C++ Move Semantics

Rvalue references and std::move

In order to fully understand the concept of smart pointers in the next lesson, we first need to take a look at a powerful concept introduced with C++11 called move semantics.

The last section on lvalues, rvalues and especially rvalue references is an important prerequisite for understanding the concept of moving data structures.

Let us consider the function on the right which takes an rvalue reference as its parameter.

#include <iostream>

void myFunction(int &&val)
    std::cout << "val = " << val << std::endl;

int main()

    return 0; 

The important message of the function argument of myFunction to the programmer is : The object that binds to the rvalue reference &&val is yours, it is not needed anymore within the scope of the caller (which is main). As discussed in the previous section on rvalue references, this is interesting from two perspectives:

  1. Passing values like this improves performance as no temporary copy needs to be made anymore and
  2. ownership changes, since the object the reference binds to has been abandoned by the caller and now binds to a handle which is available only to the receiver. This could not have been achieved with lvalue references as any change to the object that binds to the lvalue reference would also be visible on the caller side.

There is one more important aspect we need to consider: rvalue references are themselves lvalues. While this might seem confusing at first glance, it really is the mechanism that enables move semantics: A reference is always defined in a certain context (such as in the above example the variable val) . Even though the object it refers to (the number 42) may be disposable in the context it has been created (the main function), it is not disposable in the context of the reference . So within the scope of myFunction, val is an lvalue as it gives access to the memory location where the number 42 is stored.

Note however that in the above code example we cannot pass an lvalue to myFunction, because an rvalue reference cannot bind to an lvalue. The code

int i = 23;

would result in a compiler error. There is a solution to this problem though: The function std::move converts an lvalue into an rvalue (actually, to be exact, into an xvalue, which we will not discuss here for the sake of clarity), which makes it possible to use the lvalue as an argument for the function:

int i = 23; 

In doing this, we state that in the scope of main we will not use i anymore, which now exists only in the scope of myFunction. Using std::move in this way is one of the components of move semantics, which we will look into shortly. But first let us consider an example of the Rule of Three.

Let us consider the example to the right of a class which manages a block of dynamic memory and incrementally add new functionality to it. You will add the main function shown above later on in this notebook.

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>

class MyMovableClass
    int _size;
    int *_data;

    MyMovableClass(size_t size) // constructor
        _size = size;
        _data = new int[_size];
        std::cout << "CREATING instance of MyMovableClass at " << this << " allocated with size = " << _size*sizeof(int)  << " bytes" << std::endl;
    MyMovableClass(const MyMovableClass &source) // 2 : copy constructor
        _size = source._size;
        _data = new int[_size];
        *_data = *source._data;
         std::cout << "COPYING content of instance " << &source << " to instance " << this << std::endl;
        MyMovableClass &operator=(const MyMovableClass &source) // 3 : copy assignment operator
        std::cout << "ASSIGNING content of instance " << &source << " to instance " << this << std::endl;
        if (this == &source)
            return *this;
        delete[] _data;
        _data = new int[source._size];
        *_data = *source._data;
        _size = source._size;
        return *this;

    ~MyMovableClass() // 1 : destructor
        std::cout << "DELETING instance of MyMovableClass at " << this << std::endl;
        delete[] _data;

int main()
        MyMovableClass obj1(10); // regular constructor
        MyMovableClass obj2(obj1); // copy constructor
        obj2 = obj1; // copy assignment operator

        return 0;

In this class, a block of heap memory is allocated in the constructor and deallocated in the destructor. As we have discussed before, when either destructor, copy constructor or copy assignment operator are defined, it is good practice to also define the other two (known as the Rule of Three). While the compiler would generate default versions of the missing components, these would not properly reflect the memory management strategy of our class, so leaving out the manual implementation is usually not advised.

The output of this textbook implementation of the Rule of Three looks like this:

CREATING instance of MyMovableClass at 0x7ffeefbff618 allocated with size = 40 bytes
COPYING content of instance 0x7ffeefbff618 to instance 0x7ffeefbff608
ASSIGNING content of instance 0x7ffeefbff618 to instance 0x7ffeefbff608
DELETING instance of MyMovableClass at 0x7ffeefbff608
DELETING instance of MyMovableClass at 0x7ffeefbff618

Limitations of Our Current Class Design

Let us now consider one more way to instantiate MyMovableClass object by using createObject() function. Add the following function definition to the rule_of_three.cpp, outside the scope of the class MyMovableClass:

MyMovableClass createObject(int size){
  MyMovableClass obj(size); // regular constructor
  return obj; // return MyMovableClass object by value

Note that when a function returns an object by value, the compiler creates a temporary object as an rvalue. Let's call this function inside main to create an obj4 instance, as follows:

int main(){
  // call to copy constructor, (alternate syntax)
  MyMovableClass obj3 = obj1;
  // Here, we are instantiating obj3 in the same statement; hence the copy assignment operator would not be called.

