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1. Have visionfor your life.

Have a vision for who you want tobecome.

What are the qualities of the kind of person you    want to be like?

What are your dreams?

What are your goals?

What are your desires?

Where do you want to go in life?

What will you find meaningful at the endof your life when you look back and you say,Wow, I’ve lived my life.

These were the things I found meaningful. These were the things I was happy

about. This was what I had pride in, having become this type of person.

That’svision. Sitting down and thinkingabout what you want from life, what you want to contribute to life, what youwant to experience in life.

A lot of people would say, “I just don’thave vision for myself.” Well, vision doesn’t land on you; it’s not like youwalk out of your house one day and the piano of purpose falls on your head andsuddenly everything is clear. Some people have that epiphany. Some people havethat awakening, but for most of us, it requires diligence and work.

Sit down with a piece of paper and a penand ask yourself these questions:

What’s my vision for life?

What do I want my life to be like?

What kind of work do I want to contribute to the


What kind of relationships do I want to build?

That requires thought, brainstorming,and if you don’t know the answers, that’s OK. Experience the world some more.Go sample different parts of the world, your community or ask other people howthey discovered what they wanted in life. Start this journey; become a seekerof what your vision will be.

It’s all about the type of person youwant to become, and living each and every single day to become that person.

At some point in my life, I thought,I

want to become more present, because I wasn’t. I wasn’t able to get thatawareness around me of other people, that awareness of my thoughts, feelingsand emotions, to experience the full immensity and magic of the moment. I said,I

have the vision to become a present person.I had to discipline myself to tune in and say,What

am I paying attention to right now? What am I feeling? What am I sensing? Am I

in this moment? Am I here with this person or am I checked out and away?Itwas a discipline to live out my vision of that type of person.

2. Believe inyour ability to figure things out.

Some people just can’t believe inthemselves. That should be a mission, too—tobelieve in your total selfand your ability tofigure things out. It allows you to wade into any unknown territory, anyuncertainty, and say,I don’t know what the hell is going on here, but

I will figure it out.

That is a life belief we all must have:the ability to know that with enough time, energy, focus and resources, thatover a period of time, we can develop the knowledge, skill, competency,mastery of any areathat we must succeedin.

With enough time, dedication and effort,we can do it.

There will be a

better tomorrow. There will be something that I move and progress in my life

toward this, even if it’s a slog or a struggle.

When the worst of life’s storms hit you,say:You know what, this is terrible right now. This challenge is

awful, but I’ll figure my way out of it. It might not be easy; there will be

hardship, struggle and frustration. Other people will be jerks, but I’ll figure

my way out of it. I will learn through this. I will develop through this. I

will grow through this. I will move through this. There will be a better

tomorrow. There will be something that I move and progress in my life toward

this, even if it’s a slog or a struggle.Honor that struggle.

Be OK with that struggle, because youknow in your heart and mind, you will figure it out. You will figure it out andas you learn more from other people over a period of time,you’ll gain that confidence, and guess what?As you figure things out, you develop competency. You develop your knowledge,skills and abilities, your talent and mastery of life. And with competencycomes confidence. It will all come from believing in yourself and your abilityto figure it out, enough times that you got it.

3. Have fun, nomatter what, chasing your dreams.

When you have that vision, dream,desire, you’re going to have fun on this journey,even when it sucks, even when it’s difficult,even when you’re dealing with someone you don’t like. Whatever you got,whatever you’re dealing with, just say,I’m going to bring the fun. I’m

going to bring the joy into this situation proactively.I’m not

going to wait for something to happen for me to have fun.

Whatever way you enjoy life, whateverway that fun, joy, zest and enthusiasm sparks for you—make that happen.

I go into the tensest situations in mybusiness now sometimes, where major decisions are on my shoulders. But I decideI’m going to be the one tobring the joyto that situation. I’mgoing to bring light to that darkness, even though sometimes I feel overwhelmedby that darkness of doubt, delay or distraction in my life. I’m going to movethat aside and show up, because I have this rule, no matter what, that I willhave fun doing what I am doing, chasing my dreams.

And that’s allowed my life to have avery uncommon charge. It’s not luck; it’s discipline, of having fun andbringing that into every single situation.

4. Be patientbut persistent.

Be cool. Life might not be progressingas fast as you want it to be. Give yourself the patience and allowance to do agood job.It might take longer than you thinkit’sgoing to take. A lot of people beat themselves up because they’re in such ahurry.

I think some of the worst components andworst behaviors and vices of humankind come from being in way too big of ahurry and wanting that immediate payoff, being entitled to have it right nowwithoutallowing that long journey of struggle.

I’m cool with the struggle. I honor thestruggle. I know it’s going to be there. I’m patient. If I am disciplined andfocused on doing the things that are good for me, for others, for my business,for my life, for you, I know over a period of time with enough patience, thesuccess will come.

Do you know how long I did these videosbefore I ever made it a career? Do you know how many stages I spoke on and justsucked?I was allowing myself to learn.

To be a learner, you have to have patiencewith yourself, but the critical element is that you have to be persistent.You’re allowing time to take place as you’re putting these things in, you’reallowing the universe to align with your desires, dreams and focus. You arealso not stopping. You are persistent in your actions.

It’s that peaceful warrior that you areworking toward. You are fighting. You are struggling to move toward it, but atthe exact same time, you’re cool.

You’re accepting that everything is asit needs to be right now, but you are continually taking action.

That persistence of action and behavioris what gets you ahead. It has to be a rule of life if we’re going to have whatwe want, because we can’t just start something and stop it all the time; that’sjust distraction.

We have to be persistenttoward ourdreams and patient with ourselves.

5. Love andrespect others playing the same game.

We’re all in this game of life. We’reall doing the best that we can.Loving and respecting other peopleiscritical not only to our happiness and connection with the people we care for,it is critical to our destiny. It is critical to our legacy. It is critical toour legend. It is critical to our simple, everyday experience of the good partsof life.

To love other people is a rule for me. Itake all this divine energy of love around me and I try to amplify and give itto people. That’s how I see myself, as a big vessel of good amplification andgood vibesfor human beings.

I think it’s critical that we respectother people. We tolerate that they have their own life. It’s about allowingpeople to have their own voice, allowing people to have their own experience,allowing them to follow their intuition. Let them follow their own rules and beOK with it. Let them follow their own life and be OK with it. Accepting,understanding,empathetic, sympathetic, compassionate, kindto other people—that’s the zest of life.

It’s that great grand connection thatultimately makes us feel, as human beings, fulfilled: because we are loved.

So love others on your journey. Make ita practice. Make it a discipline. Make it an area of mastery, where otherpeople around you always feel like you’re so attentive to them that they feeladored and appreciated. They feel your affection and it’s real, authentic andgenuine, and they’re like,Wow, this person is something.

Have that intention for other people.Care about them so much that they love to be around you, that you attract themand that you feel fulfilled in giving that very thing that birthed you:love.

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