up front and segment by pain and needs


5、Focus on a single pay or a single persona first


6、Do less, but do it better, especially in product sales and marketing


7、Start competing in a red ocean but redefine the market as a blue ocean


8、Don't rely on a single lead source driven by high demand and limited supply 


9、See your platform as multiple products not multiple features


10、Hire product managers with strong domain experience


11、Run a 6 months (minimum)  beta version and nail your USP before you go live


12、Go for fewer customers and a much higher ACV


13、Tie a good amount of everyone's bonus to consumer success metrics


14、Build an open platform from day one (RESTful API, also consumed internally)


15、Be patient and work on a 5/7/10 year timeline — ignore competitors and focus on the market opportunity not feature wars


16、Listen to your gut more, especially when it comes to people — assume all resumes are B.S. and back channel at least 5 people who worked with, for and above each candidate


17、Listen to the entire organization (especially those in daily contact with clients) in a way that scales as you grow


18、Build a customer advisory board who are incentivized to provide valuable feedback often


19、Amplify the brand by building and remunerating a team of influencers


20、Understand the 4 styles of leadership and use each effectively depending on the person you’re leading



Control. At the beginning of a team’s life or your tenure as the team leader, when you do not yet have the insight into the team’s capabilities, the right approach is to exert authority and control. It is far easier to start tight and loosen control as needed.——直接带领式

Coach. Where team members are more skilled, shift to guiding the team, giving critical advice at key moments. While coaching your whole team, remember you are first and foremost coaching people. Tailor your approach to each individual and their particular needs; find an approach that works for them.——间接教练式

Consult. Have the confidence to recognize when and where you might not have the right answer. If you believe your team may know best, invite discussion and ask the right questions. You are looking to support your team and encourage them to take greater responsibility for future action.——给予建议

Collaborate. When the team is performing effectively, effective team leaders know when to get out of the way and hand over the remote control to the team. In this style of leadership, you will increasingly be collaborating as a first amongst equals in a web of mutual accountability. —— 放手协作

21、Know which stage your company is in (product market fit, getting ready to scale or scaling) and only read books/blogs related to that stage

清楚地知道目前公司所处的阶段和状态:找到Product/Market Fit,准备好开始Scale,还是仅仅在阅读相关的书籍和博客

22、Make sure all senior leaders have their own executive coaches


23、Listen to and respect opinions, but realize they’re just opinions


24、Don’t be emotional about the business — balance an intense focus on work with family, friends and fitness

面对工作不要太emotional attach,找到一个在工作中能够拥有家庭、朋友和健康的好办法,毕竟我们要走的是5-10年的长路。

25、Realize no one cares as much as you do, and that’s OK


26、Fire fast and be less forgiving of mistakes, especially in departments that are measured with raw numbers, like sales and marketing


27、Don’t speak at conferences — they’re a massive waste of time


28、Don’t assume everyone has honest intentions just because you do


29、Don’t beat yourself up because you make mistakes



1、Bootstrap to a MSP then raise a round as soon as you achieve product market fit


2、Recognize people for their achievements in front of the whole company on a regular basis


3、Solve a problem you’ve personally experienced and that you could work on for the next 7–10 years


4、Create a culture that’s different, unique and feels like the founder(s) of the company


5、Constantly ask yourself “who is the BEST person in the world to help me solve X?” and reach out to ask for help — know you can’t fix everything on your own


6、Negotiate hard on valuation to keep as much equity as possible, all the time — give way on terms before equity


7、Early on, raise money from investors who have “been there, done that” — don’t take money from “spreadsheet VCs” because they only understand numbers


8、Hire the best people, regardless of where they are and incentivize them heavily with equity


9、Personally answer as many support inquiries as you can for the first year


10、Own the product for the first year or two to make sure your vision is in the team’s DNA


11、Know who your real competitors are and pay attention but don’t let them distract you from your original vision


12、Be the face of your company and learn how to speak in front of large crowds


13、Be confident hiring people who are twice your age and realize the only place age is a barrier is in your head


14、Celebrate the good times but be brutally honest with everyone when things aren’t going well — and share your plan to get things back on track fast


15、Communicate your vision until you’re blue in the face, then keep talking about it


16、Do what you’re good at and delegate everything else to people who are much, much, much smarter and more experienced than you are

知道你自己的强项,然后把其他的所有事情都交给更聪明、更有经验的人去做,yes that's true

17、Know when it’s time to hire someone to replace you — get a deep understanding of your skills and passions and hire that person before you top out


18、Own the culture and continually shape what it means, reinforce why it’s important and fire anyone who breaches your core values


19、Have zero optionality — no “side project”, no job to fall back on, no plan B. Put your entire life into the company for 2 years then put your head up to assess where you are, how you’re going and decide if it’s time to crank it up or call it a day


20、Be good at pitching your vision and answering tough questions when you’re on the spot


21、Be a genuinely caring person and try to change the world from a place of humility, humbleness and honesty


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