  MyMovableClass obj4 = createObject(10);
  // createObject(10) returns a temporary copy of the object as an rvalue, which is passed to the copy constructor.

   * You can try executing the statement below as well
   * MyMovableClass obj4(createObject(10));

  return 0;

In the main above, the returned value of createObject(10) is passed to the copy constructor. The function createObject() returns an instance of MyMovableClass by value. In such a case, the compiler creates a temporary copy of the object as an rvalue, which is passed to the copy constructor.

A special call to copy constructor
Try compiling and then running the rule_of_three.cpp to notice that MyMovableClass obj4 = createObject(10); would not print the cout statement of copy constructor on the console. This is because the copy constructor is called on the temporary object.

In our current class design, while creating obj4, the data is dynamically allocated on the stack, which is then copied from the temporary object to its target destination. This means that two expensive memory operations are performed with the first occurring during the creation of the temporary rvalue and the second during the execution of the copy constructor. The similar two expensive memory operations would be performed with the assignment operator if we execute the following statement inside main:

MyMovableClass obj4 = createObject(10); // Don't write this statement if you have already written it before
obj4 = createObject(10); // call to copy assignment operator

In the above call to copy assignment operator, it would first erase the memory of obj4, then reallocate it during the creation of the temporary object; and then copy the data from the temporary object to obj4.

From a performance viewpoint, this code involves far too many copies, making it inefficient - especially with large data structures. Prior to C++11, the proper solution in such a case was to simply avoid returning large data structures by value to prevent the expensive and unnecessary copying process. With C++11 however, there is a way we can optimize this and return even large data structures by value. The solution is the move constructor and the Rule of Five.

The move constructor

The basic idea to optimize the code from the last example is to "steal" the rvalue generated by the compiler during the return-by-value operation and move the expensive data in the source object to the target object - not by copying it but by redirecting the data handles. Moving data in such a way is always cheaper than making copies, which is why programmers are highly encouraged to make use of this powerful tool.

The following diagram illustrates the basic principle of moving a resource from a source object to a destination object:


In order to achieve this, we will be using a construct called move constructor, which is similar to the copy constructor with the key difference being the re-use of existing data without unnecessarily copying it. In addition to the move constructor, there is also a move assignment operator, which we need to look at.

Just like the copy constructor, the move constructor builds an instance of a class using a source instance. The key difference between the two is that with the move constructor, the source instance will no longer be usable afterwards. Let us take a look at an implementation of the move constructor for our MyMovableClass:

    MyMovableClass(MyMovableClass &&source) // 4 : move constructor
        std::cout << "MOVING (c’tor) instance " << &source << " to instance " << this << std::endl;
        _data = source._data;
        _size = source._size;
        source._data = nullptr;
        source._size = 0;

In this code, the move constructor takes as its input an rvalue reference to a source object of the same class. In doing so, we are able to use the object within the scope of the move constructor. As can be seen, the implementation copies the data handle from source to target and immediately invalidates source after copying is complete. Now, this is responsible for the data and must also release memory on destruction - the ownership has been successfully changed (or moved) without the need to copy the data on the heap.
The move assignment operator works in a similar way:

    MyMovableClass &operator=(MyMovableClass &&source) // 5 : move assignment operator
        std::cout << "MOVING (assign) instance " << &source << " to instance " << this << std::endl;
        if (this == &source)
            return *this;

        delete[] _data;

        _data = source._data;
        _size = source._size;

        source._data = nullptr;
        source._size = 0;

        return *this;

As with the move constructor, the data handle is copied from source to target which is coming in as an rvalue reference again. Afterwards, the data members of source are invalidated. The rest of the code is identical with the copy constructor we have already implemented.

The Rule of Five

By adding both the move constructor and the move assignment operator to our MyMovableClass, we have adhered to the Rule of Five. This rule is an extension of the Rule of Three which we have already seen and exists since the introduction of the C++11 standard. The Rule of Five is especially important in resource management, where unnecessary copying needs to be avoided due to limited resources and performance reasons. Also, all the STL container classes such as std::vector implement the Rule of Five and use move semantics for increased efficiency.

The Rule of Five states that if you have to write one of the functions listed below then you should consider implementing all of them with a proper resource management policy in place. If you forget to implement one or more, the compiler will usually generate the missing ones (without a warning) but the default versions might not be suitable for the purpose you have in mind. The five functions are:

  1. The destructor: Responsible for freeing the resource once the object it belongs to goes out of scope.

  2. The assignment operator: The default assignment operation performs a member-wise shallow copy, which does not copy the content behind the resource handle. If a deep copy is needed, it has be implemented by the programmer.

