Swift编程思想(二) —— 函数式编程简介(二)


版本号 时间
V1.0 2019.02.23 星期六


1. Swift编程思想(一) —— 函数式编程简介(一)


1. Swift


 ## Imperative Style
 Command your data!
var thing = 3
//some stuff
thing = 4

 ## Side effects
 Holy mysterious change! - Why is my thing now 5?
func superHero() {
  print("I'm batman")
  thing = 5

print("original state = \(thing)")
print("mutated state = \(thing)")

 ## Create a Model
enum RideCategory: String {
  case family
  case kids
  case thrill
  case scary
  case relaxing
  case water

typealias Minutes = Double
struct Ride {
  let name: String
  let categories: Set<RideCategory>
  let waitTime: Minutes

 ## Create some data using that model
let parkRides = [
  Ride(name: "Raging Rapids",
       categories: [.family, .thrill, .water],
       waitTime: 45.0),
  Ride(name: "Crazy Funhouse", categories: [.family], waitTime: 10.0),
  Ride(name: "Spinning Tea Cups", categories: [.kids], waitTime: 15.0),
  Ride(name: "Spooky Hollow", categories: [.scary], waitTime: 30.0),
  Ride(name: "Thunder Coaster",
       categories: [.family, .thrill],
       waitTime: 60.0),
  Ride(name: "Grand Carousel", categories: [.family, .kids], waitTime: 15.0),
  Ride(name: "Bumper Boats", categories: [.family, .water], waitTime: 25.0),
  Ride(name: "Mountain Railroad",
       categories: [.family, .relaxing],
       waitTime: 0.0)

 ### Attempt to change immutable data.

//parkRides[0] = Ride(name: "Functional Programming", categories: [.thrill], waitTime: 5.0)

 ## Modularity
 Create a function that does one thing.
 1. Returns the names of the rides in alphabetical order.

func sortedNamesImp(of rides: [Ride]) -> [String] {
  // 1
  var sortedRides = rides
  var key: Ride
  // 2
  for i in (0..<sortedRides.count) {
    key = sortedRides[i]
    // 3
    for j in stride(from: i, to: -1, by: -1) {
      if key.name.localizedCompare(sortedRides[j].name) == .orderedAscending {
        sortedRides.remove(at: j + 1)
        sortedRides.insert(key, at: j)
  // 4
  var sortedNames: [String] = []
  for ride in sortedRides {
  return sortedNames

let sortedNames1 = sortedNamesImp(of: parkRides)

//: Test your new function
func testSortedNames(_ names: [String]) {
  let expected = ["Bumper Boats",
                  "Crazy Funhouse",
                  "Grand Carousel",
                  "Mountain Railroad",
                  "Raging Rapids",
                  "Spinning Tea Cups",
                  "Spooky Hollow",
                  "Thunder Coaster"]
  assert(names == expected)
  print("✅ test sorted names = PASS\n-")


var originalNames: [String] = []
for ride in parkRides {

//: Test that original data is untouched

func testOriginalNameOrder(_ names: [String]) {
  let expected = ["Raging Rapids",
                  "Crazy Funhouse",
                  "Spinning Tea Cups",
                  "Spooky Hollow",
                  "Thunder Coaster",
                  "Grand Carousel",
                  "Bumper Boats",
                  "Mountain Railroad"]
  assert(names == expected)
  print("✅ test original name order = PASS\n-")


 ## First class and higher order functions.
 Most languages that support FP will have the functions `filter`, `map` & `reduce`.
 ### Filter
 Filter takes the input `Collection` and filters it according to the function you provide.
 Here's a simple example.

let apples = ["🍎", "🍏", "🍎", "🍏", "🍏"]
let greenapples = apples.filter { $0 == "🍏"}

//: Next, try filtering your ride data
func waitTimeIsShort(_ ride: Ride) -> Bool {
  return ride.waitTime < 15.0

let shortWaitTimeRides = parkRides.filter(waitTimeIsShort)
print("rides with a short wait time:\n\(shortWaitTimeRides)")

let shortWaitTimeRides2 = parkRides.filter { $0.waitTime < 15.0 }

 ### Minor detour: CustomStringConvertible
 You want to make your console output look nice.
extension RideCategory: CustomStringConvertible {
  var description: String {
    return rawValue

extension Ride: CustomStringConvertible {
  var description: String {
    return "Ride –\"\(name)\", wait: \(waitTime) mins, categories: \(categories)\n"

