[翻译] 电影评论: 流浪地球



Just when we thought we’d figured out how to address global warming, it turns out that the sun has gone rogue and in less than a century it’s going to destroy Earth and eventually expand to the size of our solar system. We can’t build enough space stations to save mankind and we can’t colonize another planet since that’s going to be destroyed all too soon. Instead, what if we built thousands of massive rocket thrusters at key spots on the planet and shot the entire planet out of the solar system and onward to the Sol-like sun a 2,500 year journey away?


That’s the fantastic and fascinating premise of the new Chinese sci-fi blockbuster The Wandering Earth and it’s an idea so crazy that might just work. Thousands of thrusters and massive underground cities to ensure billions of people around the world can survive and breed, generation after generation, until the planet can be neatly repositioned in the new system. Meanwhile, everything is utter chaos and when the rotation of the Earth is stopped so that the thrusters can push our planet in the right direction, it’s a smart thing to be 500m underground in one of the cities.


Great sci-fi stories are about people, not just technology, however, and The Wandering Earth centers on three generations of a Chinese family: grandfather Gan Zi’ang(Ng Man-tat), father Liu Peiqiang (Wu Jing), and son Liu Qi (Qu Chuxiao). The film opens as the United Earth Government announces its plans to save Earth and mankind: To shoot out of the solar system. Leading the journey will be a massive space station that will ensure safe travels. It’s Liu Peiqiang who’s volunteered to be part of the space station staff, a job that will keep him in space for almost twenty years. Meanwhile, his 7yo(原文错了) son Liu Qi doesn’t really understand what’s going on. Zoom forward 17 years and things have gotten rough, but the Earth is indeed on its journey out of our system; it’s poised to slingshot past Jupiter and use that gravitational pull to speed up the journey.

伟大的科幻故事是关于人的,不仅仅是科技,但是 《流浪地球》以三代中国家庭为中心:祖父韩子昂,父亲刘培强和儿子刘启。影片开场,联合地球政府宣布拯救地球和人类的计划: 飞出太阳系。指引这次旅程的是一个巨大的空间站,它将确保旅行的安全。刘培强自愿成为空间站工作人员,他要待在太空工作20年。与此同时, 他的儿子刘启不能真正的理解发生了什么。往前看17年,事情变得艰难,地球确实正在走出我们的系统;它准备利用引力弹弓飞过木星,利用引力加速行程。

By this point Liu Qi has become a brilliant but highly cynical tech who dabbles in creating strange technologies and yearns for the father he’s never known. His mother, in the way of all drama, passed away many years earlier, so he’s been raised by his grandfather. Along the way an orphan girl Han Duo (Zhao Jinmai) has been adopted by the family, Qi’s adopted sister. She’s a teenager and her ceaseless gum chewing and occasional whining are one of the few humanizing elements of this male-heavy cast.


So they’re flying past Jupiter and it’s all looking good for the gravity slingshot. Until it isn’t and everyone realizes with some alarm that the Earth has been almost 10-degrees off course and is being pulled into Jupiter’s massive gravity not flung past it. Worse, it’s knocked almost all of the planetary thrusters offline! That’s the main plot element around which everything else revolves and it’s up to Liu Qi, Han Dao, tough military captain Wang Lei (Li Guangjie), scientist Li Yiyi (Zhang Yichi) and half-Australian, half-Chinese sidekick Tim (Mike Sui) to get the big Sulawesi equatorial thruster online before it’s too late.

这是主要的情节,围绕着刘启、韩朵朵、 坚强的上尉王磊、科学家李一一 和 有一半澳大利亚血统,一半中国血统的搭档Tim, 在一切还来得及之前让苏拉威西(Sulawesi)赤道的推进器上线。

There’s a lot to like about this fast-moving adventure sci-fi epic, from the sheer audacity of the core storyline to the gorgeous sets and external shots, to the gritty realism of the underground cities. Like all good science fiction, it asks the viewer to ponder some fundamental questions about who should be saved, what cost we’re willing to pay to survive, and what plans we might create if we’re really heading to heck in a handbasket, however big or small. The visual effects are stunning and rival the best of Hollywood’s sci-fi epics. That’s no surprise when visual effects teams like Base FX, Pixomondo, Bottleship FX, Weta and Macrograph were involved. There’s also a 3D IMAX version that I managed to catch (it was only in US theaters for two days before being bumped off the screens by the Lego movie) and it was lush and entirely immersive on the huge screen. The deep frozen and half-destroyed skylines of the Chinese cities were terrific.