  3. The copy constructor: As with the assignment operator, the default copy constructor performs a shallow copy of the data members. If something else is needed, the programmer has to implement it accordingly.

  4. The move constructor: Because copying objects can be an expensive operation which involves creating, copying and destroying temporary objects, rvalue references are used to bind to an rvalue. Using this mechanism, the move constructor transfers the ownership of a resource from a (temporary) rvalue object to a permanent lvalue object.

  5. The move assignment operator: With this operator, ownership of a resource can be transferred from one object to another. The internal behavior is very similar to the move constructor.

When are move semantics used?

Now that we have seen how move semantics work, let us take a look at situations where they actually apply.

One of the primary areas of application are cases, where heavy-weight objects need to be passed around in a program. Copying these without move semantics can cause series performance issues. The idea in this scenario is to create the object a single time and then "simply" move it around using rvalue references and move semantics.

A second area of application are cases where ownership needs to be transferred (such as with unique pointers, as we will soon see). The primary difference to shared references is that with move semantics we are not sharing anything but instead we are ensuring through a smart policy that only a single object at a time has access to and thus owns the resource.

Let us look at some code examples:

int main()
    MyMovableClass obj1(100), obj2(200); // constructor

    MyMovableClass obj3(obj1); // copy constructor

    MyMovableClass obj4 = obj1; // copy constructor

    obj4 = obj2; // copy assignment operator

    return 0;

If you compile and run this code, be sure to use the -std=c++11 flag. The reasons for this will be explained below.

In the code above, in total, four instances of MyMovableClass are constructed here. While obj1 and obj2 are created using the conventional constructor, obj3 is created using the copy constructor instead according to our implementation. Interestingly, even though the creation of obj4 looks like an assignment, the compiler calls the copy constructor int this case. Finally, the last line calls the copy assignment operator. The output of the above main function looks like the following:

CREATING instance of MyMovableClass at 0x7ffeefbff718 allocated with size = 400 bytes
CREATING instance of MyMovableClass at 0x7ffeefbff708 allocated with size = 800 bytes
COPYING content of instance 0x7ffeefbff718 to instance 0x7ffeefbff6e8
COPYING content of instance 0x7ffeefbff718 to instance 0x7ffeefbff6d8
ASSIGNING content of instance 0x7ffeefbff708 to instance 0x7ffeefbff6d8
DELETING instance of MyMovableClass at 0x7ffeefbff6d8
DELETING instance of MyMovableClass at 0x7ffeefbff6e8
DELETING instance of MyMovableClass at 0x7ffeefbff708
DELETING instance of MyMovableClass at 0x7ffeefbff718

Note that the compiler has been called with the option -fno-elide-constructors to turn off an optimization techniques called copy elision, which would make it harder to understand the various calls and the operations they entail. This technique is guaranteed to be used as of C++17, which is why we are also reverting to the C++11 standard for the remainder of this chapter using -std=c++11. Until now, no move operation has been performed yet as all of the above calls were involving lvalues.

Now consider the following main function instead:

int main()
    MyMovableClass obj1(100); // constructor

    obj1 = MyMovableClass(200); // move assignment operator

    MyMovableClass obj2 = MyMovableClass(300); // move constructor 

    return 0;

In this version, we also have an instance of MyMovableClass, obj1. Then, a second instance of MyMovableClass is created as an rvalue, which is assigned to obj1. Finally, we have a second lvalue obj2, which is created by assigning it an rvalue object. Let us take a look at the output of the program:

CREATING instance of MyMovableClass at 0x7ffeefbff718 allocated with size = 400 bytes
CREATING instance of MyMovableClass at 0x7ffeefbff708 allocated with size = 800 bytes
MOVING (assign) instance 0x7ffeefbff708 to instance 0x7ffeefbff718
DELETING instance of MyMovableClass at 0x7ffeefbff708
CREATING instance of MyMovableClass at 0x7ffeefbff6d8 allocated with size = 1200 bytes
MOVING (c'tor) instance 0x7ffeefbff6d8 to instance 0x7ffeefbff6e8
DELETING instance of MyMovableClass at 0x7ffeefbff6d8
DELETING instance of MyMovableClass at 0x7ffeefbff6e8
DELETING instance of MyMovableClass at 0x7ffeefbff718

By looking at the stack addresses of the objects, we can see that the temporary object at 0x7ffeefbff708 is moved to 0x7ffeefbff718 using the move assignment operator we wrote earlier, because the instance obj1 is assigned an rvalue. As expected from an rvalue, its destructor is called immediately afterwards. But as we have made sure to null its data pointer in the move constructor, the actual data will not be deleted. The advantage from a performance perspective in this case is that no deep-copy of the rvalue object needs to be made, we are simply redirecting the internal resource handle thus making an efficient shallow copy.