 ### Map
 Map converts each `Element` in the input `Collection` into a new thing based on the function that you provide.
 First create oranges from apples.
let oranges = apples.map { _ in "🍊" }

//: Now extract the names of your rides
let rideNames = parkRides.map { $0.name }

print(rideNames.sorted(by: <))

func sortedNamesFP(_ rides: [Ride]) -> [String] {
  let rideNames = parkRides.map { $0.name }
  return rideNames.sorted(by: <)

let sortedNames2 = sortedNamesFP(parkRides)

 ### Reduce
 Reduce iterates across the input `Collection` to reduce it to a single value.
 You can squish your oranges into one juicy string.
let juice = oranges.reduce(""){juice, orange in juice + "🍹"}
print("fresh 🍊 juice is served – \(juice)")

//: Here you **reduce** the collection to a single value of type `Minutes` (a.k.a `Double`)
let totalWaitTime = parkRides.reduce(0.0) { (total, ride) in
  total + ride.waitTime
print("total wait time for all rides = \(totalWaitTime) minutes")

 ## Partial Functions
 A function can return a function.
 `filter(for:)` returns a function of type `([Ride]) -> ([Ride])`
 it takes and returns an array of `Ride` objects
func filter(for category: RideCategory) -> ([Ride]) -> [Ride] {
  return { (rides: [Ride]) in
    rides.filter { $0.categories.contains(category) }

//: you can use it to filter the list for all rides that are suitable for kids.
let kidRideFilter = filter(for: .kids)
print("some good rides for kids are:\n\(kidRideFilter(parkRides))")

 ## Pure Functions
 - Always give same output for same input
 - Have no side effects
func ridesWithWaitTimeUnder(_ waitTime: Minutes,
                            from rides: [Ride]) -> [Ride] {
  return rides.filter { $0.waitTime < waitTime }

let shortWaitRides = ridesWithWaitTimeUnder(15, from: parkRides)

func testShortWaitRides(_ testFilter:(Minutes, [Ride]) -> [Ride]) {
  let limit = Minutes(15)
  let result = testFilter(limit, parkRides)
  print("rides with wait less than 15 minutes:\n\(result)")
  let names = result.map{ $0.name }.sorted(by: <)
  let expected = ["Crazy Funhouse",
                  "Mountain Railroad"]
  assert(names == expected)
  print("✅ test rides with wait time under 15 = PASS\n-")


//: when you replace the function with its body, you expect the same result
testShortWaitRides({ waitTime, rides in
  rides.filter{ $0.waitTime < waitTime }

 ## Recursion
 Recursion is when a function calls itself as part of its function body.
 Make `Ride` conform to `Comparable` so you can compare two `Ride` objects:
extension Ride: Comparable {
  static func <(lhs: Ride, rhs: Ride) -> Bool {
    return lhs.waitTime < rhs.waitTime
  static func ==(lhs: Ride, rhs: Ride) -> Bool {
    return lhs.name == rhs.name

 Next add a `quickSorted` algorithim to `Array`
extension Array where Element: Comparable {
  func quickSorted() -> [Element] {
    if self.count > 1 {
      let (pivot, remaining) = (self[0], dropFirst())
      let lhs = remaining.filter { $0 <= pivot }
      let rhs = remaining.filter { $0 > pivot }
      return lhs.quickSorted() + [pivot] + rhs.quickSorted()
    return self

//: test your algorithm
let quickSortedRides = parkRides.quickSorted()

 check that your solution matches the expected value from the standard library function
func testSortedByWaitRides(_ rides: [Ride]) {
  let expected = rides.sorted(by:  { $0.waitTime < $1.waitTime })
  assert(rides == expected, "unexpected order")
  print("✅ test sorted by wait time = PASS\n-")


 ## Imperative vs Declarative style
 ### Imperitive style. Fill a container with the right things.
var ridesOfInterest: [Ride] = []
for ride in parkRides where ride.waitTime < 20 {
  for category in ride.categories where category == .family {

let sortedRidesOfInterest1 = ridesOfInterest.quickSorted()

func testSortedRidesOfInterest(_ rides: [Ride]) {
  let names = rides.map({ $0.name }).sorted(by: <)
  let expected = ["Crazy Funhouse",
                  "Grand Carousel",
                  "Mountain Railroad"]
  assert(names == expected)
  print("✅ test rides of interest = PASS\n-")


 ### Functional Approach
 Declare what you're doing. Filter, Sort, Profit :]
let sortedRidesOfInterest2 = parkRides
  .filter { $0.categories.contains(.family) && $0.waitTime < 20 }
  .sorted(by: <)



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