就像所有好的科幻小说一样, 它让观众思考一些基本问题:谁应该被拯救的,我们愿意为生存付出什么代价,以及如果我们真的陷入困境,我们可能制定的计划,不管困境是大是小。视觉效果令人惊叹,可与好莱坞最好的科幻史诗媲美。毫不奇怪,像Base FX, Pixomondo, Bottleship FX, Weta和Macrograph这样的视觉特效团队也参与其中。
还有一个3D IMAX版本,我设法赶上了(它只在美国影院上映了两天,就被乐高电影赶下了大银幕) ,它郁郁葱葱,完全沉浸在大屏幕上。 中国城市的天际线被冻得严严实实,几乎被摧毁了一半。

But The Wandering Earth isn’t great science fiction. Modern film audiences are sophisticated enough to find a story that ignores the most basic of physics jarring. A nerdy scientist who could explain how the Earth still had an atmosphere once it stopped spinning, how no-one noticed for 17 years that the Earth’s trajectory was off by almost 10 degrees, or how we could build cities big enough to house over three billion humans that are 500m underground would have solved the narrative problem. Also, the temperature on the Earth’s surface should be absolute zero if we’re racing through deep space too; how is it vehicles can still function on that surface? And the final solution (no spoilers here!) really doesn’t hold water and would not have a happy ending.

但是《流浪地球》并不是一部伟大的科幻小说。现代的电影观众足够成熟, 可以忽略基本的物理学原理不和谐的故事。
一个书呆子科学家,他可以解释为什么地球停止自转后仍然有大气层,17年来没有人注意到地球的轨道偏离了近10度,或者,我们如何建造足够大的城市,容纳超过30亿人口,而这些人口有5米的地下,这就解决了叙述的问题。同时,如果我们也在深空中穿行地球表面的温度应该是绝对零度;车辆是如何在地面上运行的? 而最终的解决方案(这里没有剧透)是站不住脚的,也不会有一个幸福的结局。

The acting is all over the place too. At times teen Han Duo (known in the film as Duoduo) acts like a whiny toddler, just to turn around a few minutes later to inspire everyone with a stirring speech. I was also intrigued by the tension between Liu Qi and his long-absent father Liu Peiqiang, but the film offered little insight into either of their feelings about this tragic separation. As with so many other sci-fi films, we’re left asking the question of whether a grand story and beautiful visual effects are sufficient to create a great movie. And as with too many, the answer is “not really”.

演技也到处都是。有时,十几岁的韩朵朵就像一个爱发牢骚的蹒跚学步的孩子,几分钟后就会转过身来,用一段激动人心的演讲激励每个人。 我也被刘启和他久别的父亲刘培强之间的紧张关系所吸引,但是这部电影并没有让我们深入了解他们对这次悲剧性分离的感受。和许多其他科幻电影一样,我们不禁要问,一个宏大的故事和美丽的视觉效果是否足以创造一部伟大的电影。和很多人一样,答案是“不完全是”。

And then there’s the political side of the film, which is fascinating. There are no Americans in the story. None. The only American flag we see is draped over a coffin, in fact. The United Earth Government has Russians, French, English and other nations represented, but no Americans. Except for MOSS, that is. And who’s MOSS? The sentient computer system that runs the space station. Think HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey and you’ll be on the right track.

除了MOSS。MOSS是谁? 运行空间站的有感知的计算机系统。

All of this leads to the observation that the experience for me as an American watching The Wandering Earth was undoubtedly similar to that of a Chinese film aficionado watching an American sci-fi blockbuster and wondering why China never shows up, Chinese actors are never on screen, and somehow Chinese ingenuity and perseverance never seems to help save the day. Quid pro quo, I suppose.

所有这些都导致了这样的观察:作为一个美国人, 看《流浪地球》的经历无疑与中国电影爱好者看美国科幻大片的经历相似, 不知道为什么中国永远不会出现, 中国演员都是从来没有出现在银幕上, 在某种程度上中国的创造力和毅力似乎永远不会帮助拯救的一天。我我想这是交换条件。

The film is also in Mandarin Chinese with English subtitles and those subtitles move fast! There’s a lot of dialog and you really have to pay attention to catch all the nuances, which is too bad because you’re really going to want to be enjoying the gorgeous visuals and effects, whether in space, on the space station or back on a very, very chill Earth. Perhaps there’ll be a dubbed version at some point in the future, but until then, be prepared (or learn Chinese quick).


Finally, with all of that said, I still enjoyed The Wandering Earth. It’s a massive, exciting concept and a solid tension-building story that will keep on the edge of your seat as Jupiter exerts more and more gravitational pull on our little planet. Could we realistically push Earth into a new universe? Does that really matter when you’re in the theater seeking some entertainment? I say go see it and enjoy a wholly different science fiction epic that marks a milestone in Chinese cinema.

最后,尽管如此,我还是很喜欢 《流浪地球》。
这是一个巨大的,令人兴奋的概念和坚实的紧张气氛的故事,当木星在我们的小星球上施加越来越多的引力时,它将保持在你的座位边缘。我们真的能把地球推向一个新的宇宙吗? 当你在电影院寻求娱乐时,这真的很重要吗?

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