Next, another temporary instance with a size of 1200 bytes is created as a temporary object and "assigned" to obj3. Note that while the call looks like an assignment, the move constructor is called under the hood, making the call identical to MyMovableClass obj2(MyMovableClass(300));. By creating obj3 in such a way, we are reusing the temporary rvalue and transferring ownership of its resources to the newly created obj3.

Moving lvalues

There is one final aspect we need to look at: In some cases, it can make sense to treat lvalues like rvalues. At some point in your code, you might want to transfer ownership of a resource to another part of your program as it is not needed anymore in the current scope. But instead of copying it, you want to just move it as we have seen before. The "problem" with our implementation of MyMovableClass is that the call useObject(obj1) will trigger the copy constructor as we have seen in one of the last examples. But in order to move it, we would have to pretend to the compiler that obj1 was an rvalue instead of an lvalue so that we can make an efficient move operation instead of an expensive copy.

There is a solution to this problem in C++, which is std::move. This function accepts an lvalue argument and returns it as an rvalue without triggering copy construction. So by passing an object to std::move we can force the compiler to use move semantics, either in the form of move constructor or the move assignment operator:

int main()
    MyMovableClass obj1(100); // constructor


    return 0;

Nothing much has changed, apart from obj1 being passed to the std::move function. The output would look like the following:

CREATING instance of MyMovableClass at 0x7ffeefbff718 allocated with size = 400 bytes
MOVING (c'tor) instance 0x7ffeefbff718 to instance 0x7ffeefbff708
using object 0x7ffeefbff708
DELETING instance of MyMovableClass at 0x7ffeefbff708
DELETING instance of MyMovableClass at 0x7ffeefbff718

By using std::move, we were able to pass the ownership of the resources within obj1 to the function useObject. The local copy obj1 in the argument list was created with the move constructor and thus accepted the ownership transfer from obj1 to obj . Note that after the call to useObject, the instance obj1 has been invalidated by setting its internal handle to null and thus may not be used anymore within the scope of main (even though you could theoretically try to access it, but this would be a really bad idea).

在Concurrency里用来防止data race

Move semantics and uniqueness

As with the above-mentioned copy constructor, passing by value is usually safe - provided that a deep copy is made of all the data structures within the object that is to be passed. With move semantics , we can additionally use the notion of uniqueness to prevent data races by default. In the following example, a unique_pointer instead of a raw pointer is used for the string member in the Vehicle class.

#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <future>
#include <memory>

class Vehicle
    //default constructor
    Vehicle() : _id(0), _name(new std::string("Default Name"))
        std::cout << "Vehicle #" << _id << " Default constructor called" << std::endl;

    //initializing constructor
    Vehicle(int id, std::string name) : _id(id), _name(new std::string(name))
        std::cout << "Vehicle #" << _id << " Initializing constructor called" << std::endl;

    // move constructor with unique pointer
    Vehicle(Vehicle && src) : _name(std::move(src._name))
        // move id to this and reset id in source
        _id = src.getID();

        std::cout << "Vehicle #" << _id << " move constructor called" << std::endl;

    // setter and getter
    void setID(int id) { _id = id; }
    int getID() { return _id; }
    void setName(std::string name) { *_name = name; }
    std::string getName() { return *_name; }

    int _id;
    std::unique_ptr<std::string> _name;

int main()
    // create instances of class Vehicle
    Vehicle v0;    // default constructor
    Vehicle v1(1, "Vehicle 1"); // initializing constructor

    // launch a thread that modifies the Vehicle name
    std::future<void> ftr = std::async([](Vehicle v) {
        v.setName("Vehicle 2");

    std::cout << v0.getName() << std::endl; // this will now cause an exception

    return 0;

As can be seen, the std::string has now been changed to a unique pointer, which means that only a single reference to the memory location it points to is allowed. Accordingly, the move constructor transfers the unique pointer to the worker by using std::move and thus invalidates the pointer in the main thread. When calling v0.getName(), an exception is thrown, making it clear to the programmer that accessing the data at this point is not permissible - which is the whole point of using a unique pointer here as a data race will now be effectively prevented.

The point of this example has been to illustrate that move semantics on its own is not enough to avoid data races. The key to thread safety is to use move semantics in conjunction with uniqueness. It is the responsibility of the programmer to ensure that pointers to objects that are moved between threads are unique.

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